Sky Larkin profile picture

Sky Larkin

Katie, Doug und Duracell-Häschen Nestor

About Me

Two old friends and one newer one. We wanna be with you everywhere.

Sky Larkin s'envoleront dans les prochains jours pour Seattle afin d'enregistrer leur premier album avec le producteur John Goodmanson, aka, WE LIKE, TOTALLY WENT TO SEATTLE... LOOK

JOIN US on facebook
Download the single from the Wichita Recordings shop , or iTunes , or pre-order the 7" vinyl from the wonderful Rough Trade records or, Puregroove .
Keep up to date with all our news and bits and pieces by signing up to our mailing list
SKY LARKIN 'Fossil, I' from Sky Larkin on Vimeo .

My Interests


Member Since: 7/30/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Katie- tip toe guitar/vox/KORG

Nestor (Nestaaargh!)- drums/grunts/heavy lifting

Douglas Adams - bass/korggg/sci-fi classics

HORSE the Van- wheels/miles/service stations/postal strikes/smells

band: skylarkinskylarkin(at)


bookings: chrismyhill(at) (click for booking info)
press: laura(at)

online press: katie(at)
1/2 a lime (quartered)
1 and a quarter oz bourbon
3 quarters of an oz framboise
1 oz raspberry puree
cranberry juice
shaken with ice
topped with ginger ale

(The Sky Larkin cocktail, dreamt up by Doug and Tommy B)

Sounds Like: sky lark (sklärk) n. An Old World lark (Alauda arvensis) having brownish plumage and noted for its singing while in flight.intr.v sky larked, sky larking, sky larks To play actively and boisterously; frolic.
Record Label: Wichita Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Happy Halloween

Hello everyone,just a note to send some halloween tricks and treats, yum. We've just got home from our trip to CMJ which was superfly. We venutured further north for some top secret fun but snowstorms...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 01:40:00 PST

Youre not a real band until ... pt 2

sadface.we're getting a flat bed lorry back to Leeds from up here in Glasgow so we'll still be able to play Brainwash festival tomorrow, thanks Barry the AA man!Horse the Van is dead, long live Horse ...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:30:00 PST

Berlin looks... this!It was great to have a few days in Berlin to soak up the city, on our last visit with Mr O we only spent a few hours there before we had to haul ass to Calais to get our ferry. Popkomm wa...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 05:13:00 PST

You're not a real band until you've been to A&E together...

Apologies to everybody in York, we had to cancel the gig last night because of an unscheduled trip to A&E. We were standing at a pedestrian crossing on our way back from dinner and were squirted with ...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 02:58:00 PST

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,we made it home from London safe and sound, despite cold so sharp that my toes left my body consciousness and my feet felt like hooves on the van pedals.Tomorrow we head east to Berlin for ...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:13:00 PST

hugging radiators

Dear kind souls, what a feast concrete and glass festival was! We didn't expect to see so many of you so thanks to those that chose larkin. We are currently driving home in our steed Horse the Van...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 05:50:00 PST

euro snaps

greetings and salutations,I write this from the city of my birth, we larks are back from our tour with with Mr O and the mighty Mystic Valley Band. There was an 11.5hr drive from Berlin to Calais that...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:38:00 PST

an eventful day in the Czech Republic...

Hello fellows, I thought it might be nice to update you while we have internets on the rather evenful few days since last we conversed. So, last post we were in Vienna ful of the joys of tour. L...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 01:52:00 PST

a week deep...

Howdy gentle internet friends, I write this from a blue sofa in vienna. We are just over a week deep into tour and getting into the groove of things. Mr O and the mystic valley band cast and crew have...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:31:00 PST

Oh Buoy, Oh Buoy, How Ferry Exciting

so, we're here. in the Hotel, in Amsterdam, stealing internet in a room with a BALCONY.On the way we saw these things...More once we've been to the Sex Museum.Natch.Doug...
Posted by Sky Larkin on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 06:22:00 PST