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Aloha! Thanks for stopping by!
Kava by Rex is always working to bring you the finest varieties of kava so keep checking back to this section to view our latest product updates.
Kava by Rex has been known to periodically carry varieties of kava like "Waka" from Fiji, Tongan, and Hawaiian kava, although our staple kava is potent, premium, freshly dried and pounded Vanuatu kava root powder, which is always in stock.
*Kava by Rex now has two new types of Vanuatu kava*
1. Special Borogu2
2. Isa/Tudei specialty strain
note: The differences between these two can be found on the left column under "Kava by Rex FAQs".
3. We now also have beautiful Fiji Waka kava in stock!
Always available are great USPS flat-rate shipping prices to anywhere in the USA including international countries, generally wherever Paypal is available (only Paypal is accepted for all orders). Bulk orders are more than welcome.
Any questions after reading this page or any inquiries about ordering some kava, please feel free to send amessage here at Myspaceor e-mail to [email protected] .
Order Kava by Rex now at our new secure online store! * *
Recently I have discovered a rare source of fresh, green, frozen Vanuatu kava root paste which is very potent and very tasty! This is fresh pulverised kava root, not an extract. Bulk orders (10 pounds and over) only for the continental US and no availability for international shipment because overnight shipping is the only method that can be used.
1. Fresh frozen Vanuatu kava paste is $25.00 USD a pound.
2. Fresh frozen Hawaiian kava paste is $20.00 USD a pound.
Serious inquiries only please.
If you're interested in kava extract, my friends over at make a superior product that I really like a lot and can personally vouch for. This is the real-deal "kava essence" extract I like to describe as a naturally sweet, concentrated kava syrup that's pure kava with nothing else added! They make the purest, and best tasting kava/herbal extracts you can find on the market today.
*If anyone would like to copy any information from my page, please send me a message to ask permission first! It's the only decent thing to do. If you want my information on your website, better to set up a link to here instead or maybe I'll put up a link to yours :)*
What is kava?
Kava was, and still is a great healing, social and spiritual beverage used throughout much of the Pacific Basin from Papua, New Guinea to Hawaii.
Piper methysticum, a plant that is a member of the pepper family, is commonly known as kava kava, 'awa, yaqona, yangona, sakau, etc. depending on where you're from. The word "kava" is the english name for the plant, the powder made from the root, and the drink made from the powder. Piper Methysticum literally means "intoxicating pepper".
Kava History
The island nation called Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) has the oldest kava history in the world. It is speculated that Vanuatu is where all kava originates and was first domesticated because it is where the oldest, most diverse, and largest number of named varieties have been found.
If you look at a map of the Pacific Ocean and follow the migration path of the first Polynesians, you will notice that they embarked from S.E. Asia via Papua, New Guinea which is in the S.E. Pacific. They first inhabited Vanuatu where they domesticated kava. After that they then moved on to reside in Fiji, settled on numerous islands groups along the way, and then finally went up north to find the Hawaiian Islands.
Among various supplies, these migrating Polynesians carried with them many food items which were often in dried, seed or root form to avoid spoilage and to plant in newly discovered lands. The sacred kava was one of the more important plants they carried with them and planted along the way.
It is said that kava was so important to these Polynesian migrants that one can trace their actual migration route across the vast Pacific Ocean by comparing the age of the original kava rootstalk found in many of the Pacific Island nations today.
Papua, New Guinea or anywhere else in Asia, or the world for that matter has no known native rootstalk of piper methysticum. Only a single, similar indigenous genotype was found in Papua, New Guinea which is called "piper wichmannii". Some claim that piper wichmannii is not a true kava although it just may be true that all piper methysticum are descendant of this variety.
Traditionally in ancient Hawaii, kava drinking was enjoyed by chiefs and commoners alike although the chiefs had their own special strains which were the best of the land and were kept "kapu" or forbidden to the commoners.
After a hard days work in their specialized trade, the workers would come home and enjoy the kava because of its muscle relaxant and calming effects which soothed their aching muscles. It also helped them prepare physically and mentally for the next day of hard work.
Kava was ceremoniously enjoyed by chiefs, special guests and eventually was served at special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and various other social/spiritual gatherings.
Never bringing emotions of anger, hostility or irritability, the kava gave everyone who drank it a feeling of sociability, camaraderie, and acceptance. Thus is the nature of the kava kava.
Everyone enjoyed the kava, for it was very beneficial to the social development and well being of the Polynesian people - mind, body, and soul.
Physiological and Psychological Benefits
Researchers have found that kava may be effective against insomnia, urinary problems, pain, spasms, epileptic seizures, anxiety, depression, stress and may help as a muscle relaxant and a diuretic (anti-inflammatory).
