Costello profile picture


Its always been about the music

About Me

It's been a mental first 18 months for us, the fact that we've played over 100 gigs in that time shows our love for the music.
TV Appearances - Proving to us that the world of TV is unpredictable, and it's impossible to go for a Greggs in between setting up and filming. But the performances have been fun. Whether that be the acoustic peformances of "Back to the Noughties" and "Retail Therapy" last year or the full "It's not funny anymore" and "Face in the Crowd" this year, they've been good experience. But we were bloody starving.
Radio Appearances - Who doesn't love migrating to Manchester in the dead of night? May sound sarcastic, but the radio shows have been hilarious and very interesting. The "Three Men and a Band" show on Preston FM lead us to playing "Fraggle Rock" as a forfeit (which later became a fan favourite in Chorley!) was a heart-breaking low as we lost the quiz spectacularly. good laugh though. Then there were the likes of BBC Manchester, All FM and Chorley FM where we played as many songs as we could fit amongst the banter as possible, and they went down a treat.
It was a great feeling to have "Back to the Noughties" chosen by Steve Lamaqc as his Demo of the Week back at the very start of it all, but since then we've had Huw Stephens, Janice Long and Lamaqc himself play track our songs.
Gigs - Undoubtably the one and only greatest thing in the world, live music. We've done so many in a short space of time that they begin to merge into one, but there are a few that stick out for various reasons:
We were asked to support American stars Rooney on there stop at Cambridge Barfly. The one major point they made though was that it was an acoustic set only. So we packed up a full kit, naturally. Once down there we began sound-checking our full line-up, before being barraged with "We had an agreement" by a pissed off American. Needless to say, we played as we intended to.
Who could forget the night we were double-booked to play in 2 different cities. We'd be damned if that was going to stop us. We played at UCLan with The Locals and Myth of Unity before legging it to Manchester for our slot and Dry Bar. There should be more nights like that, next time we're going for 3 in different continents!
There were the 2 Park Hall experiences, great for 2 very different reasons. The first episode saw the promoter fail to book a PA, schoolboy error. And despite our efforts, and the kindness of Lomax (of The Uncomfortables), we could not play. At least, we could not play INSIDE the venue. We whipped an acoustic out and played to the loyal supporters who'd left the club's dance music to witness something quite memorable. The 2nd occasion we had taken measures to avoid the last event, as good as it was. We hired a sound-guy for the night, a guy we would later meet again at a gig at Dry Bar. We filling a guitar case with cans and walked cherub-like past the bouncers and bar-staff to our little private backstage area; an area that Andy still has the key to. The gig was great, we even did a cover of "Fairytale in New York" by The Pogues with a guest female vocalist Jenny Murdoch.
The list could go on but Myspace probably has enough issues with memory as it is. The only way you could experience some of these things is to come and see us!
We've had the approval from the likes of Richard Hawley, Huw Stephens and Steve Lamaqc amongst many more people whose names I have uncharacteristically forgotten.
We love nothing more than playing music, so if you wish to book us get in touch via Myspace and we'll sort something out. Nice one


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My Interests


Member Since: 5/10/2007
Band Members: Jamie Coleman - Guitar/Vox

Andy McKinney - Bass/Vox

Anthony Camm - Drums
Influences: The Jam
The Clash
The Beatles
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Tracr Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Radio 1 Demo of the Week

Following Radio 1`s Big Weekend last Saturday and Sunday, the station`s interest in music from the town continues.We  were singled out by the station, by their new music supremo, Steve Lamacq.He ...
Posted by Costello on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:25:00 PST

Back to the Noughties Chosen

We have just heard that "Back to the Noughties" has been chosen by in the USA, to be track of the day on 23rd May.This is after some good reviews.We are chuffed.... You can view it at :...
Posted by Costello on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:49:00 PST

Last Chance to hear review on Steve Lamacq Show

You have until Monday to hear "Tony" from Preston, review our gig supporting Help She Cant Swim, last Friday night. Use the "listen again" feature on Steve Lamacq`s Radio 1 page, then navigate the pla...
Posted by Costello on Sat, 12 May 2007 12:32:00 PST

New MySpace Profile

Well it seems like our old myspace profile has been hijacked, and is now probably for sale at your local car boot. Nearly 1000 friends, and approaching 10,000 plays for songs that have been up for a f...
Posted by Costello on Fri, 11 May 2007 03:30:00 PST