About Me
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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Here's a short list of a few things that I stand for...and a few that I stand against...and a few things thrown in just for fun!
Sooooo...scroll down, find what interests you, make a difference and have a good time!!!
While you're at it...leave me a message!
Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant just about like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?
No matter where you go...it's still going to get on you!I personally don't care if you smoke in private, but I really don't want my hair, skin and clothes to smell like your ashtray and I don't want your toxic, smelly residue on me or in my lungs!
So if you smoke in public around me...be prepared...I'll consider it to be an attack...
The next time you light up in public and blow your smoke around me, I may think like a skunk...
and I'll come spray my pee on you!!!
Don't make me go SKUNK on your ass!!!
"Life without endearing words is like being in a garden without flowers.
Endearing words create a feeling that transcends our reality and makes life worth living." ~Earth-ee Stephie~
Much of what you will read on my page is not original...it has often been written elsewhere...I have read it...and found it to be worthy of sharing with or spreading to as many more people as I can. Consider this to be a "best of" page for many people's efforts...primarily in global improvement...either through environmental, social or political education and actions...so...enjoy the ride and hopefully we all come out of this with a little something to add to our world!
Stand up and make a difference...what will your legacy be? How will you be remembered? Click here to make it for doing something that you can be proud of. Save a life...be a donor.
One planet...leave it better than you found it!
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.â€~ Apple Computers
Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™
I may throw in a few little quizzes or surveys from time to time...but please do not misconstrue this as an interest in dating...they are just for learning more about everyone and mostly just for kicks because they are funny and I thought people might like to share.
Ok...Valentine's day has passed, but...This is just for fun, not dating....so Click here to check out this little survey...What Sign Is Your True Love?
Name: Michael Moore
Birthday: 4-1-1966...that's right...APRIL FOOLS!!!
Birthplace: Born in Weisbaden, West Germany...mostly raised in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Current Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Eye Color: blue...usually
Hair Color: hair? what's hair? oh...ok...maybe light brown
Height: 5'10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: right...no left...no...right...that's right
Your Heritage: I'm an American mutt! (Hey...don't knock it...we mutts are the most loyal and lovable!)...lol Ok... German (mom)/ Irish-American (dad)
The Shoes You Wore Today: sandals
Your Weakness: chocolate
Your Fears: Living and dying alone...other than that, I really don't have any fears.
Your Perfect Pizza: lots and lots of everything...nice and thick
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: rekindle family relationships
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ruh roh
Thoughts First Waking Up: Awwwww crap! Lemme' sleep in peace just once!
Your Best Physical Feature: Hmmm...but there are so many! ;) Ok...honestly? Probably either the smile or eyes.
Your Bedtime: Whenever I pass out.
Your Most Missed Memory: I don't remember...that's why it's a missed memory.
Pepsi or Coke: After working for Coca -Cola for 7 years...Pepsi...lol Actually...not usually either one...gimme a DEW!
MacDonalds or Burger King: The King is back!
Single or Group Dates: ??? Who came up with this one? Ok...a DATE, obviously, one on one...groups are a different kind of fun! ruh roh...did I just say that?
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: None of the above...Arizona Raspberry or Lemon Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Yes...lol...love both...but like I said above...my weakness is chocolate!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino or coffee with hot chocolate mixed in...and whipped cream...and ...can I get some chocolate sprinkles with that? Maybe a cherry? Ah Hell!!! Just bring me a Sundae or float!!! ;)
Do you Smoke: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Like there's not already enough polution and crap on this planet to poison us? I should put it in myself directly and try to kill myself sooner!?! I woke up and quit that crap a looooooonnnng time ago!
Do you Swear: Piss me off and find out!
Do you Sing: Only when nobody is listening! (I hope!!!)
Do you Shower Daily: When it's available...lol
Have you Been in Love: More than I'd care to remember :(
Do you want to go to College: been there...done that...a few times!
Do you want to get Married: I always thought I did...but after living with people for so many years, I've kinda' given up on the idea of that happening.
