Elvis profile picture


Elvis- Viva Los Georgia

About Me

GROUP SHOOT TIME 4th Time and it gets better each year Go To
monsterbash batcave
Southside Atlanta based photographer specializing in modeling and music venues. I strive to take the best shots of what I have.
If your looking at my profile because I sent you a message , for whatever reason, you caught my eye and I want to do some work with you. If you have never thought about modeling, then look at it this way. You will at least get a free set of shots to print up or place somewhere like a gallery here on myspace. The worst that could happen is you waste a few hours playing model and you will get great shots from it. You might, on the other hand, enjoy working with me and use the shots I take to promote yourself as a model and become rich and famous, all the while remembering Elvis helped you and you'll send him a check for some serious moola.
I am serious about photography, it's what I want to do for a living. I want to be known as a great photographer and have my work and style displayed throughout the world. Serious goal but I am up for it.
Go peek at my shots here on myspace and go to my personal portfolio and if you think you'd like to do some work with me, please contact me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am a booking agent for a center that specializes in fun. It's called the Spring Forth Center or SP4 for short. If you've gone to heXxt or if I met you at some rave, thats the place. If you want to stay current on whats going on there, check out the calendar or simply msg me for info.


Techno, Heavy Metal, Rap-Hardcore, Folk Metal, and Classical


Horror: S. King, Brian Lumley, Anne Rice (yeah, I like vampire stuff) Crime Fiction: Harry Crews, Carl Hiassion, ELmore Leonard, James Elroy True Crime: Mafia stuff, War Stuff


Harry Crews, F-Stop Fitzgerald, Paul Booth, Okeefenokee Joe

My Blog

Oh Yeah, I hardly ever post on this blog. Instead I

Post on lj. I've been with LJ for over 5 years (yes, it has been around that long) if you look at my member .. I am under 3000, which considering LJ has Millions of users, that makes me like old scho...
Posted by Elvis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


That's all.
Posted by Elvis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST