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~The Beast Astrology Chart~ ~Scarlet Astrology Chart~
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Rising 24°
N. Node 00° Chaos has been with me my whole life, Everywhere I go Chaos is sure to follow! Up until a few years ago, I didn't know of such a thing... and I thought upon it, came to the understanding that Everything is caused by Chaos! Chaos is my Life! With this being said, I am a Thelemite who practices the daily rituals of Chaos! With the background of a Processean and T.O.P.Y. to throw into the mix.
In addition, I also am infatuated with the number 23, not only because this number represents Chaos, among other things, but all of the synchronicities that go along with it, also the synchronicities of daily life!
To complete this personal philosophy, I try to keep current in the “world of conspiracy theories” and politics. Everything they think is Right, is Actually Wrong!, from the brainwashings of Project MK-12, to F.E.M.A. With there right to throw the Constitution out the window and throw us all in concentration camps here in America! Along with, my pure hatred for the Illuminati, and Fuck-You-Bush!and your N.W.O.-Soldiers! A little about me. I have respect for Thelema, Chaos Magick, the Egyptian Mythos and Sirius Mystery. I am a mother, a lover and companion. I keep my eyes wide open and look for messages (synchronicities) in the world. I am interested in a lot of ideas and processes. I have always been a lover of mythology, I like to see the origins and the repetitive nature of different cultures and try to find the line where they co-exist or have a commonality. I am deeply interested in all areas of the Occult. I have an affinity for gematria, the Qabalah, the Tarot and Astrology. I am a lover of musick, philosophy, hedonism, gnosticism, asatru, pantheism, and truth-seeking (personal).
It's hard to describe who or what I am. I am constantly evolving. Evolution is key to being productive. When ONE embraces change ONE can become all things. ONE who accepts and does nothing becomes stagnate existience. I want conquer STGNTN. I don't want to become the zombite full of hypocrisy and dogmatic ideas. But when you see other people who preach their Ideas on what ONE should be I believe they are pushing their ideas of existence upon another and in turn, imposing their OWN Will upon another and whether that's wrong or right it doesn't matter, it is simply not the way I choose to go about it. It bothers me to see other brothers and sisters deciding how we should go about our True Will. We were given Free will to make decisions. We were given Choice to evolve or become stagnate. We were given a choice to know or to be ignorant. These are choices. Not all are black and white or Wrong verses Right. That is what makes us all so unique. We have the ability to make the decision for ourself. This world wants moral majority to make decisions to keep from having chaos and anarchy. People tend to need structure and order..... that's the way the world is I accept it I have responsibility and I get along and am a member of society and do my part to co-habitate. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Doesn't mean I have to accept it. But to get along in this world I choose to pacify the masses. Sometimes we forget that we are all working towards the GREAT WORK. Everyone is different. Everyone is a Star. Love is the Law. You cannot KNOW PEACE having not ever KNOWN WAR! I believe that you must understand and experience both sides to every coin to truly be aware of the coin. Chaos shouldn't be feared because we learn things and gain strength through our adversities. I am not saying I want to start a war or revelation, frankly I don't like starting conflicts or drama. But accepting and rolling with things as they come along. rising 12°
N. Node 26°
Sun in Cancer, Sun in Libra Compatibilty
Cancer with Libra:
This is an attraction of very different natures. The one thing you have in common is a desire to have your own way. But because both of you know the value of compromise, constant negotiations rather than wild fights are likely to be the result.
Airy Libra needs clarity, logic, and civilised interaction. Watery Cancer needs closeness, affection, and appreciation of the emotional flow between you. Cancer can thaw Libra's emotional restraint, and Libra can help Cancer to find a more detached perspective on life.
You could well team up to work together on creative projects or business ventures which require both cool analysis and the warm human touch.
But if you polarise mind and feelings, you can easily fall into difficulties. Cancer is sensitive and can feel rejected by a cool atmosphere. Libra is idealistic and longs for harmony, and can feel stifled by too many emotional demands.
Try to appreciate the differences between you, and make an effort to speak the other's language rather than trying to change each other to fit your image of an ideal partner. As long as you can strive for understanding a nature very different from your own, you have an enormous amount to offer each other.
Whether it's an old plastic bottle, an old lover, an old house, an old belief, an old memory, Cancer hangs on. One of your strongest urges is the urge for security, and security usually means clinging to the past. It's an emotional motivation, not a practical one. Beneath the Crab's tenacious penchant for not letting go of anything lies one of the most sensitive and vulnerable of all the zodiac signs. Moon-ruled, your apparently solid and conservative nature is perpetually washed by a cyclical ebb and flow of moods, desires, feelings, fantasies, dreams, fears and intuitions.
Yes, conservative. You Cancers know all about conservation. You'll carefully nurture and protect those tender feelings and creative imaginings beneath a bristling fortified wall of multiple bank accounts, share certificates, insurance policies, old photographs, family traditions, childhood friendships, and sometimes a super-rational attitude which appears to reject everything that lies on the invisible side of life.
Cancers are closet mystics, with poetry in their soul and the light of distant, dimly lit horizons in their eyes. Admittedly, not a lot of people may know that about you, and maybe you don't even know it about yourself. Except when the Moon changes phases and those secret dreams and imaginings rise up with the ebb and flow of the tide.
Yours is traditionally the sign of the family. That doesn't mean every Cancer wants, or should have, a family in the conventional sense. But a feeling of continuity with the past is terribly important for you. With roots firmly in the ground, you can indulge your wandering instinct, because there's something to come back to. And Crabs never move directly toward what they want. They circumambulate. "What, me? Interested in that? Don't be silly." But when you grab for the prize and those pincers close, you don't let go.
You dislike analysing motives, especially your own. You intuitively avoid possible rejection and humiliation - hence the often misread coolness which you present in situations where you feel vulnerable. But you're not cool, just intensely self-protective.
It's been said that Cancers are manipulative. This is absolutely true. You generally get what you want quietly and diplomatically, and half the time other people don't even realise you wanted it. Maybe sometimes you don't even realise yourself, until you've got there.
It's also been said about Cancer that the right hand often doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Of course you know, deep down. It's just that things are easier when they're dimly lit by the light of the Moon, not exposed for all to see in the harsh light of the noonday Sun.
Cancer is a water sign, with a gift for working subtly with feelings. Yes, you know how to use manipulation - atmospheres, hints, innuendoes, subtle ways of inducing guilt - to keep your loved ones close. The negative side of this is a propensity to employ emotional blackmail. But the positive side is a wonderful ability to guide and nurture without invasiveness. And behind even the most subtle of emotional ploys is your powerful need to be needed.
Your sensitivity, gentleness, shrewdness and delicacy can be beautifully expressed not only in the caring professions, but in business, family life, or a work of art. Although you need people, and need to be needed by them, you also long to retreat into solitude from time to time. It's those lunar phases again. Sometimes you simply have to withdraw in order to refresh your spirits and commune with those boundless imaginative depths. But you also need a lot of closeness and reassurance, and a cold atmosphere can be almost physically painful for you when you want to be close to someone.
Yours is a complex personality. You're instinctively secretive, yet always compassionate and responsive to others' unhappiness. You're capable of being snappish and irritable when the mood is on you, yet you're also able to brim over with joy, warmth, and sheer wild unbridled fun. Sometimes Cancers have to wait a long time before their real creative potential is realised. But the creative fruit you'll bring forth is worth waiting and working for.
In one sense, Librans are always lovers, even when they're programming computers, making political speeches or designing a garden. Everything they do, they do with refinement, grace and style. They show their best qualities in a civilised relationship which contains plenty of harmony, compromise and clear, open communication.
If you enjoy tempestuous, violent scenes with slammed doors and smashed crockery and lots of tears and torn clothes, choose another sign. If you're big on heavy silent atmospheres, that's not going to go over well either. Although it's certainly possible to drive a Libran to the point of real explosiveness, it takes a lot of work, and afterward you'll find that, far from enjoying all that passionate intensity, your Libran partner loathes every minute of it, loathes you, loathes herself for reaching that disgracefully bestial level of behaviour, and never forgets it.
