According to the results of a test I took, "Men want a challenge and you are the perfect playmate." What men want is usually their business being done. I am no toy. My full given name has been my guideline. I do love dreams, high goals and intellectual challenges. I still hope that we are no puppets on strings. I believe in free will existing in accordance within the frame of mutual agreements.
"You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys."
I love splendid abundance and variety but I never push anybody's buttons and I do not have mine pushed. I will ask politely and give my many thanks. I am a fan of fair, skilled play in the face, good names and games. "You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities."
According to the rules of fair play that is but I am no fair game to anybody. I have tried to become more carefree after a rigid education but I was never really careless: careful consideration is my company: fair and square. I hate to play games that people play with each other or on somebody. "Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that!" NO!!! That is definetely wrong - short sighted and far fetched. So much 4 tests, statistics, lists ... Men and women have been eaten up by their burning desires of egocentric narcissism which I am not accountable to nor a part of. How Do Men See You?More about me under inenglish.htm ---I do identify myself with Groucho's intelligent, witty sense of humor. Please use the 3rd link to find out more. -And when native man left off this form of development, his humanization was retarded in growth. Standing Bear -And when civilization imposed cruel force, the cultivation process was perverted as well as minds twisted! M.I.H.Humanism is defined by right to a say. Virgina WoolfAnd to make us of this innate right. Schiller's Don Carlos asked his King and father to grant freedom of speech and allow for freedom of thought. - Why ask 4 anything that you already got?! M.I.H. Benazir Bhutto just sacrified her life having been killed with other democracy fighters (Dec. 27th, 2007). As much as my mourning upsets me, I am determined to stand tall for democracy!
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