Photos By Dolph MySpace Page
***************In Las Vegas teaching Sara Hoots (Selma, TX - Hooters) how to balance a hockey stick on her butt while doing the billboard shot.
This page is more about "me" and not PhotosByDolph. You can always go to the other page to see more info, updates, upcoming events and photo gallery.
Photos By Dolph MySpace Page
You will never be allowed on this page if:
1. I don't know you and you just send a request without an introduction
2. If you are a band forcing your music down my throat with stupid flyers and announcements for your show on the other side of the country where only 10 people will show up anyway.
3. If your background wallpaper has unicorns, faeries, or butterflies, along with the combination of an awful whiney ass R&B video and YoU ArE AlWaYs TyPiNg LiKe ThiS . (it's ok can't help it. I still love ya)
4. If you are a muscle head, Las Vegas weekender, follow for now, product faux mohawk, poser that just wants to join because of all the "hot chicks" I know.
5. If you are one of those MySpacers that thrives on getting comments from other people to prove how cool you really are but at the same time you only leave comments like "holla back!"
6. If you often use phrases like: Git 'er Done, Crunked Up (except Tyson), Off the Hook, Whazzzzzzup, Gettin' Jiggy, et. al.
7. If your page contains more than one photo of you with an Asian Import Car Show model. (See no. 4 above)
8. You are the coolest, funniest, sexiest model (and everyone loves you) but lack the self respect to prevent from becoming a Meth/Coke addict.
9. If you are trully fooled by the modern concept of celebrity that you constantly watch shows like Big Brother, Real World, Survivor, So You Think You can Dance, and get really excited to meet one of these people at a party. (bonus negative points if you have a photo taken with them)
10. If you are some random dude in Atlanta that wants to befriend me and has photos of you showing the "A Town Down" sign... or any other stupid fingering sign in all your photographs... don't even bother.
11. If you are some random girl... (see above)
12. If you are a lame amateur photographer that still takes photos of models covered in fake blood or wrapped in caution tape and you think that you are really creating something new.
That is all for now, however, I feel that this list will grow as time goes on.