If you want to discuss love problems with a Libra, you must discuss them. With words, in clear, logical, grammatically sound sentences. You can't just emote. And make sure you temper your accusations with a good helping of, "Yes, I know that part is my fault", because otherwise the Libran sense of fairness will be offended. In short, learn diplomacy.
It can all get too intellectualised for some people. Libra is capable of spending hours discussing a relationship - what's wrong with it, what's right with it, how "we" (don't forget the royal Libran "we") can make it better. In the end, Librans, for all their extraordinary intelligence, can show a surprisingly small capacity to act on these ideals in an emotionally convincing way.
Libra's feeling nature is quite childlike, very powerful, and usually repressed. When they become horribly rational and discuss emotions like a political debate with pros, cons, and suggested fair compromises, you might feel like doing something really basic, like setting the house on fire and screaming. Yet having a reasonable partner can be a great boon. It means you can reason with her.
Of course there are times when reason has no place in love, and this is often Libra's most difficult and painful lesson. You may wait a long time for your Libra partner to offer a genuine and spontaneous emotional response which hasn't been thought out carefully first. But if you can truly understand and respect Libra's need for harmony and civilised behaviour, it can make a big difference.
Librans can be gently coaxed into trusting their emotions, if the relationship is mutually respectful. But they can't become somebody else. If you can't accept the innate Libran tendency to rely on reason, try something a little more explosive, like an Aries or a Scorpio. The need for companionship makes Libra very companionable, and if you're a ferociously independent type who likes to do everything alone, you may have a difficult time with Libra, who likes to do everything together.
They aren't in the least bit weak. Far from it. Librans can be determined, tenacious and unstoppable if they believe in an ideal. It's just that they're people-lovers, and even a quiet, introverted Libra needs an understanding and interested mate and companion with whom to share ideals and dreams. Librans are deeply interested in making relationships work, and if you get involved with a Libran, you're the beneficiary of that romantic idealism. For such a priceless gift, it's well worth learning to communicate with your Libran partner rather than just dissolving into tears or shouting and slamming the door.
The Cancer Male:
It may sound simplistic to say that all Cancer men are mother-bound. But it would come close to the truth. This man is tied, one way or another -in love or in hate, and often in both - to Mother. It's his biggest test in life and in love. He can either embody Mother himself and express a wealth of empathy and protectiveness, or he can look for a mother all his life.
Cancer is a sign of fertile imagination and deep emotional needs. They don't like to stand alone. Cancer men are often eternally searching for that nurturing, protecting partner who will always forgive and understand them - especially if they didn't find it in childhood. You might well ask, Why not? What's wrong with that? Nothing, of course. But in each man's unconscious, buried deep within him, is the myth of the Hero. How can a hero keep running back to Mummy for comfort and understanding? The mother-son bond is one of the most difficult things Cancer must contend with in life.
Cancer men often marry young - that is, if they aren't secret mother-haters. The mother- haters usually marry very late, if at all. They're afraid of women and avoid commitment. But this is a distorted kind of Cancer, a Cancer on the run from his own emotional dependency. There are lots of Crabs running around with extra-hard shells and hyper- rational attitudes, never letting you - or themselves - see the vulnerable, imaginative person underneath. If you probe, they snap at you.
The Cancer man may settle down by the time he's twenty-five - although, given the complexity of his nature, it may not be his last port of call. This man makes a wonderfully loving father - as long as he's not jealous of the mothering his children receive. But sadly, if he makes a commitment too young, he may find later that he made it because he needed security, and not because his deeper feelings were really touched. Like good wine, the Cancer man's understanding of himself deepens and improves with maturity.
This man appreciates a strong partner - as long as "strong" doesn't mean you don't need him. His moods and anxieties need to be understood, although you're not required to tolerate them with a perpetually sweet smile. Engage with him emotionally, even if it's with anger, and he'll respond. Although he recoils from real separation, he can wander - emotionally if not physically - if the mood is on him. The up side is that he'll always come back again. If he wanders physically, the big question is whether you want him when he does come home again. That's up to you, of course. But if he knows he's hurt you, he's likely to do everything in his power to avoid doing it again.