The kava drink seems to create a sense of sociability and a feeling of being relaxed toward oneself and others. It may also help with memory, concentration, and mental clarity.
*Possible relief of anxiety and depression associated with withdrawal symptoms due to over abuse of drugs, smoking and alcohol has also been seen.*
After thousands of years of use by the Polynesians and decades of research in Europe and the U.S., the traditional use of kava root has never been found to have any addictive or permanent adverse effects.
Active Ingredients and Effects
The active ingredients in kava are compounds called kavalactones. There are six major kavalactones, and it is due to a combination and differing proportion of them that the strength and diversity of kava's psychoactive/physical effects will vary. Some effects are commonly described as states of tranquility, happy unconcern, sociability, well-being and contentment.
Piper methysticum has many different genotypes (rootstalk). Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Hawaii, etc. all have their favorite acclimatized varieties. Each type has different amounts of kavalactones in varying proportions. It has been found that kava is also phenotypical. Meaning that depending on where the plant was grown and what growing conditions it has been through, the kava will exhibit varying strengths and effects respectively. Most kava produces a "body numbing" or muscle relaxant type of effect, and others are special in that they have more of a "cerebral" effect or heady feeling due to a predominant amount of kavain.
To view a chart that lists the six kavalactones and their effects, please refer to the link in the left column under Kava by Rex FAQs.
The Ali'i(kings) of old Hawaii coveted special kava called "Mo'i" that had a strong cerebral effect. Their kapu(sacred/forbidden) gardens were full of kava plants that were subject to to selective breeding and meticulous care. This sacred rootstalk was so important to them, that no one but royalty could ever experience it unless suffer an untimely death.
In modern times the kava of Hawaii is not regulated, although the abundant roostalk of old has been neglected for so long that a lot of the pure ancient varieties have been lost. Recently though, there has been an uprise in quality of Hawaiian kava due to selective breeding. This is because of the increasing popularity and demand for excellent kava here and abroad.
There is a Vanuatu kava variety called "Tuday" or "Isa" that is deemed undrinkable by the natives because they feel that it's effects are way too strong, inducing nausea and lasting for two whole days or more! This type is possibly a close cousin of kava that originates in Papua New Guinea and goes by the Latin name of piper wichmannii. Some people believe that this is not a true kava because it is not piper methysticum.
Even though most kava types are fairly subtle in effect, it's true that even the most potent varieties can be diluted with water or mixed with other liquids to become more pleasant.
Some people have been known to drink a little kava before taking a test at school or giving a speech at work because of its great mental focus, calming and clarifying properties. It's very fascinating how kava tends to make one feel happy and sociable, and at the same time clear, focused and relaxed.
How Much is Too Much?
Kava is contraindicated for people who are pregnant, have liver disease, or have Parkinson's. It may also interfere with MAO inhibiting drugs.
Through traditional forms of ingestion, there has never been an overdose with kava. It will just put you to sleep before you even get close. There is a point where if you drink enough kava, you will lose motor control of your limbs and want to go to sleep. Although this may sound a little extreme, it's a very gradual thing and it usually takes really, really a lot to get to this point.
Kava is believed to be relatively safe because even if a person does drink enough kava to become immobilized, they still retain a certain mental clarity and an awareness of their surroundings.
It's tempting to try and compare kava with alcohol but it really is a different thing all together. Kava does not alter one's sense of reality for the most part. Also high on the positive list is that there are no tolerance issues and -no hangover!
Keep in mind, it is still strongly advised not to mix kava with any prescription or illegal medication, drive or operate heavy machinery, or even drink alcohol while under the influence of kava just to be safe :)
How kava is made
The central rootstalk and lateral roots of the kava plant are harvested after they reach a minimum age of 3-5 years. The roots are dried in the sun and then pulverised into a fine powder.
In modern times, the kava drink is made by placing the pulverised root into a "bag" made of cheesecloth or nylon stockings and then squeezed repeatedly while submerged in water.
Because kavalactones are fat-soluble, what results is a water-extracted starch suspension which is a chocolate milk colored, muddy or earthy tasting beverage that tends to settle, and must be stirred before each sip.
Kava is definitely an acquired taste that takes some getting used to. For those who don't like the taste I always recommend mixing the kava drink with some kind of fruit juice or other beverage to make it more pallatable.
Kava Storage
Kava powder should be kept in dry storage conditions. This means cool, dark, dry and in an airtight container. Similar to where you would keep your tubers, root vegetables and grain. It will last for a fairly long time this way.
