Jesus is a mythical figure in the tradition of pagan mythology and almost nothing in all of ancient literature would lead one to believe otherwise. Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it. ~ C. Dennis McKinsey
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace." That's a quote from Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as the Buddha. Anyway, on with the show: I am an extremely strange and crazy guy, i think from my experiences in life... but many different people will tell you many different things. I am a secular humanist (atheist). I am currently a socialist (in it's purest sense) and if you can't deal with that GO JUMP OFF THE SEARS TOWER (haha). I hate fake people... and most of the people in this world are fake... so i guess that means i hate the world. Let me know what's been going on with you... my faithful reading public and I'll let you know what's been going on with me. Oh, the spirit of compromise... how i love thee.Atheism is merely the absence of belief in deities (or lack thereof). Atheism does not describe or define who anyone is as an individual. It's not a religion, a philosophy, a doctrine, rebellion, worship of anything (including satan worship), "denial" of belief in a god, hating "your" god (you have to believe one exists in order to hate it), etc. This is what the majority of atheists will tell you. If you're still content with your description of what you think atheism is, which you most likely received from your church, pastor, bible, cheap dictionary, or misinformed individual who knows absolutely nothing about it, then go ahead and keep believing it. We could care less. We know exactly who we are.The majority of atheists DO NOT make the positive assertion that no gods exist. There are two types of atheists - the "weak" variety and the "strong" variety. The strong atheists make the positive assertion that deities do not exist; the weak atheists don't believe in the existence of deities, but don't claim knowledge of their non-existence. Now, I know a few people will confuse the latter as agnosticism, which would be incorrect. People don't realize that agnosticism is compatible with both theism and atheism, and is not the halfway point between those two. Once it's understood that agnosticism deals with knowledge, and atheism & theism aren't mutually exclusive labels, then I think we'll be on the same page. You can have no belief and not make knowledge claims, and you can have a belief and not make knowledge claims. If you simply "lack" belief in a god, you are an atheist. That's all it takes to qualify.We don't hate Christians, or anyone who has any sort of religious affiliation. What upsets us is certain sects that "claim" to be Christian who's sole intention is to infringe their religious beliefs on our entire society by means of censorship and legislating morality, as well as impeding social and scientific progress. That's what we take issue with, and some of us are very aggressive and vocal about it, as we should be. We don't want to ban religion, or anyone's freedom to religious expression - we just want it out of our public schools, government and personal lives.We're not terrible, evil, immoral people. We're just like you. We have lives, families, jobs, treat people with dignity and respect, and are just trying to get through this life like everyone else - it just doesn't involve religion, spirituality, or belief in a higher power. Is this a good reason to make us the most distrusted minority group in the United States?It's very simple folks. If you're looking for the correct description of atheism, ASK AN ATHIEST! Who would know better than someone who happens to be one?Oh, and contrary to popular opinion, there are atheists in foxholes.
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