It helps to understand that, for a man, this is a sign with a lot of innate conflict. Sensitivity and imagination don't mix with society's macho expectations. Did I hear you say times have changed, women (and men) are liberated, etc.? Maybe in the world's big cosmopolitan cities. But most of the rest of the world hasn't heard yet.
It's still hard for this moody, introverted, changeable, imaginative man to feel entirely secure being himself. He always wears camouflage. Cancer's two best camouflages are the hard rational thinker and the jolly extrovert. Don't be fooled by either of them - they're just a mood. To live so close to the forces and currents of the inner imaginal and emotional world is a great challenge for a Cancer man. Here lies the source of his greatest creativity, but it can take a long time - and some painful experiences - for his gifts to fully emerge.
The Cancer man is never an easy partner. He's too complex. He can be evasive and indirect, and the deeper the problem, the less likely you are to hear about it. He can be sulky and crabby one moment, effusively sentimental the next. Even when he's wearing that hyper-rational mask and pretends to be clear and logical, he's elusive and mysterious, and you'll never really get to the bottom of his secret soul. But most of all, this man has an incredible depth and array of feeling, and he's deeply, richly, stunningly alive.
Tough-guy tactics don't mix with Cancer's tenderness and subtle form of strength and courage, so be prepared for a partner who is as able to be helpless and vulnerable as he is to be protective and tenacious. And who wants tough-guy tactics anyway?
The Libra female:
The Libra woman loves beauty, style and elegance. But don't let that fool you into thinking she's shallow or superficial. She has a mind like a steel trap. This woman is not some vague, fluffy bundle of mascara and stiletto heels that will stare in open-mouthed admiration at your mental acrobatics. She's probably either got a string of academic degrees or might as well have, and has already worked out the solution to the problem in ten minutes which you've been struggling with for two hours.
Libra women can be quite unnerving. They often show a huge contradiction between their appearance and their real nature. Some Libra women prefer to find their beauty and elegance solely in the world of ideas. But even here you can see the style and grace at work, and most Libra women are usually very aware of their appearance. The appearance of the Libra woman often belies the capacities and capabilities of her intellect. She is, however, generally too tactful to allow this to be immediately known. You might not find out for years that she's a lot smarter than you are.
There's often a strong intellectual drive in the Libra woman, whether this shows itself as a love of theoretical knowledge or a love of organising. The Libra woman may need a strong career to allow expression of her gifts. There is often a real ability to work with groups and get people together in cooperative action. Her goal-orientated qualities are expressed through the Libra woman's ability to work with structures, forms, organisations and concepts. This can be very disconcerting, as this is also usually the woman who will happily spend a day being pampered at the beauty salon and throw away a fortune on designer clothes.
No Libra is simple. The strong mental bias of the sign means she may tend to suppress her emotions. Whatever conventional stereotypes society might expect of women, the Libra woman generally prefers to reason things out rather than reacting out of instinct.
This is both a great boon and a great problem. It's a boon in terms of potential achievement in the world and in terms of establishing clean, strong friendships. It's a problem because her powerful intellect can make an insecure type of man feel very threatened; and dealing with children and intimate relationships can be difficult because the Libra woman may find it hard to show emotion spontaneously or respond freely to a partner's or child's emotional needs.
The key is romance. Libra's tightly corseted, over-civilised emotions can usually be freed through the ritual courtship of romance. And the Libra woman is definitely a romantic, even if you find her displaying those frighteningly rational tendencies and claiming to be a logical, reasonable person.
A bunch of flowers can go a long way; but a heartfelt compliment goes an even longer way, and best of all is a genuine interest in and attraction to her mind. If you want to relate to a Libra woman, you have to accept both the man and the woman in her. For she possesses both, and the Libran woman who has found her own balance is comfortable in all worlds.
Aleister Crowley documentary:Genesis P. Orridge:Timothy Leary:Robert Anton Wilson:William S. Burroghs:
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Thelema: ~The Beast Speaks~ ~Scarlet Straddles....Thelema~
Everyman and Woman is a Star!, with this being said I am going to add that most Thelemites don't follow this statement when the O.T.O. wants you to join their organization. I follow my own rules and beliefs, not someone else's beliefs and concepts. I have my own true Will, and I have my own ways of accomplishing my Great Work.