Some say that you should keep your kava powder in the freezer or refrigerator. I don't really agree with this, but if so, one definitely needs to take extra care to avoid freezer-burn and not to store it next to strong smelling items because kava takes on other smells and flavors extremely easily.
Once the kava drink is made, it can be stored in your refrigerator for two weeks or more. After which it will "sour" instead of spoil due to its high starch content. The more sterile your hands and kava making equipment are, the longer your kava drink will last in the fridge.
Alternate Traditional Forms
Sometimes kava can also be found in dried chips and dried whole root form. These are not as desireable for the average consumer because it's very difficult to pulverise the larger pieces into powder form without the aid of special machinery.
Although relatively rare, fresh or green kava root may be found for sale as freeze-dried or frozen root chips/paste. It's more expensive than the dried form and a lot has to be used to achieve the same results as using the dried powder. Fresh kava root has more of a "green" flavor and the drink can be a tiny bit muculent or slimy in texture. There also can be a slight feeling of nausea after drinking kava made of fresh root due to a higher concentration of one or more of the kavalactone resins. Don't let this scare you though :) Kava drink made from fresh root can be very pleasurable and smooth tasting depending on the rootstalk.
This slight nausea can be true of kava drink made from any dry kava root powder too (some more than others), although it's merely just a mild side effect of certain active ingredients and does not mean anything is wrong with the kava itself.
Kava Controversy
There has been some controversy over the safety of kava over recent years.
Due to the wonderful anti-anxiety and anti-depressive properties of kava, European doctors started to prescribe it to their patients for treatment in the early 90's. As a result of this new demand, pharmaceutical companies in Europe began importing large amounts of kava from Polynesia and mass producing kava pills and extracts. To save money, the leaves and bark peelings of the kava plant was used as a filler.
This was a big mistake because recently kava bark has been found to have compounds in it that are not good for the liver.One can only imagine how detrimental this could be in a concentrated form.
Traditional pure kava root on the other hand, which has been in use by the Polynesians for thousands of years has no such adverse compounds in it, and actually contains a powerful anti-oxidant that is pro-liver health.
Here are some great articles:
The Honolulu Advertiser: January 13, 2002
The Honolulu Advertiser: November 8, 2003
CTAHR University of Hawaii May 2003 May 13, 2009 May 14, 2009
I sincerely feel that it's very important for everyone to try and keep a clear distinction between pharmaceutical kava which is usually extracted by way of solvents and chemicals, and traditional pure kava root.
I have recently seen several companies that are advertising safe and non-chemical extraction methods for their kava products(extracts and pills). Please be sure and read their labels carefully or even contact them first to find out for sure.
I personally feel that you can't beat preparing and enjoying the miracle of kava the traditional and natural way!
Bear in mind that the exact preparation methods, medicinal uses and folklore surrounding the traditional use of kava has much variation throughout the different island groups of Pacifica.
The books I have listed to the left are wonderful resources for a wealth of in-depth information about kava.
Mahalo for stopping by! Keep checking back for updates :)
Again, if you have any questions or want to try some kava, feel free to send me a message or e-mail .
A hui hou, ka kou - Until we meet again!
The literature provided here has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not use during pregnancy or if you suffer from Parkinsonism. Kava may also interfere with MAO inhibitors. Please consult your physician if you are currently on any medication and trying kava for the first time.
The seller assumes no responsibility for any adverse reactions resulting from the use of these products and the buyer agrees to hold the seller free from any liability. We do not accept returns on our products.
©2009 Kava by Rex

My Blog

Kava by Rex catalog site up now!

Aloha mai ka kou!Now ordering Kava by Rex is even easier at our new catalog page: http://www.kavabyrex.comKava by Rex has pure, premium Vanuatu kava and Fiji Waka kava powder available for sale by the...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 05:21:00 GMT

New Kava Announcement! 11-22-08

Kava by Rex is happy to announce two new types of Vanuatu kava for the New Year! (All new kava varieties are effective immediately)   Replacement of our staple kava is our wonderful new S...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 00:38:00 GMT

Kava Festival 2008

          The 2008 Kava Festival is coming up fast!         & nbsp; Hawai'i Pacific Islands    &...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 04:22:00 GMT

New Paypal Acceptance! Nov. 2007

Kava by Rex is happy to announce that we now accept Paypal for kava orders!This enables you to use a credit card or your bank account to transfer funds quickly, securely and easily.You don't even need...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 00:40:00 GMT

Hawai`i Pacific Islands Kava Festival

A great big "Mahalo!" (thank you) goes out to all my friends and all the new people I just met on October 6, who's kind love and support helped to make the 2007 4th annual Kava Festival a successful a...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:30:00 GMT