Green is the new black

About Me

GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS offers whimsical designs with a green message on fun, functional fashion and accessories. This home grown business was started by Jen G., a Mom and Photographer who believes that our precious resources will be gone forever if we don't aggresively protect them NOW.Let's make a better, greener world for all of our kids to grow up in. Help raise awareness, start a conversation, take a stand. Before it's too late. It's a small step, but it's a step in the right direction.

My Interests

MY DREAM CAR: Saturn Green Line Vue Hybrid. Wanna gimme $24,000? Aww, c'mon!


Get the EMBED CODE @:

adopt your own virtual pet! 1. Believe in global warming. It is real.
2. Drive a hybrid.
3. Swear off plastic bags. They are rampant in our oceans and wildlife feeds off them, thinking they are plankton. Bring your own bags to the supermarket and visit for more on how to Defend our Oceans.
4. Support renewable energy. Install solar panels on your house.
6. Write about environment issues.
7. Eat organic foods. Support farmers' markets.
8. Don't use anti-bacterial soap: the chemicals they contain wind up in the environment and studies suggest they are no more effective at combating germs than normal soap and hot water.
9. Participate in a beach clean up.
10. Conserve energy.
11. Conserve water.
12. Don't litter.
13. Use energy efficient light bulbs.
14. Turn off lights when you are not using them.
15. See "An Inconvenient Truth" Take a friend.
16. Take your own coffee cup to be filled up at your local coffee shop.
17. Print on both sides of paper.
18. Don't run the dishwasher until it is full.
19. Stay informed.

I'd like to meet:

All of the GREEN GLOBE designs can be found at Gingersnap Studios, click to visit!



Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog



Click Here to sign the Darfur Petition!

My Blog

SPRING CLEANING! recipes for non-toxic household cleansers

Ever been frustrated by the fact that those "green" cleansers cost an arm and a leg? Me too. So I did a little research and came across a fantastic webpage loaded with easy recipes for all sorts of ...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:37:00 PST


Composting is a simple, inexpensive method for turning leaves, grass, plant trimmings, and other waste into a rich fertilizer. As plants grow they remove nutrients from the soil. In nature this nutrie...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:31:00 PST

Sustainable gardening

I just came across a fantastic site if you are into organic gardening/cooking etc. There are cool videos on sustainable gardening, recipes and basic garden how to's. Remember, you don't need a backy...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 07:31:00 PST

IKEA takes first step toward ending plastic bag use in thier stores.

Sweden's IKEA will charge U.S. customers five cents for disposable plastic shopping bags in what the international furniture giant said on Wednesday was a first step to ending their use altogether.IKE...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 05:50:00 PST

I KNEW coffee was awesome!! or "what to do with the grounds from your french press"

If you are have been wondering what to do with your used coffee grounds, or if you haven't even considered it, here is a great idea: FERTILIZE YOUR GARDEN WITH THEM! Don't have a garden? How 'bout a...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 06:38:00 PST


BUT THEN AGAIN, I MIGHT.So last year I gave up using paper towels, and if you have read my "Walkin' the Walk" blog, you will remember that it was a struggle. Honestly, I would go through about 4 roll...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:17:00 PST

DRIVE SMART. How to save cash AND reduce emissions.

The keys to climate control are in your hands.You can boost the overall fuel-efficiency of your car as much as 30% by simple vehicle maintenance and attention to your style of driving.Here are some ti...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 07:00:00 PST

Okay, so "Fair Trade" stuff is cool, but do you know why?

Fair Trade means an equitable and fair partnership between consumers in North America and producers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The chief concern of the Fair Trade movement has ...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 08:12:00 PST

I ♥ Trader Joe's

Okay, so yes, I do sell re-usable canvas totes to use for groceries, and of course it'd be great if I sold a couple. However. I totally get not wanting to shell out 12 bucks or more for a grocery ba...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:41:00 PST

A list of actions to take from

Take Action!The Stop Global Warming calculator shows you how much carbon dioxide you can prevent from being released into the atmosphere and how much money you can save by making some small changes in...
Posted by GREEN GLOBE PRODUCTIONS on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:45:00 PST