Do you belive in yourself: Who else is there to believe in? I'm the only thing that I know is real! ;)
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only when I'm spinning in circles
Do you think you are Attractive: Hmmm...that's a matter of opinion...if I say yes, I'm conceited, If I say no I'm insecure...let's put it this way...you either think I'm attractive or you don't...if you do, screw me, if you don't, screw you!
Are you a Health Freak: I like living healthy most of the time...does that make me a freak?
Do you get along with your Parents: I love my parents...whether or not we get along depends on who and when you ask.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Always! As long as there's no imminant danger of death...hey...I've been way to close to tornadoes...they're ok from a distance...but they SUCK up close!
Do you play an Instrument: These days, I mostly just take out my brain and play with it...it's too little to be left out to play alone! As a kid, I played piano, trumpet, and a very little bit of guitar...not enough to really count.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nope...but I probably will in a few days when I'm not on the road.
In the past month have you Smoked: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My mouth is NOT an ashtray and I don't want to be kissed by one!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Absolutely not...why in the HELL would I want that crap in my body and mind!?! You don't think I'm screwed up enough!?!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: define date
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: unfortunately
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Only half a box...ran out of milk in the middle...lol
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: fish, yes...raw fish, NOOOO!!! Wait...went to a seafood buffet...do raw oysters count?
In the past month have you been on Stage: sheesh...I can't even REMEMBER the last time I was on stage!
In the past month have you been Dumped: on my head maybe...lol
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: only in the tub
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Only a few egos...hey...if they weren't so big on themselves, their egos wouldn't need deflating!
Ever been Drunk: of course
Ever been called a Tease: of course...lol
Ever been Beaten up: It's been tried a few times...but no...they didn't succeed.
Ever Shoplifted: I plead the 5th...kid stuff
How do you want to Die: I don't
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Who says I have to grow up? I'm 40...if it hasn't happened by now, it's probably not going to!!!
What country would you most like to Visit: Hmmm...I love expanding my horizons, and I'm greedy in this area...soooo...ALL OF THEM!!! I want to explore...but if I have to narrow it down, I'll say I want to see the Amazon...so...Brazil.
Preferences In A Partner...this is in the survey...so let me be clear...I'm NOT looking for a partner! This is just what I tend to prefer as asked by this survey!
Favourite Eye Color: I'm not looking to meet anyone, but I guess this survey is asking about preferences...so...blue
Favourite Hair Color: I prefer black or dark brown hair...brunettes...guess it's that whole exotic look thing
Short or Long Hair: Mine is short, but I like medium to long hair on a partner
Height: I'm 5'10" so that leaves room to play even if they are taller, but I generally tend to prefer the 5'3" range...guess dynomite in small packages intrigues me...lol
Weight: healthy and proportional...maybe slightly thin
Best Clothing Style: I prefer relaxed...casual...Why be uncomfortable to impress someone? If they don't like you because you're not stylish or trendy, then they're obviously only interested in material things and not what you have to offer as a person!?!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Today? lol...NOOOOO!!!! I don't put that crap in my body...usually not even when prescribed.
Number of CDs I own: who knows? maybe a few hundred?
Number of Piercings: Like I need another hole in my head? All the rocks might fall out!...after all...left is right and right is wrong...so I only have one ear pierced...anywhere else would just make more leaks!
Number of Tattoos: I have ZERO...not opposed to them, when done in style and moderation...I even designed one that I wanted, but every artist I spoke with said that to get the details in there, it would have to cover my whole back...so much for moderation...lol
Number of things in my Past I Regret: The only regret in life is in not trying...if you do your personal best to do what's right, then whether or not it works out the way you wish, you should have no regrets!
Too many of us merely exist...and then we moan that things aren't to our liking, despite our failure to even ATTEMPT to make a change or a difference.
"The definition of crazy is to keep doing the same thing over and over, and to expect a different result!" ~Albert Einstein~
Positive changes create more positive changes...so come join me as we move our planet forward in a more positive direction. Look to my newer posts for improvements that YOU and I can all make to OUR planet in a realistic manner to make it a better world for everyone involved...Feel better about yourself by making the world a little bit better for those you love and those less fortunate around you...ONE PLANET...LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT!
