Myspace Layouts by"" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px" alt="MySpace Layouts" table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; ..Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by"" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px" alt="MySpace Layouts" table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; ..Myspace Layouts by
Midwifery, healing animals and humans with alernative medicines and methods. American Indian history and rights, supporting All cultures and races. Love,Blend and Support each other reguardless of the color of our eyes. I love Books, Music of ALL types, AND staying as sane as my brain allows me to be.
Midwives and Anyone else who stands up for the rights of themselves and others. Others who don't want there to be pain, suffering, hopelessness. Others that fight for human and animal rights. People who want to change mankind, womankind and the earth for the positive; Starting the change with in themselves and then share it with others. Thinkers & Doers,that help change the way we eat, treat our earth, birth our children, raise our children, and how we behave on this earth. Keeping families together, so we start our own villages, that can spread into larger communties that teach respect, solving conflict with out anger and war. Go back to caring for our fellow humans, raising our foods, working for what we need not always for what we WANT. Teachers. People with lupus and other diseases that started with an earth full of chemicals, our poor bodies have gone haywire from too much toxicity. Going back to the earth for our foods and shelter will encourage use to replentish our dear earth, as the earth supports our living. Perhaps we can start loving our fellow man,rather than killing them one way or another.
This page isn't long enough, everything that encompases from 1930' jazz and blues to the beattles, old classic rock, rasta, tribal music and drumming and much more. Open your mind to all music. We've made music since we began.
I READ EVERYTHING,I am a speed reader and nearly a photogenic brain.I'm usually reading 3 to 4 books at a time @ all times. I think I have read just about every midwifery books & texts about healing Some first editions w/ signnatures. I love mysteries, religons, spirituality, building things, I love learning about everything !
Survivors of LUPUS ! People who thought before their time and still went with their beliefs, even if everyone else thought they were crazy or odd. Sister Midwives who were and are being burned (both physically and politically) at the stake for their ability to nurture, heal,listen and birth babies. Most of the great believers, artists, inventors and thinkers who didnt spread hate and brought a great ideas to the world. And MY SONS who have a midwife mom.