Engineering, AeroSpace, Mechanics, Education, Poetry, Greek and Roman Mythology (I took 3 years of Latin in High School just to read some of those texts in somewhat their original form). Music: listening to many different genre and also playing the tenor saxophone. The San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers, and soccer.
And...Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Stephen Hawkings, this one...guy (you know who you are)... can't think of any others right now... must be the space sights at the moment!
Interesting people that can mentally stimulate me. Teach me something I don't already know, or help me see everyday things in a different light. Outgoing, fun, spontaneous, down to earth, humble, and so on.
Listenting to the Radio:
Horror, action, drama, documentaries, love.
Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, Extreme Engineering, Science Discoveries This Week, The Simpsons, Chappelle Show, UniVision, CNN, ESPN, some MTV... eh, whatever's good and on at the time. :P haha.
Insparational books, crime novels, astronomy and deep space.
My MOMMY and DADDY, and everyone that's made it when people told them it could not be done. Those teachers that love to teach and believe that they can make make a difference in student's lives, because they can. Our troops over seas that are defending our freedom (support and pray for them), and all those that look out for public safety.