"An Inconvenient Truth"
Love your children? and your planet? Then you owe it to yourself, and them, to see this video! "An Inconvenient Truth"...Vice President Al Gore presents environmental lessons to be learned to protect your world for the one's you love...ONE PLANET...LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT!!! Watch the video for information on a real life lesson on this planet's environment and what's happening to it...or to see the video directly from their site Click here to go to ClimateChrisis.net ...or, it's available on DVD through Amazon.com
You can click video above to see the movie trailer or click the small box above and pledge to watch the film for those you care about.
Do whatever it takes to make you satisfied that you've done something to make this a better planet, by whatever little part that you can...when enough small changes have happened, it adds up to some really big ones!
Not satisfied? Don't like your life or the direction our nation is headed? It takes the same amount of time to sit there and do nothing but whine and moan as your life passes you by as it does to get off of your butt and make your life happen! Really want to be remembered? DO SOMETHING!!! Make a difference...ONE PLANET...LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT!!!
If you don't like the school system...the welfare system...the tax system...the immigration system...the transit system...the environmental system...the parks system...or whatever it is that you feel needs to change...do something about it!
Tell your children, tell your spouse, write a book, call a radio show, advertise in the newspaper, write your congressman, organize a petition, a protest or a fundraiser or rally...get a job that allows you to make a difference in someone's life or train for one that allows you to work in the field in which you desire to see a change...be a teacher...be a doer...just get off your butt, stop whining and do something about it...whatever "IT" is...GET ACTIVE in YOUR LIFE!!!
The air you breathe...the planet you live on...our great nation...
Here's a hard lesson in TRUTH and an explanation of how our current government is destroying it! Don't like your life or the way this nation is headed? Get off your butt and DO something about it!!! Start by watching the video below...knowledge is power! Presented with passion by Robert Kennedy Jr.
Here's someone who actually comprehends diplomacy! Hello Dhalai!
Whether it's social, economical, political, environmental, personal...whatever it is that you think needs improving...improve it! Whether it be by going out and physically working at it or simply educating others and spreading your word...get off your butt and PARTICIPATE in your life!!!
That also translates into learn from our mistakes lest we be doomed to repeat them! Sitting on our butts, collectively doing nothing, will collectively accomplish nothing! Make the necessary changes, or repeat the past!
Please dear GOD tell me that we are not this uneducated as a nation! This man gives a whole new meaning to "The dumbing down of America"! Watch this video...it's funny as heck but pretty pathetic too. You can see the level of intelligence of these people and see who they support and why!
There's an old saying that says "We must learn from our past lest we be doomed to repeat it"...
When it comes to Bush...all I can say is...
It's all been said and done before...
...and we've learned nothing!
He IS the modern day Hitler...Ceasar ...Napolean...and like Hussein and the rest, he is just another tyranical little dictator!
This is about the level of this man's intelligence...
This was too funny to pass up...President Idiot Meets American Idol!
Like I said...if you watch the clip above...especially the ending...it's just too funny to pass! American Idol meets Bush!
Don't let him see this puppy's version of a gas attack...he'll use it as another excuse to start one more oil war so he and his friends can add to their profits and then we'll see more of this...
And I'm sure he'd say we had to do it to save the kitten from terrorists!
Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out... and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel.... And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man" - with his mouth.
~Mark Twain~
Greenpeace recently had some fun in NYC, at Kimberly-Clark's expense:
Check out the funny video of the action!
Kleenex is destroying the ancient forests of North America. Its manufacturer, Kimberly-Clark, the largest tissue company in the world, is clearcutting the North American Boreal forest to manufacture products that are used once and then flushed down the toilet. Representing 25 per cent of the world’s remaining intact forests, the Boreal is an important buffer against global warming. But to Kimberly-Clark, it’s disposable.
K-C was in Times Square on the 24th, filming interviews for their "Let It Out" Kleenex ad campaign. In this series of advertisements, folks are recruited off the street to sit on a blue couch and share personal stories that make them cry into Kleenex tissues.