I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen.
Those who follow others are slaves, the weak! They who cannot think for themselves.
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him.
I am not one for judgment of anyone based on their beliefs because they may know something I may not, nor have i walked threw their shoes, or have lived their life!, nor do I know if they are as King as I!
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the wand of the Force of Caph Nia--but my left hand is empty, for I have crushed an Universe; & naught remains.
Be careful of what you ask... for there are two sides to everything! Chaos is Everywhere! I recently heard a commentary on Thelema, in which said person was preaching order, focus, mental dedication, structured practices and teachings. Restriction of the body and mind. This commentary spoke of how we as thelemites should be structured individuals and adhere to a self-disciplined lifestyle. Well Can I not be a thelemite in search of truth who embraces Chaos for chance of Evolution of the mind, body and spirit? If I put all my energy in trying to quiet the fire within, won't I miss out on the bigger picture? Is there a chaste system for thelemites? Do you not count if you cannot afford to pay your dues or attend regular functions? Do we not count if we are not of the highest degree?
Another thing that bothers me, why should there be a set pretense to what we can bring into our OWN Religion or Personal Philosophy? We have all these labels to self-identify with. Why do we have to be one set thing? Can't we be a eclectic collection of ideas and movements that we enjoy and that appeal to us? Why do we have to have all of these pretty playthings upon our alters and aesthetics and toys to help us give the perfect ritual? Why? You can't answer these questions either? Does everyone just do things because “they” say its the right way to do things? Just question why you are doing these things? Why do you believe this way? What is it about this that appeals to you? What do you gain from this experience? What the hell am I doing here? Why am I doing this? What is this? I guess I just can't shovel the shit down by the spoon full no longer. This do what I say mentality is pushing away good people who want to be apart of social change and self-awareness. Why should we impose limitation and restrictions upon everything in this world. Is there not one ounce of freedom still left in OUR WORLD?
I came across an essay by Crowley and I thought I would share it as a reminder.
DUTY by ALEISTER CROWLEY (a note on the chief rules of practical conduct to be observed by those who accept the Law of Thelema.)"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." "...thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect." "Love is the law, love under will." "Every man and every woman is a star."
A. YOUR DUTY TO YOURSELF1. Find yourself to be the centre of your own Universe"I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."2. Explore the Nature and Powers of your own Being.This includes everything which is, or can be for you: and you must accept everything exactly as it is in itself, as one of the factors which go to make up your True Self. This True Self thus ultimately includes all things soever: its discovery is Initiation (the traveling inwards) and as its Nature is to move continually, it must be understood not as static, but as dynamic, not as a Noun but as a Verb.3. Develop in due harmony and proportion every faculty which you possess."Wisdom says: be strong!" "But exceed! exceed!" "Be strong, o man, lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this"4. Contemplate your own Nature.Consider every element thereof both separately and in relation to all the rest as to judge accurately the true purpose of the totality of your Being.5. Find the formula of this purpose, or "True Will", in an expression as simple as possible.Leave to understand clearly how best to manipulate the energies which you control to obtain the results most favourable to it from its relations with the part of the Universe which you do not yet control.6. Extend the dominion of your consciousness, and its control of all forces alien to it, to the utmost.Do this by the ever stronger and more skillful application of your faculties to the finer, clearer, fuller, and more accurate perception, the better understanding, and the more wisely ordered government, of that external Universe.7. Never permit the thought or will of any other Being to interfere with your own.Be constantly vigilant to resent, and on the alert to resist, with unvanquishable ardour and vehemence of passion unquenchable, every attempt of any other Being to influence you otherwise than by contributing new facts to your experience of the Universe, or by assisting you to reach a higher synthesis of Truth by the mode of passionate fusion.8. Do not repress or restrict any true instinct of your Nature; but devote all in perfection to the sole service of your one True Will."Be goodly therefore" "The Word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife if she will. O lover, if thou wilt, depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed! be it to the aeons. Hell. So with thy all: thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect." "Ye shall gather goods and store of women and Spices; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth is Splendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy."9. Rejoice!"Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.""But ye, o my people, rise up and awake! Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy and beauty! ... A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death! A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture. A feast every night unto Nuit, and the pleasure of uttermost delight. Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is no dissolution and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.""Now rejoice! now come in our splendour and rapture! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings!""Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whose seeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our age long love. Come! lift up thy heart & rejoice!""Is God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice: who sorroweth is not of use. Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious langour, force and fire, are of us."B. YOUR DUTY TO OTHER INDIVIDUAL MEN AND WOMEN1. "Love is the law, love under will."Unite yourself passionately with every other form of consciousness, thus destroying the sense of seperateness from the Whole, and creating a new base-line in the Universe from which to measure it.2. "As brothers fight ye.""If he be a king thou canst not hurt him." To bring out saliently the differences between two points-of-view is useful to both in measuring the position of each in the whole. Combat stimulates the virile or creative energy; and, like love, of which it is one form, excites the mind to an orgasm which enables it to transcend its rational dullness.3. Abstain from all interferences with other wills."Beware lest any force another, King against King!" (The love and war in the previous injunctions are of the nature of sport, where one respects, and learns from the opponent, but never interferes with him, outside the actual game.) To seek to dominate or influence another is to seek to deform or destroy him; and he is a necessary part of one's own Universe, that is, of one's self.4. Seek, if you so will, to enlighten another when need arises.This may be done, always with the strict respect for the attitude of the good sportsman, when he is in distress through failure to understand himself clearly, especially when he specifically demands help; for his darkness may hinder one's perception of his perfection. (Yet also his darkness may serve as a warning, or excite one's interest.) It is also lawful when his ignorance has lead him to interfere with one's will. All interference is in any case dangerous, and demands the exercise of extreme skill and good judgement, fortified by experience. To influence another is to leave one's citadel unguarded; and the attempt commonly ends in losing one's own self-supremacy.5. Worship all!"Every man and every woman is a star." "Mercy let be off: damn those who pity." "We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery: For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched and the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt not die, but live! Now let it be understood if the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain in pure ecstacy for ever. Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit. The Sun, Strength and Sight, Light these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake."Each being is, exactly as you are, the sole centre of a Universe in no wise identical with, or even assimilable to, your own. The impersonal Universe of "Nature" is only an abstraction, approximately true, of the factors which it is convenient to regard as common to all. The universe of another is therefore necessarily unknown to, and unknowable by, you; but it induces currents of energy in yours by determining in part your reactions. Use men and women, therefore, with the absolute respect due to inviolable standards of measurement; verify your own observations by comparison with similar judgements made by them; and, studying the methods which determine their failure or success, acquire for yourself the wit and skill required to cope with your own problems.C. YOUR DUTY TO MANKIND1. Establish the Law of Thelema as the sole basis of conduct.The general welfare of the race being necessary in many respects to your own, that well-being, like your own, principally a function of the intelligent and wise observance of the Law of Thelema, it is of the very first importance to you that every individual should accept frankly that Law, and strictly govern himself in full accordance therewith.You may regard the establishment of the Law of Thelema as an essential element of your True Will, since, whatever the ultimate nature of that Will, the evident condition of putting it into execution is freedom from external interference.Governments often exhibit the most deplorable stupidity, however enlightened may be the men who compose and constitute them, or the people whose destinies they direct. It is therefore incumbent on every man and woman to take the proper steps to cause the revisions of all existing statutes on the basis of the Law of Thelema. This Law being a Law of Liberty, the aim of the legislation must be to secure the amplest freedom for each individual in the state, eschewing the presumptuous assumption that any given positive ideal is worthy to be obtained."The Word of Sin is Restriction."The essence of crime is that it restricts the freedom of the individual outraged. (Thus, murder restricts his right to live; robbery, his right to enjoy the fruits of his labour; coining, his right to the guarantee of the State that he shall barter in security; etc.) It is then the common duty to prevent crime by segregating the criminal, and by the threat of reprisals; also, to teach the criminal that his acts, being analyzed, are contrary to his own True Will. (This may often be accomplished