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midwife 4 life

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Sherri Holley and I am a CPM ( Certifed Professional Midwife)and I am also a traveling midwife offering home birth to families all over the world. I formerly I owned the Last Frontier Midwifery Birth Center in Farmington, New Mexico,practiced here since the end of 1999 and I practiced Midwifery in Alaska for 21 years).I have owned full care womens clinics/birth centers before through out my 29 yrs of practice. I do pregnancy care, water births,home births, postpartum care with lactation consultation, yearly exams for women offering the thin prep pap testing, Mammacare breast exams, working on hormonal imbalances and menospausal care, often using my intitive healing methods-allowing me to use most of the alternative methods of healing. I am a Homeopathic, Herbal,Certified Professional Midwife. I've "caught" over 1,800 babies.from 4lbs to 14 lbs. twins, breeches and I have being attending VBAC'since 1980. I have been "doing" water births since 1982.I am Blackfoot and Apache(Father) and Hungarian (Mother) and am heavily influenced by my native culture and how it works with my approach to midwifery and health and my life and how I look at the world and deal with people. I try to look into the heart of people, rather than look at how their outside looks. Born right out of Detroit Michigan, moved to Alaska at 3 months of age. I grew up in Alaska. Last Frontier- nothing like it, I practiced midwifery in Alaska for 21 yrs. I and 2 other midwives started the Midwives Association of Alaska in 1982. We were one of the only states at that time had self regulations of midiwfery. However in 1984-1985 Alaska made it illegal for Midwifery so I filed a Class Action suit against the State of Alaska for restraint of trade. I WON for rights of other Midwives to practice in Alaska and for all the Families that wanted midwifery care. At that time I was the only midwife practicing full time in Alaska. Another midwife and I co-wrote the rules/regulations/bi-laws/ethics in 1985. However they were revised again in 1990 and possibly since then. I ran 3 different birth centers, having had the very first birth center that had opened in Anchorage, Alaska and openly offered water births. I continued to practice in Alaska until the end of 1999.I then moved to Farmington, New Mexico, and opened the first birth center there.(there had been very limited midwifery care there before).Started in a 1000sq. foot clinic for women and later moved to a 6,000 sq foot birth center.Use to be a wild, wild, wild child, still am in my own way. Have traveled many, many places, some on this earth and some not. Practicing Radical midwife since 1979,in Alaska and now New Mexico. Radical because I make my own choices and I encourage you to make yours.Mother to Shawn and Chase both born @ home in 1979 and 1990. They've been non vaccinated and homeschooled and bi-polar and raised vegan. A very couragous act when these things were very unpopular now and then. I have had Lupus for over 36 yrs!I try to enjoy life as much as possible,have fun, and not hurt the earth, people or animals.My totems/fetishes were given to me many years ago are the Wolf,the Polar Bear and the Raven. Hope you enjoy my sapce, what my thought are ( right or wrong their mine) and please visit my pic's. There are not of me, but of different thoughts, humoris and not. Please enjoy!

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My Interests

Midwifery, healing animals and humans with alernative medicines and methods. American Indian history and rights, supporting All cultures and races. Love,Blend and Support each other reguardless of the color of our eyes. I love Books, Music of ALL types, AND staying as sane as my brain allows me to be.

I'd like to meet:

Midwives and Anyone else who stands up for the rights of themselves and others. Others who don't want there to be pain, suffering, hopelessness. Others that fight for human and animal rights. People who want to change mankind, womankind and the earth for the positive; Starting the change with in themselves and then share it with others. Thinkers & Doers,that help change the way we eat, treat our earth, birth our children, raise our children, and how we behave on this earth. Keeping families together, so we start our own villages, that can spread into larger communties that teach respect, solving conflict with out anger and war. Go back to caring for our fellow humans, raising our foods, working for what we need not always for what we WANT. Teachers. People with lupus and other diseases that started with an earth full of chemicals, our poor bodies have gone haywire from too much toxicity. Going back to the earth for our foods and shelter will encourage use to replentish our dear earth, as the earth supports our living. Perhaps we can start loving our fellow man,rather than killing them one way or another.


This page isn't long enough, everything that encompases from 1930' jazz and blues to the beattles, old classic rock, rasta, tribal music and drumming and much more. Open your mind to all music. We've made music since we began.


I READ EVERYTHING,I am a speed reader and nearly a photogenic brain.I'm usually reading 3 to 4 books at a time @ all times. I think I have read just about every midwifery books & texts about healing Some first editions w/ signnatures. I love mysteries, religons, spirituality, building things, I love learning about everything !


Survivors of LUPUS ! People who thought before their time and still went with their beliefs, even if everyone else thought they were crazy or odd. Sister Midwives who were and are being burned (both physically and politically) at the stake for their ability to nurture, heal,listen and birth babies. Most of the great believers, artists, inventors and thinkers who didnt spread hate and brought a great ideas to the world. And MY SONS who have a midwife mom.

My Blog


Ok, this is the second time I've written this story as I just accidently erased this story. I worked with an ND at his large naturopathic clinc. I had apprenticed with him for about 6 months befo...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 12:52:00 PST

The 2nd birth

Thanks for reading the birth I just posted. But here's another. The doula that I spoke about in the last birth, got together the next day just to hang out at a park together. She got a call from her n...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 06:17:00 PST

Traveling births

Ok, I am now a traveling midwife, and I love it. I'll probably do this for at least several yrs. This way I can offer midwifery home births for people who don't have supportive midwives in their area ...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 05:54:00 PST

What’s up with me

Well, its been a bit since I've posted, but I had to get semi settled in Dallas, Oregon. It's a little tiny town, and I'm not sure I'll stay here cause I'm not too comfortable here. My 18yr son is st...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 05:05:00 PST

Traveling Midwifery

Well, I'm moving to Oregon in 3 wks for good. I already took most of my ckinic and home things up there already, but still have another small load to take up there. Glad I am getting away from New Mex...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:17:00 PST

my first breech- 26 years ago

I think this baby boy is now 26 yrs old. Primip early 30's. Both her and fob professionals. Came to our clinic for prenatal care. Everything went as normal as can be. Lovely couple. She calls me, I'm ...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:44:00 PST


Well, on the 14th of Feb my son and I will be driving to Oregon. Then I'll drop him off and store my 26 ft van worth of birth center stuff and most of my house stuff. The flying back and staying here ...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:14:00 PST

Yes, it can be done

Ok, I promised some older births that I have done. My first set  of twins came as quite the surprise. I had done quite a few other babies for them, so it didn't surprise me when they called again...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:19:00 PST

It’s a good thing

well, the decision to move to Oregon is final. I have family there and nearby.It's in a small town called Dallas and is near Salem.But I'm also going to do traveling midwifery also. I love to travel a...
Posted by midwife 4 life on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 12:01:00 PST

possibly a new state to relocate ???

I may be looking to relocate to another state. Any suggestions where a midwife would be needed ?
Posted by midwife 4 life on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:26:00 PST