Recycling profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Please check out my other friends that are also supported by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Don't forget to add them as your friend!
What's up? I'm recycling, and I'm only here on MySpace to talk trash. Seriously. It's probably one of my favorite things to do - right next to reading the gossip and scandal magazines. I love to collect things, mainly things that others would throw away. Usually, people say "one man's trash is another man's treasure." Well, it couldn't be closer to the truth for me.
My treasures that I love to collect include things like: plastic cans and bottles, phone books, magazines, catalogs, newspaper, aerosol cans, used batteries and motor oil. I have a huge collection of these things, but I use them to make new things. So, I guess you can consider me a bit of an artist too. I also enjoy using coffee cans, shoe boxes, margarine containers, and other types of containers people throw away for various arts and crafts projects.
So, I've kind of noticed that some of the people I've met don't know my knack for collection, and tend to toss me aside. Maybe its because they don't see the resourcefulness of what I do, or they don't see how my use of trash can make new items. But, I've got some promise.
I've recently tried to take my efforts to the road, and I've found a publicist to help me through get some recognition for my ideas and work. The Natural Resources Defense Counsel has so far done a really good job showing people how I take waste and trash to make things beautiful again. Call me what you want, just don't be suprised if I talk trash.

My Interests

the letter "R". thrift store shopping. used printer cartridges. tripods. cardboard. plastic. glass. paper. circles. aluminum. triangles. repetition. arrows. compost piles are sweet-so is the color green. Definately into conservation. mount trashmore. online newspapers and magazines. reusable lunch bags. trees are pretty cool too. repetition.

I'd like to meet:

batteries. used motor oil. pack rats. shel silverstein. antiques dealers. congress members. thrift store shoppers. yard sale customers. used cans and bottles. separators. environmentalists and people that just don't know yet. tin can sculptures. paper plates and shredded documents. al gore. people that don't burn trash. hand-me-down clothing users. collectors. sculptors. nrdc members. non-nrdc members.


"Circle of life" (Elton John)
"Paper Bag" (Fiona Apple)
"Walking on Broken Glass" (Annie Lennox)
"Fake Plastic Trees" (Radiohead)
Velvet Underground. Garbage. John Denver. Soundgarden. Green Day. Ziggy Stardust. Al Green.


Forrest Gump. The Secret Garden. The Ring. The Neverending story (I and II). The Glass House. Newsies. An Inconvenient Truth.


MacGuyver. Bob Ross. Dirty Jobs. Three's Company. Green Acres. Entourage. Discovery Channel. Animal Planet. The Colbert Report.


The Giving Tree. The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Where the Red Fern Grows. The Hobbit.


Smokey the Bear and Yogi. Compost. Mr. T (you know he recycles) David the Gnome. Captain Planet. Swift too. Jackie Treehorn. "the all knowing trash heap" from fraggle rock.

My Blog

"Fun" Facts about Recycling

--Throwing away a single aluminum can, versus recycling it, is like pouring out six ounces of gasoline. Last year, Americans recycled enough aluminum cans to conserve the energy equivalent of more tha...
Posted by Recycling on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:02:00 PST

What happens to my recycling?

What happens to my recycling? The paper, plastic, glass and cans you put in the recycling bins is sorted before being sent for recycling or reuse. Paper that is contaminated ...
Posted by Recycling on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:57:00 PST

Tips for Recycling!

Recycling tips There are lots of innovative things you can do to help reduce your rubbish  check out some of the tips below to get started. Making use of your mountain of pl...
Posted by Recycling on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:53:00 PST