HORSE the band profile picture

HORSE the band


About Me

Hello. We are the coolest band in the world. Everything you have ever heard about us is true. We are fucking crazy and we are very brave. We booked a 45-country, 3-month world tour by ourselves and we didn't die, although we almost did a bunch of times. We have played in fucking China, and Serbia, and we are the first American band to play in Belarus in 5 years (the band before us was Cannibal Corpse) and we had to sneak into the country on a World War II cargo plane. In fact, all the shows were fucking awesome except Turkey, Italy, the UK, and Scandinavia. We party harder than any other band in the world and still play our parts perfectly every single night. Oh yeah did I mention Nathan broke his shoulder with 10 days left on the tour and played 8 shows with a broken shoulder and no treatment except alcohol? I think when other bands' singers break their shoulders they just cancel the tour and fly home. Oh wait I think that is also what they do if they have a vocal polyp or gas costs $4 a gallon. Oh shit! $4! Actually I am sure of it because other bands are pussies. At least those singers have neck tattoos though and ask the question "How the FUCK are you guys doing tonight?" twice in a row after their second song is over. We spent $60,000 to do EARTH TOUR by maxing out 5 credit cards and bought 27 flights each for 7 people. We don't have parents and we are from the future. We went to 45 countries, played 73 shows in 36 of them, and only three shows fell through during the whole tour, because Nazis burned down the venue in Greece and we got turned away by the Moldovan army from entering "Europe's Black Hole", Transnistria. Wikipedia it. We weren't pussies though we were fully intending to drive through the world's largest rogue-nation manufacturer of black market weapons so we could get to our show in Ukraine on the shore of the Black Sea on time. We videotaped and photographed the whole tour and have signed an agreement with a reality TV production company, just because we felt like getting a reality TV show. It was no problem for us. We are also making the most inspirational 2-volume DVD and photo book ever. We made $60,942 on the tour in 3 months ROFL. That is a profit of $942. Jon Karel from the 12 Looks Like You filled in as our drummer on the tour. Now we need a new permanent one. Our record label dropped us free and clear so they could sign In Flames and Hatebreed and also because they didn't see financial viability in EARTH TOUR. We hated them anyway because they don't care about art, which, besides survival, is the most important aspect of LIF. It shouldn't be a problem since we have 8 other record labels worldwide that we got by ourselves. If you have a label and you think you're going to get a piece of the coolest band in the world you better open your wallet as wide as you are used to opening your asshole. We rejected a sponsorship from Affliction Clothing cause that company is GAAAAAY. No bands in the US let us tour with them because it depresses them to see how much more fun we have than them. At least they get to spend a lot of time on their computers and live a transient lifestyle with all the benefits of a 9-5 corporate office job. But the truth is we love bands, and we love people, and we love playing basement shows, hall shows, small venue shows, mid-sized venue shows, and large venue shows including summer festival tours (which we love most of all) in either A, B, or C-markets. I guess you could say we're purists, we just love playing music! Actually, some of the bands we have toured with love us and we are friends with them. So I wish tour managers who met us and got their egos damaged would stop trying to ruin our reputation. :_( We hate tour managers. Because tour managers are useless fat losers who think they should be in charge of something but really they couldn't even get a real management job like Payless Shoe Source so they pretend to control band dudes, which is like controlling a hat. EVERYBODY knows that tour managers never get laid and are wack scum trick bitch trolls, and when you look in their eyes you see a void, a chaotic vacuum filled only with JEALOUSY, feelings of INFERIORITY, and PURE FEAR. Except for our tour managers. We are the most DIY band ever. Our manager is a fucking psychopath. (See what I did there?) His name is Tim Smith and last weekend he totaled his rental car on purpose. He had a child. The only reason we haven't fired him like we have done to the rest of our staff is because he is maybe crazier than us. We talk a lot of shit, I know it hurts, but that is because it is all true. We are all really ugly and dress horribly except Dash. We have horrible haircuts. So if you are into deathcore you probably won't like us, because we are ugly and dress horribly in a different way than the bands you like.
We're not done. We're gonna headline the US, Canada, and Mexico at the end of this summer. Then in the Fall we'll complete EARTH TOUR in Central America, South America, South Africa, and maybe a... SURPRISE CONTINENT! Then we're gonna write a new album in the winter, go play Soundwave in Australia in February, record the album in Spring, and then play European summer festivals and Warped next summer as our album comes out.
We're looking for a permanent drummer. If you wanna be it email us videos of you playing Hyperborea, Sex Raptor, Cutsman, and Face of Bear. We also want you to be smart, so you can figure out where to send them on your own. I will give you a hint - "not in a myspace message". That is your hint. If you are into all styles like funk, reggae, or groundbreaking bands that fuse those two styles with playing scales really fast, or love to just groooooove out on Meshuggah but the only part you can actually understand is the crash please visit before applying. If you are an asshole or you think you are funny please don't apply because there are already too many people like that in this band.
If you are researching our myspace to interview us please know that our wikipedia was written by one fan who is like 15 years old and you could find better stuff to talk about than any of that if you were meant to be a real journalist. Obviously though if you are interviewing us your career is in pretty bad shape anyway. So I guess never mind.
HORSE the band is five stellar gods running from a haunted future they can't possibly forget. Formed on the mean streets of Los Angeles in 2027 A.D. the members of H the B began to create their exotic sound to fight the past and recreate the future.
HORSE the band consists of Nathan the tormented poet beast on vocals, David the hyper-intelligent lover on guitar, Erik the child-like wizard of keyboards, and Dash the gritty urban street-lord on bass.
HORSE the band's music has won them many accolades for energy and originality. Often referred to as 'nintendo-core' because of their spastic and glorious brutality they prefer to strike out and create their own unique sounds each time they manifest their powers.
Feel free to check out some videos showing us doing more with our lives than you.
MOSCOW - Heroes Die and Birdo (Drunk Remix)
GROEZROCK - Cutsman (ft. Ed Edge and Jon doing some crazy drum shit)
HORSE the band's impressive worldwide presence:
"A Natural Death" | OUT NOW | KOCH Records NYC
- $7.99 on iTunes with 1 exclusive bonus track
Amazon - Order from Amazon and get NOTHING (except the CD).
Best Buy - 3 exclusive bonus tracks and special Best Buy gore-free artwork!
PIZZA 10" Picture Disk is (death metal voice) SOOOOOLLLLLD OOOUUUUTTTT! (3-15-2007) Only 550 pressed, ever.
Tim Smith - Blood Company
[email protected]
Up for grabs
Nanouk for Avocado Booking
[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 9/28/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Lord Gold - keys
David Isen - guitar
NATHAN "The General" - vocals
Dashiell Han Arkenstone - bass
Jon from the Number 12 - drums, for now!

