Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'ROLL!!! is good stuff but they slide in a close second after my true love which is Mullets, Mullets and Mull'E'TS!!!
Any barber who would cut off a paying (or non-paying) customers mullet so I can issue him a no refund BITCH SLAP across his chops, bordering the area of his his puss! Also, NOT Billy ray Cyrus as he knows what he did to be banned from the Ultimate MySpace MULLET page.
Come on now, any music ever invented by a dude with a Mullet.--------------------- (Now let me tell you something Billy Ray Cyrus,**By the way, if you are NOT Billy Ray Cyrus, then please don't read this. Just continue on with your life and explore the rest of the Ultimate MySpace MULLET page, but if you are Billy Ray Cyrus then you need to read this** Now Billy Ray Cyrus, I tried to make an exception for you just one last time, but don't you EVER do what you did again or it will be CURTAINS for you boy!)
Run RONNIE Run, Spinal Tap, Bust-A-Nut in Grandmas Butt #12
Cops has a nice selection, various CMT programs, any bootleg concert footage of a hair metal band in the day.
Juggs, Over 40, Voluptuous, the Necronomican, hacky-sack for Dummies (but I ain't no dummie)