by taking from him the right which he has denied to others; as by outlawing the thief, so that he feels constant anxiety for the safety of his own possessions, removed from the ward of the State.) The rule is quite simple. He who violated any right declares magically that it does not exist; therefore it no longer does so, for him.Crime being a direct spiritual violation of the Law of Thelema, it should not be tolerated in the community. Those who possess the instinct should be segregated in a settlement to build up a state of their own, so to learn the necessity of themselves imposing and maintaining rules of justice.All artificial crimes should be abolished. When fantastic restrictions disappear, the greater freedom of the individual will itself teach him to avoid acts which really restrict natural rights. Thus real crime will diminish dramatically.The administration of the Law should be simplified by training men of uprightness and discretion whose will is to fulfill this function in the community to decide all complaints by the abstract principle of the Law of Thelema, and to award judgement on the basis of the actual restriction caused by the offense.The ultimate aim is thus to reintegrate conscience, on true scientific principles, as the warden of conduct, the monitor of the people, and the guarantee of the governors.D. YOUR DUTY TO ALL OTHER BEINGS AND THINGS1. Apply the Law of Thelema to all problems of fitness, use, and development.It is a violation of the Law of Thelema to abuse the natural qualities of any animal or object by diverting it from its proper function, as determined by consideration of its history and structure. Thus, to train children to perform mental operations, or to practice tasks, for which they are unfitted, is a crime against nature. Similarly, to build houses of rotten material, to adulterate food, to destroy forests, etc., etc., is to offend.The Law of Thelema is to be applied unflinchingly to decide every question of conduct. The inherent fitness of any thing for any proposed use should be the sole criterion.Apparent, and sometimes even real, conflict between interests will frequently arise. Such cases are to be decided by the general value of the contending parties in the scale of Nature. Thus, a tree has a right to its life; but a man being more than a tree, he may cut it down for fuel or shelter when need arises. Even so, let him remember that the Law never fails to avenge infractions: as when wanton deforestation has ruined a climate or a soil, or as when the importation of rabbits for a cheap supply of food has created a plague.Observe that the violation of the Law of Thelema produces cumulative ills. The drain of the agricultural population to big cities, due chiefly to persuading them to abandon their natural ideals, has not only made the country less tolerable to the peasant, but debauched the town. And the error tends to increase in geometrical progression, until a remedy has become almost inconceivable and the whole structure of society is threatened with ruin.The wise application based on observation and experience of the Law of Thelema is to work in conscious harmony with Evolution. Experiments in creation, involving variation from existing types, are lawful and necessary. Their value is to be judged by their fertility as bearing witness to their harmony with the course of nature towards perfection
Chaos: ~The Beast Speaks~ ~Scarlet Dances With...Chaos~
Chaos is where it all begins. Everything you can imagine was not there and could've not have been there if weren't created from chaos.
This is where every thought, every image in your mind gets projected into the world as we know of"Reality". Through this we find that our way of thinking and illustrating art work, and practices get manifested into what we want, and or Desire. We have to learn or train ourselves to think with a positive outlook without forgetting the negative things that can and will occur, if forgotten.
Place or brainstorm your ideas of your great work out on the battlefield of "reality" looking all ways! To try and figure out in your mind everything that may occur to try and fight against what you are trying to achieve, by doing this you are protecting yourself in a way that you will not be tramatized by these things as they occur, and lesson the probability of these things happening.
Prepare for the worst and that's what you may in fact get, be careful on your approach for this is Chaos, and what you think may occur, probably will here. So you prepare for the best! Expect nonetheless, but be AWARE-Always! Don't kid-yourself!
Thus bringing this to an end on my thoughts of Chaos... I leave you with this, some of my favorite quotes from the writings of Austin Osman Spare-The one who claimed to have been one of the first to have written about ch23A.O.S.:
Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses called devotion, Zos satisfied the habit by speaking loudly unto his Self. And at one time, returning to familiar consciousness, he was vexed to notice interested hearers-a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whore mongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques that obtain in civilizations. His irritation was much, yet still they pestered him, saying: Master, we would learn of these things! Teach us Religion!
The words God, religions, faith, morals, woman, etc. (they being forms of belief), are used as expressing different "means" as controlling and expressing desire: an idea of unity by fear in some form or another which must spell bondage-the imagined limits; extended by science which adds a dearly paid inch to our height: no more.
