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Stupid TV
Anything by authors: Jung, Reich, Singer, Campbell, Levine, Adler, Watts, Osho, Thich Nhat Hahn, Nietche, Durant, Benjamin Hoff, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Stephen Mitchell, Stephen Harrison, Douglas Adams, Michael Washburn, Ken Wilber, Adyashanti, Wong Kiew Kit, Yang Zwing-Ming, Coleman Barks, Rumi, Hafiz, Rabia, Guatama Buddha, Jesus the Nazerene, Homer, Bulgokov, Poul Anderson, Robert Anton Wilson, Robert E. Howard, Wavy Gravy, Ram Das, H H the Dalai Lama, Diane Ackerman, Ursula Leguin, Ann McCaffrey, Mary Stewart, Roger Zelazny, Colin Wilson, Peter Kingsley, Timothy Freke, Alexander Dumas, Christopher Moore, Tolkien, Richard Braughtigan, Kurt Vonnegut and Dr. Suess... (more to follow)
Little Billy Goat Gruff