Blogs - HARD HEARTED CONSERVATIVES? - Clay ( C-IN ) MySpace Blog
March 27, 2008 Conservatives More Liberal Givers By George Will ____________________________________________________
March 27, 2008 Conservatives More Liberal Givers By George Will ____________________________________________________
---- Link Generator ==========LINKS:Lie #3: "The Republican Party is racist." "The Democratic Party has had a long history of racism that is still alive and well today. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 to abolish slavery. Democrats founded the KKK. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia was a Kleagle in the KKK and used the "n-word" twice on "Fox News Sunday" just a few years ago. Slavery, the poll tax, and Jim Crow laws were primarily institutions of the Democratic Party. Eugene "Bull" O'Connor (the poster boy of American racism) was a Democrat. Democrats almost unanimously support raced based "affirmative action" –essentially a form of racism and oppose school vouchers for minorities trapped in under performing government run schools." =======Online Etymology Dictionary Online Etymology Dictionary ==========Paul Johnson's books: Paul Johnson's books================== News My News and Politics archive =============='s free email newsletters's free e-mail newsletters Sign Up for Talk Radio, Email, Activism and More Sign Up for Talk Radio, Email, Activism and More ================JUDICIAL ACTIVISM RECONSIDERED JUDICIAL ACTIVISM RECONSIDERED ==================== Dinesh D'SouzaDinesh D' Souza=============Thomas SowellThomas Sowell ============ Italy, France, Germany, Scotland, England, Spain, Russia... all filled with history!!
Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, US Troops, Mila, Danielle, Robin, Metallica, Dinesh D'Souza, David Horowitz, Bill O'Reilly, Jonah Goldberg, Sean Hannity, etc. _____________________ _________________________________
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MySpaceTV Videos: Ronnie James Dio by BRIAN
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!
I love eighties metal!!! of Dreams, Grumpy Old Men (and it's sequel), National Treasure, Mary Poppins, Lady and the Tramp.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks Ben X! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obama's Memorial Day Speech Didn't Mention Military: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN 52 SECS WHY BARACK OBAMA CANNOT WIN A GENERAL ELECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Granddaddy and Anita.