Blu222 profile picture


Shameless PEACE Promotion

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Fireflies - Image Hosting

My past is nothing more than the trail that I have left behind. What drives my life today is the energy that I generate in my present moments.

Because I use auto music players in some of the Blogs that I have created it makes it confusing to view the older blogs by selecting "view all blogs entries" (if you do turn your speakers down) so I've created these links for easier access. :)
Remember those who need your help. ADD to your blogs
click-Remember those who need your help You won't see any provocative or air brushed glam shots,
no slick web site.
All you'll see is the unvarnished truth.
I Love animals and wildlife.
I like Singing, Sailing, Laughing, Playing Harmonica
Painting, Drawing, Acting...And a newly added fascination with making video's...
Life, and Texas Holdem Poker :-)
hhhmmm what else can I say that will convey "about me"?
That's enough Shameless Self Promotion 4 now ;-)

My Interests

Life, Growing, Evolving.
The following 4 videos I created using windows movie maker :)
Mad World my first video project

Peace Train

Loves is you know :)

Victor removing a hook from and tagging the most endangered sea turtle in the world the Kemp Ridley.
My first time using new cam...

I would like to point out something about my friend Anne, she is NOT religious, the encounter that she describes with one of the local reverends and some of his parishioners here, I felt was very gracious on her part. Even though the guy thinks that I am evil :)
Anne Rudloe Speaks

Rufus Wainwright - Going to a town
The next video will take your breath away.
Won 'Best Young International Performer' at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Young Artist Awards' At the age of 2, Declan started singing at local talent competitions and won sixteen titles in just fourteen months. # Declan was involved in a 2002 Guinness World Record, where during a tour of 'Young Voices', he was simultaneously linked with more than 80,000 children from all over the country who accompanied him in achieving the world’s largest choral sing along.
Declan Galbraith singing -Tell me why...

Cease Fire NOW
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein

I'd like to meet:

NOT impressed with Money, Fame, or Beautiful Facades
Impressed with Honor, Talent, Integrity, Spirit,
And of course a great sense of Humor;)

The Mexican Theme Strat, and The Madusacaster ARE AVAILABLE.
CONTACT Carver Bob Ironside
Carver Bob Ironside



Extended TOP friends.Temporary until I can figure out better way :) (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER..
Aaron Mann
Vivid Imagination ..
Musicians Say No! To Bush World Order. AKA Red.


So much to choose from, there is so much music that I love from all genre' never know maybe my favorite music hasn't been written et....Discovering new and exciting music every day :-)
So much Phenomenal little time


Naked Gun all
Airplane all
O Brother Where Art Thou
Blazing Saddles
Marx Brothers all
Richerd Pryer..all
The Education of Little tree
Imitation Of Life
Pay It Forward
Sling Blade
pMy Left Foot
Scar face
Lorenzo's Oil
The Yearling
Katharine Hepburn movies especially with Tracy

Audry Hepburn movies

Sydney Poitier movies all
Old Yeller :-)
James Dean and Monroe
What's eating Gilbert Grape
Donnie Brassco
Taxi Driver
Once Were Warriors
Personally..."I wear my Tattoo's on the Inside"..
Rocky Horror Picture Show
MANY, MANY MANY GREAT MOVIES,Can't list them all :-)...
Didn't ask about plays but last year I saw Jersey Boyz in San Diego it was PHENOMINAL!!! It's now playing on Broadway.....Television Deadwood HBO (I fucking love that show)
Animal Planet (big surprize)
National Geographic Channel
Comedy Central
History Channel
The World Poker Tour
I HATE reality shows :-o


Deadwood HBO (I fucking love that show)
Animal Planet (big surprize)
National Geographic Channel
Comedy Central
History Channel
The World Poker Tour
I HATE reality shows :-o


Illusions, Richard Bach
Walden ,Henry David ThoreauDoors Of Perception, Huxley
Man's Search For Ultimate Meaning, Viktor Frankl
The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot
Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter
Super System 2, A Course In Power Poker , Doyle Brunson, because I'm obsessed with playing Texas Holdem.....


I have so many.
First is my Dad who passed in 97, but remains ever part of me.He was a witty smart and full of life and spirit. He taught me what is really important in life
My mom who is the strongest person I have ever known she taught me that ALL things are ConnectedMy daughter "Destiny" who has a Beautiful Spirit, she is the best thing I ever did. I look into her beautiful eyes and see my future my BLOOD

And of course there are the historic figures who have inspired so many like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.,Viktor Frankl, and so many others..great Humanitarians, Poets, Authors, Artists, Musicians...the world is full of heroes past and present we continually find them every day if we just LOOK....
There is no evil and there are no evil forces in the world. There are only people of awareness, and there are people who are fast asleep -- and sleep has no force. The whole energy is in the hands of the awakened people. And one awakened person can awaken the whole world. One lighted candle can make millions of candles lit without losing it's light. ~Osho

My Blog

Movies GALORE!!

I love~ Vivid Imagination ..>..>..> Title Year Mr. Bean's Holiday 2007 300 The Movie 2007 Redline 2007 Hot Fuzz 2007 ...
Posted by Blu222 on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:59:00 PST

watch em before they get pulled

I love~ Vivid Imagination To watch movie any in full screen, double click the player itself. Enjoy, Viv~Spider-Man 3 (2007)Peter Parker has fi...
Posted by Blu222 on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:13:00 PST

One Day Gas Boycotts Don't Work!

Thanks to~Rocky Mountain Futurevisions One Day Gas Boycotts Don't Work!I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a gas boycott on May 15th isn't going to reduce long term gas prices. The ugly t...
Posted by Blu222 on Wed, 16 May 2007 04:41:00 PST

movies movies movies :)

Thanks to~Gwiz® &inyerspacethese and much more[noir plus][noir plus]...
Posted by Blu222 on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:31:00 PST

The Gift of Dyslexia

I will include links to the videos that I post from now here for the gift of dyslexia part 1click for part 2As many of you on my list know I am Dyslexic. That is why I shy away from writing ...
Posted by Blu222 on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:50:00 PST

God is Not Great

Thanks to~TonyAnd~CherylRealTime 5/11/2007 ...
Posted by Blu222 on Sat, 12 May 2007 02:28:00 PST

Future Focus...MUST SEE!!

I have only one word for this "fantastic!!"The Planet is Sweden's most expensive documentary film ever made and broadens the climate change discussion to the overall global changes we are experiencin...
Posted by Blu222 on Sat, 12 May 2007 12:22:00 PST

The History of EVERYTHING :)

Thanks~bobby ...
Posted by Blu222 on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:30:00 PST

Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with DinosaursPart 1. 29:09 New Blood (1 OF 6) Life in the late triassic. When dinosaurs first appeared about 230 million years ago the world was very different. There were very few of the ani...
Posted by Blu222 on Thu, 10 May 2007 10:48:00 PST

do you believe?

Many thanks and love to my friend~Richie ;)~ Decentralized by Conditioned Guilt ...
Posted by Blu222 on Wed, 09 May 2007 01:02:00 PST