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Lori Crandall

Lori Crandall-Singer/Songwriter Abuse Prevention

About Me

You can purchase "The Warrior In Me" at Itunes for only $4.95!!! Excellent value! "Rocky Mountain Woman" is now available to listen to and purchase right here, for only .99 cents!
The title track from this EP along with the track “Horror In Your Eyes” are a tribute to all those defending freedom in horrible circumstances, as well as all survivors of domestic violence.
www.steppinupmusic.com Offical site of Lori Crandall.
Hi, I'm a "Rocky Mountain Woman" born and bred in Boise Idaho nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I was trained in music my entire growing up life and appeared in several musical groups throughout all my school years. I travelled all over the NorthWest to compete in various choir competitions.
I've just completed my first EP called "The Warrior In Me". This is a 5 track fully produced album dealing with recovery from domestic violence, and also dedicated to the men and women in uniform and the victims of the Iraq and Afaganistan wars.
People have asked me over and over what inspired me to write such heavy themed music. I wanted to answer them all here.
My whole life I've been aware of the suffering of the human race. When I was in 7th grade, one of my classmates was brutally assulted and murdered by someone close to her that should have protected her. I've never forgotten her face.
Throughout my life I've "seen" people, meaning I've somehow been able to look at a person and see how they are feeling that day. Over and over again, these people shared with me a portion of their life and the tradgedy that they were facing.
After years of hearing these stories, I decided to fight back, to fight against this horrible monster called "domestic violence". Now I know, those two words can strike fear into people because most people know someone who has either been through it, or is going through it themselves, and frankly it is a scary subject. But, I'm here to tell you domestic violence kills all involved, and if good people don't take a stand against it, then nothing will ever improve and people will forever be damaged from generation to generation.I've also been a soldier in the US Army National Guard and I understand what it means to be a target, and the realities of war and the suffering that comes on both sides. I understand the need to protect yourself, your family and friends and the country you love. I'd love to believe that we are all fighting for freedom, for the ability to live our lives as we choose, to fight opression and tyranny and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.I dedicate "Horror In Your Eyes", and "The Warrior In Me", to the people on all sides of the conflicts listed above who have seen their fellow loved ones and comrades fall because of these wars. My heart and soul go out to you both. I've seen the "horror in your eyes" as well as the warrior that you have all had to draw upon just to survive this period in your lives, and for that I salute you. You are the reason my music exists.
I also wrote this album for the victims of domestic violence and abuse.In my own life I've known the sting of abuse. Yes, even a person like me,...strong, capable, outgoing. ANYONE can be a victim of this filth. See, that is the thing. Domestic violence doesn't wear certain clothes, or cash paychecks of certain amounts every two weeks. No, abuse is no stranger to every group of people. It covers all socio-economical areas of life.
Abuse can range from emotional, physical, sexual, intellectual, financial, spiritual, psychological...basically every way a human can see, think, feel or touch, a person can be damaged.
Now...seeing as how we all realize that abuse exists, I, from my own personal experience have some things I'd like to share about recovery from this abuse.
First of all, when you can be honest with yourself that the abuse actually has happened or is happening, then you are half way there. Next when you realize that you don't deserve the abuse and that there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to change the abuser, you are another 30% there.
The rest is protecting yourself, loving yourself and making healthy choices for yourself.
I'm not going to tell you it is easy, nope, it's not. It's the most difficult thing you may ever do in your life. Facing yourself and your own past and demons takes guts and courage. But I'm here to tell you that if you had what it took to survive the abuse in the first place, you've got what it takes to recover from it. I'm living proof. It takes time and truth, but in that comes peace, real, deep down personal peace. I never even knew what that was until I faced my own demons. From time to time I still find myself face to face with an old demon, but when I do I feel comforted knowing that I've faced so many before this one and I got through it, so I know I can get through this one too.
I believe we as humans are works in progress. We are all on a journey learning at our own pace, needing to be steadied from those around us from time to time.
I believe we can heal ourselves if we want to. It it simply a choice. Nothing can begin to heal, until you make the choice and be willing to walk back into your past. Your life is yours along with the direction of it, so you must make that choice, and then, the momentum of healing and growth can begin and you will find that the courage you need to face yourself resided in you all along. It is up to you.
Bless you all in your choices, and love yourselves.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/3/2006
Band Website: steppinupmusic.com
Band Members: Mike McArthy-Producer, Manuka Studios, Orewa Auckland
Influences: Marie Osmond, Julie Andrews, Whitney Houston, Xena, Gabrielle, Celine Dion.
Sounds Like: A bit like Whitney Houston, a bit like Karen Carptenter, and a bit like Patsy Cline.
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Putting the "Spark" in "Sparky"

Hi All, It has been awhile.  I've been working non stop wiring houses, portacoms, industrial shops...you name it I've been hauling wire to it.  I'm thrilled about it though.  Great oppo...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:30:00 PST

I've been one ill puppy!

Hi Folks, I'm happy to be reporting in from this side of the grave still (ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but at 2:30am and then 3:30am sitting over the toilet, you sometimes wish you could...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST

I just release a Nationwide Press Release

Hi All, I wanted to let you know that I've just released a nationwide press release for my music and dedicated it to the military personnel serving for peace and freedom in the world as well as all su...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:14:00 PST

Rocky Mountain Woman now available for purchase.

Hi All,   How ya'all doin'?  I'm a doin' just fine and wanted to let you all know you can own your very own MP3 file of Rocky Mountain woman now at www.steppinupmusic.com/rockymountainwoman....
Posted by Lori Crandall on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:49:00 PST

A bit weary

Hi All, I've had to learn a huge lesson this past week.  I wanted to believe that I could share my thoughts and feelings on my personal blog on my website.  However the last week, I've gotte...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:16:00 PST

Hi! New Project Green Lighted!

Great News! My new Single Monday, Nov 20, 2006 Hi All!  Fabulous news today!  My new single and long awaited project has been given the green light today!  I'll be shooting stills for...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST

I'm Heading Home!

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2006 Hi All, I wanted to let you know I'm flying out to Idaho tonight for two weeks.  I haven't been home in over 3 years.  It's a bit scary, things haven't been e...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:45:00 PST

My Beliefs

My Beliefs Tuesday, Sep 5, 2006 Hi Everyone, People have been emailing me asking me what my beliefs are now that I'm not a member of the Mormon Church.  I wrote a response and decided it was go...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 08:06:00 PST

Welcome to my Blog!

From my website at www.steppinupmusic.com Laverne and Shirley Thursday, Aug 31, 2006 Well, folks, let me tell you, if I ever could identify with a fictional television show, I can now and that show ...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 01:17:00 PST

Rocky Mountain Woman Done!

Hi All! I wanted to let you all know "Rocky Mountain Woman" is finished and I've uploaded it in it's entirety, I'm just waiting for it to be processed. I've also uploaded "The Warrior In Me", "Horror...
Posted by Lori Crandall on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:49:00 PST