---Facebook us!



Sounds Like: PINCHE HOMEWORK!!!!!!

WATCH: RecCenter Interview

LISTEN: H the B Podcast

WATCH: ManiaTV Interview


New York City in SEOUL

The Red Tornado and Purple in KUALA LUMPUR (This was the hottest show we’ve ever played in like 10 years of shows. It was literally at least 160 degrees in this room. No fans, no windows, nothing. Fucking awesome)

Bunnies in HONG KONG

"NEW YORK CITY" - from A Natural Death, August 28th


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Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Globe-o-rhea Earth Tour Video Blogs

Australia New Zealand...
Posted by HORSE the band on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:35:00 PST

UK/Europe/rest of world Merch Store

Hey all you sniveling whining stinking EurotrashAs I sit here eating my Amy's Microwaveable INDIAN MATTAR TOFU I am reminded of the sensation of shit gliding across my tongue and down my throat and I ...
Posted by HORSE the band on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:17:00 PST


Three years ago we booked a three-month, eight country tour with no booking agency, manager, or CD in stores. It was the funnest tour we have ever done. 3 years and 11 professional package tours later...
Posted by HORSE the band on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:28:00 PST

Review of Chiodos Review

I give this review a 4.5 out of 5
Posted by HORSE the band on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 02:45:00 PST

To our Kangaroo Friends

For the first time ever one of our records is gonna be available in Australia!!!!It's our new one, A Natural Death, mate!It's coming out on Shock Records freaking tomorrow, mate!I don't know how many ...
Posted by HORSE the band on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:45:00 PST

New Album $7.99 at Best Buy this week only

Posted by HORSE the band on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:56:00 PST

A Natural Death OUT NOW : D

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Natural Death is in stores! EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEveryone should be able to get it, we spent a lot of time this time making sure stor...
Posted by HORSE the band on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:58:00 PST


To my dismay, the Snickers CRUNCHER has been discontinued by a short-sighted group of ultimate losers at Mars, Inc.  On our past tour, I looked for a Snickers CRUNCHER in about 20 gas stations be...
Posted by HORSE the band on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:58:00 PST


These keep getting cooler as they go along.  You can pile our innocence back on us if you watch them in order!Heroes Die, Mexico City, 2007. This is awesome. TMNT, London, 2006 One of a...
Posted by HORSE the band on Thu, 31 May 2007 06:53:00 PST

H the B on TV on the WWW playing live June 4th

To all of you foreigners and retards who keep missing our shows, Ching chang ching ghun bok poy how. FOR ONE HOUR JUNE 4th at 9 PM (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) YES, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME A DIFFERENT TIME Z...
Posted by HORSE the band on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:25:00 PST