So ya wanna know about me eh? I guess I am an IST girl. Feminist, evironmentalist, activist type. FIGHT for whatever you believe in kinda gurl. I will always stand on the front line for what I feel is right and I will stand on the front line for you if you are dear to me. I don't give a fuck what you think of me, cuz thats all you... I don't gossip, I don't steal and I am not a cheat, a liar or a snitch. I detest those character flaws in others.I love my goddaughters and my dogs like they were my very own children. My rottie shephard Timber passed away in November and he was the very best friend I ever could have asked for in life, loyal, loving totally a puppy til his last days. When he died he took a piece of my heart and soul with him. In April of this year I rescued and American Staffordshire Terrior we call BINX from the Burbank Animal Shelter. He is a love and such an amazing dog. He is the best thing on four legs and likely the most amazing dog walking. He kinda fills the void where there was only darkness when Timber left and he brings a lot of light into my life. My love of dogs has taught me this... to know ultimate love is to know ultimate pain because to lose them is like losing a child.My goddaughters are a joke... they are funny and saucy and the craziest little beings wheelin' around on 2 feet and they are what I miss most about home. I love to travel. I have seen almost all of North America over the last year, having lived in Vancouver, Toronto and now back in LA. I really can't wait to see the rest of this awsome planet we live on. I pray the low life, intellectually challenged ignoramouses who run it don't ruin it before I get there. What else about me.... I love music and writing and I can find inspiration in almost anything...Sure I will hug a tree, dance around the fire naked under the full moon - go skinny dipping, read tarot cards, find the herbs to heal your ailments...I will ride bareback into the battle and take on the army on my own. I fear nothing but my own mind and its ability to hold me back and I have learned many a thing on this journey called life.I like eating healthy and working out because being a slob is gross and sucks ass. I hate cigarettes and the people who smoke em because they cause cancer and smell bad and make you wrinkle up and dry out. I like learning but ditched the class room because the current model of education stinks and stiffles the beingness of the student by making her a plastic and lifeless carbon copy, unable and unwilling to think for herself or create and relentlessly manufactuers drones who want to sit in a 4x6 cubicle and work for the man waisting their lives away trying to accumilate as much shit as possible before they die because THAT is what will make them happy and we all know material objects and posessions are whats important. I like seeing the chiropractor and the naturopath and the herbal healer and the homeopath because Modern Western Medicine is designed to keep you ill and not ever allow you to get better because then they would not be in business and you would not NEED them. I like acting silly and playing board games because acting like an ADULT too often gets boring, its really for the birds....I have learned that we can all learn something from anywhere and knowledge and wisdom can be found everywhere from Ghandi to the Ghetto...."I LIKE YOUR CHRIST, I DO NOT LIKE YOUR CHRISTIANS. YOUR CHRISTIANS ARE SO UNLIKE YOUR CHRIST.†“THE WEAK CAN NEVER FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS IS THE ATTRIBUTE OF THE STRONG.†AN EYE FOR AN EYE ONLY ENDS UP MAKING THE WHOLE WORLD BLIND.â€- Mahatma GhandiNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead"SINCE WE ALL CAME FROM A WOMEN, GOT OUR NAME FROM A WOMEN, AND OUR GAME FROM A WOMEN, I WONDER WHY WE TAKE FROM OUR WOMEN, WHY WE RAPE OUR WOMEN, DO WE HATE OUR WOMEN? I THINK IT'S TIME TO KILL FOR OUR WOMEN, TIME TO HEAL OUR WOMEN, BE REAL TO OUR WOMEN" - Tupac Shakur Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Don't take life too serious. You'll never escape it alive anyway. Bless.Get this video and more at