Fugitive Motel Review of The Year
Our totally free print debut...
Featuring interviews with Guy Garvey, Gideon Conn and The Answering Machine, and much, much more!
Strictly limited to 200 paper copies, as we most definitely spent all the photocopying budget.
Available from:
Piccadilly Records, Oldham Street, Manchester
Font, New Wakefield Street, Manchester
Solomon Grundy's, Wilmslow Road, Manchester
Big Hands, Oxford Road, Manchester
The Temple, Oxford Street, Manchester
Jumbo Records, St John's Centre, Leeds
Asking a Motel writer nicely if there are any left...
Coming soon...
Rough Trade East, London E2
Puregroove, London N19
Named after one of our most favourite songs by one of our most favourite bands, The Fugitive Motel is a twenty-odd strong creative collective of photographers, illustrators, designers, budding gig/clubnight organisers, reprobates and rapscallions with its main base in Manchester and offshoots developing in London and the South East, as well as Wales and The West Country. Each and every single one of us are volunteers.
Our biggest project is our webzine, jam-packed with exciting, informed content about music and entertainment. We keep meaning to officially launch a travel section and something we are currently referring to as "original miscellany". One day...
We also put on events on a reasonably ad-hoc basis (whenever we can afford to and whenever we think people need a party). The three events we've staged so far have been resounding successes...we're taking a little break from it for now but keep your eyes peeled in the New Year - that is, if we're ready to do it again...
Each of us has a genuine creative interest which, in some cases, has a vast impact on the work that we do and the projects we pursue. We're full of enthusiasm about our interests, passions, bugbears and the things that they enjoy most about living where they do.
And we want to do much, much more... so watch this space!