I like to read a lot. I like to drink absinth (Czech Strong for those interested). I also enjoy a good movie. I practice martial arts too. The styles I study are tae kwon do, mudo kwan, karate, kendo, bojutsu and judo. I'm thinking of learning kung fu or krav maga, not sure if I will.
I'd like to meet:
the lovelyMai chan 3 ;) She's soooo beautiful!!!!! (Done) ^_^
Spitz The Beatles
Mc Chris
Bobby Darin
Frank Sinatra
Miki Fujimoto
Goto Maki
Chibo Matta
The Monkees
Puffy AmiYumi
Yellow Generation
Sleepy Time Gorilla Muesem
Faun Fables
TM Revolution
Roy Orbison
MC Pee Pants
Velvet Underground
2001: A Space Odyssey Fight Club
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Superman I,II,III,IV
X-Men I, II, III
Fantastic Four
Serial Experiements: Lain
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Batman Begins
Kill Bill vol 1 & 2
From Hell
National Treasure
Waking Life
Naked Lunch
Dark City
The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick
Jacob's Ladder
The Libertine
Superman Returns The Frighteners
Scanner Darkly
Sky High
Corpse Bride
Nightmare Before Christmas
Cannibal: The Musical
City of God
Stir of Echoes
Battle Royale
Ichi the Killer
Neighbor Number 13
A Tale of Two Sisters
Beyond the Sea
Heroes (NBC)
Justice League: Unlimited
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Live Action)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Teen Titans
Family Guy
The Simpsons
Law and Order:SVU & CI
The Ali G Show
The Daily Show
South Park
Morel Orel
Venture Brothers
The Tick (live action)
The Invisibles-Grant Morrison Animal Man-Grant Morrison
The Filth-Grant Morrison
Valis-Philip K. Dick
Transmigration of Timothy Archer-Philip K. Dick
Ubik-Philip K. Dick
Transmetropolitan-Warren Ellis
Food of the Gods-Terrence McKenna
V for Vendetta-Alan Moore (now a major motion picture)
Watchmen-Alan Moore
Marvel Boy-Grant Morrison
Doom Patrol-Grant Morrison
Psuedonomicon-Phil Hine
Condensed Chaos-Phil Hine
Prime Chaos-Phil Hine
WE3-Grant Morrison
Book 4-Aleister Crowley
Thoth Tarot-Aleister Crowley
Holy Books of Thelema-Aleister Crowley
Quantum Psychology-Robert Anton Wilson
Sex, Drugs & Magic-Robert Anton Wilson
Reality Is What You Can Get Away With-Robert Anton Wilson
Generation Hex-Jason Louv
Liber Null and Psychonaut-Peter Carroll
Liber Kaos-Peter Carroll
Vinamarama-Grant Morrison
Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying
Jack Frost
Tom O’Bedlam
Brother Theodore
Paul Laffoley
Animal Man
Green Lantern
Martian Man Hunter
Marvel Boy
Captain Nemo
King Mob
Mr. Six
Spider Jerusalem
The Question