We sent in three undercover Greenpeace activists with hidden mics to infiltrate their interviews and talk about what makes us unhappy: wiping out ancient forests for disposable tissue products. While one activist was being filmed on the Kleenex couch, folks in Kleercut t-shirts appeared out of nowhere and unfurled a banner behind the couch, making a sweet Kleercut campaign commercial…
The Kleenex team was caught off guard. They stopped the film shoot and for the rest of the day Greenpeace distributed information and communicated with New Yorkers about K-C’s forest crimes. We effectively shut down a multi-million dollar ad campaign, and K-C execs looked none too pleased in their suits and their scowls.
Very kind of Kleenex to go to such lengths to set the stage for our own campaign commercial. Big ups to the NYC crew.
Check out the video , and please favorite it and leave a good comment!
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Hello Friends,
Lots of people think the whales were saved in the seventies. An international moratorium on commercial whaling was achieved and put into force in 1986, representing a major victory for ecology that saved many whale species from imminent extinction. What most people don’t know is that since 1986, about 25,000 whales have been hunted and killed, then sold for meat in Japan, Norway, and Iceland. These countries have used loopholes and exceptions in international law to continue commercial whaling despite the moratorium. Japan is now spearheading an effort to overturn the commercial whaling ban, and this year’s meeting of the International Whaling Commission in May will be critically important for the fate of the whales.
The US government is in a strong position to help the whales, but seems to have forgotten that the US is strongly pro-whale: We must take action to preserve the international moratorium on commercial whaling!
Take Action!
To help raise public awareness and build pressure leading up to the IWC meeting in May, Greenpeace is organizing bake sales across the US on April 28 and 29. The idea is to lure people to a table loaded with sticky sweetness, let them know what’s happening with the whales, and generate lots of petitions and telephone calls to targeted US officials.
We’re sending folks a free kit with factsheets, petitions, phone nubers and… whale shaped cookie cutters: everything you need to hold an effective event.
Host a bakesale! Grab some friends, bake some cookies, cakes, pies, and do something sweet for the whales.
Do it for the whales!
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As global warming changes the planet’s climate system, polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. Habitat for polar bears is literally melting out from under them. The last two years were the worst ever recorded for sea ice loss, and if current trends continue, the Arctic will be ice free in summer by 2040. Polar bears live solely in the Arctic and won’t survive without sea ice.
Scientists now believe the Polar Bear could be extinct by 2050 if we do not stop global warming. Many other species will follow.
To save the polar bear, we have to act now. Responding to a successful lawsuit filed by Greenpeace and other organizations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now considering listing the polar bear as a threatened species. They have asked for public comments and, naturally, they need to hear from us.
Take Action!
Time is running out. There's still a long way to go before the polar bear is officially listed as threatened, and then the government must take action to protect them. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Please continue fighting with us as we work to save the polar bears, the Arctic environment, and our planet’s climate system!
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Before asking to be my friend, please note...I will add individuals who are actually interested in friendship, but I do not advertise for businesses, bands,or entertainment organizations or web sites, with the following exceptions...
I will only add individuals or charitable organizations, environmental groups, or other groups with a worthy cause whose purpose I support or the friends of friends...or individuals who are sincerely interested in friendship or in some cases those whose subject matter I find useful or entertaining and worth sharing...and please...this is a networking site setup, not a dating site setup, so although I am sure that some people may use it for dating and appreciate the interest, I am here to make friends, and generate activism and awareness primarily in environmental, political, charitable and philisophical issues, and occassionally spread a little light humor, not to date, so please don't ask...if that's what you're after, either go to a dating site or read the actual profiles you're interested in and be clear that they are seeking the same.
If you're here to advertise businesses or sites that are not related to my shown interests, please don't ask unless it's a charity, environmental, political, health or philisophical add...I am here to make positive changes to our planet through raising activism and awareness...please be a part of that effort by being a positive person or group.
Click here to go to ClimateCrisis.net and see the video trailer for the Al Gore environmental impact movie, An Inconvenient Truth. You can purchase the film there, or you can buy the DVD at Amazon.com