Ho hum. Not much to know about me. The most exciting thing about me is all the interesting people I know: my wife, my daughters, my friends....
But here is a tiny, tiny snapshot: ---
I left home at 17 and never looked back except one time, and it didn't turn out well. I worked in military intelligence and did a few other things for the Army as a teenager. I went in as an E-1 and came out an O-2 by way of E-5. I have also been a:
burger flipper,
Disc Jockey (alt radio, before REM and the Chili Peppers sold out),
insurance salesman,
Dance Instructor for Arthur Murrays (Waltz, Cha-Cha and Swing),
Psychiatric Child Care Worker,
Computer Tutor,
transcriptionist (only 60 words/minute), and
Para-legalI'm easily bored, but never by people who are realAnd somewhere in there, I learnt computers, got married and had kids...To the world, I am in my forties. In my head, I'm still 23, unless my back hurts. It's not fair. I was just about to be cool, and then I got old. But I adore my wife and daughters, and I would rather be a good father and husband than a cool 23-year old. I would rather be real than cool.
"Real" is the new "cool".
My Personality
Neuroticism 3
Extraversion 6
Openness To Experience 58
Agreeableness 87
Conscientiousness 62
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You are introverted, reserved, and quiet with a preference for solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends. You are calm and composed, reacting well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. A desire for tradition does not prevent you from trying new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual. You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.