About Me
Nobody really knows the truth about El Escapisto. Legend tells of a young boy, growing up in Mexico, who was left on the steps of a catholic orphanage, wrapped in a blanket and wearing only a small wrestling mask. Early in his youth, he began to show how extraordinary he truly is.One day, the headmistress of the orphanage found herself in trouble. The local gang-lord began to put heavy pressure on the locals for protection money. If the money wasn't paid, buildings had a habit of burning to the ground. The headmistress was visited by the local gang-lord's thugs, demanding money. She tried to explain that this was just a poor home for orphaned children, and there is very little money there. They demanded it anyway and because she could give the thugs nothing they began to set fire to the building full of innocent children.But the thugs underestimated one of the children! As one goon began to poor gasoline over the floor of the playroom and another came in with a torch, a small wirlwind of fury exploded forth from its hiding place in the playroom closet! The hoodlum with the gasoline was taken off guard by this small child, he looked to be about five years old, wearing a battered wrestling mask. The child began to rain blows on the thug's kneecaps, but it was not enough. The hoodlums grabbed the child and tied him up with a long piece of chain and a lock found out by the bicycle rack. Then they threw him into the playroom closet, the floor reeking of flamable fuel, and then locked the closet door.Then the torch was dropped.Later, as the orphanage burned to the ground and firefighters fought the blaze the best they could, witnesses began to see surviving children and staff being dragged out of the smoke by a small figure, clad in a little wrestling mask and dangling broken chains. After the fire died out and the building was left a smoldering, black shell, villagers heard the headmistress tell of a little hero, with the strength of ten men, absolutely fearless, facing the flames for the sake of the orphans inside.When it was all over, every child and staff member was saved, but one child was never seen again. The masked child, El Nino Mysterioso, was gone. Some say he died in that fire, his bones burned to ash. Others claim that he lives to this day fighting crime wherever it is found. No one knows for sure.All that is truly known is that 15 years after the orphanage burned to the ground, the evil gang-lord and all his thugs were found chained and shackled on the front lawn of his mansion, which blazed in an inferno in the night. The next day as the former headmistress read the paper about a mysterious masked figure running from the scene a knock came to her door. She went to the door and saw no one. Nothing at all except a suitcase filled with millions of pesos! Former drug money, according to the note that was left with it, telling her that this is plenty of money to build a new orphanage!And it was signed... EL Escapisto!