1600's, 1700's, 1800's, absinthe, aleister crowley, antiques, art, aryan esotericism, atlanta, bondage/domination, babalon, bad girls, baphomet, bass guitar, baudelaire, beauty, bettie page, black, black hair, black sun, blood, body piercing, bones, boobs, books, boots, burlesque, casanova, cemetaries, champagne, cigars, classical music, clubbing, cocaine, coffins, cooking, corsets, costuming, crops, dante alighieri, death, decadence, demons, dress up, drugs, dueling, ecstacy, edgar allan poe, erotica, eroticism meshed with death, exotic girls, expresso, fascism, fencing, fetish, fire, fire eating, fishnet stockings, flintlocks, floggers, freemasonry, gambling, german, goetia, goth girls, gothic, graveyards, guns, götterdämmerung, hamlet, hate, hearses, history, industrial, john milton, kali, kulture, lap dances, latex, libertine, lilith, london, louise brooks, love, lucifer, magick, makeup, malâk tâwûs, music, my business, new orleans, nudes, nuns, occult, opera, opium, oscar wilde, painting, pale skin, paris, parties, photography, piercings, poetry, politics, porn, pornography, psychobilly, punk, punk girls, pvc, raver girls, reading nonfiction, republican, richard wagner, rockabilly, roller derby, romance, rubber, sadism/masochism, seduction, sex, shaved, sluts, spanking, storms, strippers, swords, tantra, tattoos, templars, thanatology, thelema, theognosis, tombs, topping, tragedy, travel, true crime, videos, vinyl, whores, wine, writing, yezidi....
"DWARFS, Hunchbacks, Tattooed Women, Harrison Fisher Girls, Freaks of All Sorts, only if exceptionally ugly or deformed, to pose for artist. Apply by letter with a photograph."...
Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, Lydia Lunch, Diamanda Galas, Misfits, Mozart, Cramps, Damned, Elvis, Nina Hagen, Jack off Jill, Karen Black, Rockbitch, Rev. Horton Heat, Siouxsie, Rasputina... ...
action / historical. ...
History, Discovery, Learning, Fox News, Food and Cartoon Network. ...
Historical, sociology, okkult, etc...
His High Mightiness; the President of the United States and Protector of Their Liberties George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Jacques DeMolay, Giovanni Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt, Flavius Claudius Julianus, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, Hermes Trismegistus, John the Baptist, Prince Raimondo di Sangro, Giordano Bruno, Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade, William Blake, Lord George Gordon Byron, Carl Jung, Johnny Cash...
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