MAUDITE DANCE profile picture



About Me

"'Echoin'' is a spiralling stadium epic, while 'Underground' sounds like The Killers if they spent less time counting their cash and more listening to Ladytron."
"All the right pieces in the right order, that equals great music."
The Plastic Ashtray
"Very probably the sound of the future."
Manchester Music
In the recent past, some of us used to be The Clerks .
The Clerks is no longer. Here comes Maudite Dance.
No regrets, the future’s bright.
We formed in April 2007.
Maudite Dance were formed from the much-loved carcass of The Clerks; a Parisian four-piece who met at film-school, penned a clutch of stomping songs, then fled their native city for the romance and frivolity of Stockport. The North West embraced them like a grizzly bear, hailing them as 'France's best import since Eric Cantona', and branding them 'potentially the coolest thing on 8 legs'. After the batting their live lashes, this was adjusted to: 'not only the coolest thing on eight legs but also the sexiest'.
The Clerks soon made themselves at home, living off cucumber sandwiches and repeats of Lovejoy, whilst playing with the likes of Starsailor, Mercury Rev, Polytechnic, Tiny Dancers and Dead Disco. Zane Lowe and Steve Lamacq championed them over the airwaves, and they released a single, The Dissidents, with Art Goes Pop. It sold like hot cakes.
2007 commenced with a French tour supporting The Automatic and The Sunshine Underground. Then, in May 2007, a week in which The Clerks were declared NME's 'Best New Band on MySpace', and enjoyed a rakish coquetry on MTV 2 as one of the winners of Oxjam's Get Seen, Get Heard competition, the 'art-pop-rock glory kids' spun themselves a music cocoon. The Clerks were dead, Maudite Dance was born.
Still leading a merry masquerade through the layered soundscapes and incandescent boy-girl harmonies of The Clerks, Maudite Dance are one member bigger, and rotund with renewed energy. The influences remain - Joy Division, The Beatles, Sonic Youth, Prince - as do the hypnotic live performances and rippling of guitars, samples, keyboard and popcorn drum beats.
Yeah that's right we've kept our lovely hands busy this week and have produced a few of these beautiful babies. And for only two pounds they could be yours. Just send us a message or an email and we'll see what we can do for you. Ta Ta!
If you buy a demo from us, you'll get one of these beautiful badges as a bonus present. You can also buy them for £0.50 each (+ £0.50 for postage). All you have to do is drop us a message!
Here is your chance to listen to the song in better quality than what Tom will let us have with his Myspace player. It's all mp3 so make your ears bleed please.
Want to get your very own Maudite Dance mp3s? Well now you can also download by right clicking on the song names below to "save target as". What more could you want?

My Interests


Member Since: 5/6/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Alex : vox / synth
Max : vox / guitar
Cam : drums / sampler
Jonny : guitar
Owen : bass

THE BAND: [email protected]
BOOKING AGENT: [email protected]
and [email protected]

Influences: Joy Division, Kate Bush, The Beatles, Tori Amos, Radiohead, The Clash, Sonic Youth, Laurie Anderson, New Order, Nine Inch Nails, Marlon Brando, Marvin Gaye, Badly Drawn Boy, The Rapture, Bernard Hermann, Monty Pythons, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Peter Saville, The Smiths, Trail Of Dead, Prince, Primal Scream, The Cure and obviously Kool And The Gang
Sounds Like: Take The ClerKs. Shake'em well. Split'em up. Put back together the bits that are left. Add a ray of sunshine and a splash of april showers.

Maudite Dance play The City Centre Social @ Channel M (05/06/07)


Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New song up : push play

It's bloody new, it's bloody good and loud, and it's bloody bloody.It's called Push Play, it's a demo, we'll play it live to your demanding ears.As for now, it's on the player. You can listen to it as...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 05:37:00 PST

Echoin’ on Radio 1!!!

That's right, Steve Lamacq played Echoin' on his Radio 1 show last night around 10!You can listen back to the show this week. Big thanks to Steve! Maudite Dance x...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:39:00 PST

Sign 'O' the Times

Hello dearest pti loups,After almost a month of silence we are proud to announce that our thorough search of a 5th member as finally paid of, as we...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 05:02:00 PST

Losing Today baby

Losing Today demo review Maudite Dance 'Echoin' (Self Released). Most would consider the act of breaking up a brand name on the v...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:26:00 PST

New reviews - NME

Guys!!! Great news!!! Here are new reviews about Maudite Dance.Enjoy.xxxNME "Unsigned Bands Special" feature Maudite Dance Feature on Blanathema blog"Looking back at my recent posts, I've realized th...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 04:12:00 PST

The City Centre Social video

Hi everyone, you can now watch our live performance at the City Centre Social : Hope you enjoy it.xMDx...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:03:00 PST

Live review 7.7.7 Oldham

Manchester Music live review "Mostly formerly The Clerks, as they are billed here - oversee the shift from evening into night with a fine set of dark-fringed post-punk pop. With the name change comes...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 04:50:00 PST

Another good review

The Plastic Ashtray demo review "One of the travesties of 2007 so far besides Paris Hilton not being locked away for longer is that the band The Clerks split up. Whilst still relatively unknown the b...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 07:12:00 PST

Demo of the week on Manchester Music

Hey folks, hope you're all well. Here are the first reviews of our demo : Manchester Music 'Demo of the week' "Featuring former members of MM favourites The Clerks, this Anglo / Gallic outfit h...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 05:01:00 PST

MD @ Manchester Academy 3 THIS THURSDAY

Tomorrow thursday 14th, we play our first proper gig.It's at the Manchester Academy 3 with This Morning Call and Schmoo.Doors open at 8pm. The five of us are kind of overexcited and very eager to play...
Posted by MAUDITE DANCE on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 06:04:00 PST