Kia: The absolute freedom which being free is mighty enough to be "reality" and free at any time: therefore is not potential or manifest (except as it's instant possibility) by ideas of freedom or "means," but by the Ego being free to receive it, by being free of ideas about it and by not believing. The less said of it (Kia) the less obscure is it. Remember evolution teaches by terrible punishments-that conception is ultimate reality but not ultimate freedom from evolution.
Virtue: Pure Art
Vice: Fear, belief, faith, control, science, and the like.
Self-Love: A mental state, mood or condition caused by the emotion of laughter becoming the principle that allows the Ego appreciation or universal association in permitting inclusion before conception.
Exhaustion: That state of vacuity brought by exhausting a desire by some means of dissipation when the mood corresponds to the nature of the desire, i.e., when the mind is worried because of the non-fulfillment of such desire and seeks relief. By seizing this mood and living, the resultant vacuity is sensitive to the subtle suggestion of the Sigil.
Sensation . . Nutrition . . . Mastication . . . . Procreation . . . ! This is your blind-worm cycle. Ye have made a curiously bloody world for love in desire. Shall nothing change except through your accusing diet?
In your conflict ye have obtained . . . ? Ye who believe your procreation is ultimate are the sweepings of creation manifest, returning again to early simplicity to hunger, to become, and realize-ye are not yet. Ye have muddled time and ego. Think ye to curb the semen sentimentally? Ye deny sexuality with tinsel ethics, live by slaughter, pray to greater idiots-that all things may be possible to ye who are impossible.
In your conflict ye have obtained . . . ? Ye who believe your procreation is ultimate are the sweepings of creation manifest, returning again to early simplicity to hunger, to become, and realize-ye are not yet. Ye have muddled time and ego. Think ye to curb the semen sentimentally? Ye deny sexuality with tinsel ethics, live by slaughter, pray to greater idiots-that all things may be possible to ye who are impossible.
Verily, far easier for madmen to enter Heaven than moral Lepers. Of what difference is Life or Death? Of what difference is dream or reality? Know ye nothing further than you own stench? Know ye what ye think ye know for certain? Fain would I be silent. Yet too tolerant is this Sun that cometh up to behold me, and my weakness comes of my dissatisfaction of you solicit . . . but be ye damned before obtaining fresh excuses of me!
Unworthy of a soul-your metamorphosis is laborious of morbid rebirth to give habitance to the shabby sentiments, the ugly familiarities, the calligraphic pandemonium-a world of abundance acquired of greed. Thus are ye outcasts! Ye habitate dung-heaps; your glorious palaces are hospitals set amid cemeteries. Ye breathe gay-heartedly within this cess-pit? Ye obtain of half-desires, bent persuasions, of threats, of promises made hideous by vituperatious righteousness! Can you realize of Heaven when it exists without?
Man has willed Man!
Your desires shall become flesh, your dreams reality and no fear shall alter it one whit.
Hence do I travel ye into the incarnating abortions-the aberrations, the horrors without sex, for ye are worthless to offer Heaven new sexualities.
Once in this world I enjoyed laughter-when I remembered the value I gave the contemptible; the significance of my selfish fears; the absurd vanity of my hopes; the sorry righteousness called I.
And you?
Certainly not befitting are tears of blood, nor laughter of gods.
Ye do not even look like MEN but the strange spawn of some forgotten ridicule.
Lost among the illusions begat of duality-are these the differentiations ye make for future entity to ride your bestial self? Millions of times have ye had re-birth and many more times will ye again suffer existence.
Ye are of things distressed, living down the truths ye made. Loosing only from my overflow, perchance I teach ye to learn of yourselves? In my becoming shall the hungry satisfy of my good and evil? I strive me neither, and confide subsequent to the event.
Know my purpose: To be a stranger unto myself, the enemy of truth.
Uncertain of what ye believe, be like ye half-desire? But believe ye this, serving your dialectics:- Subscribing only to self-love, the outcroppings of my hatred now speak. Further, to ventilate my own health, I scoff at your puerile dignitaries' absurd moral clothes and bovine faith in a fortuitous and gluttonous future!
Shall I speak of that unique intensity without form? Know ye the ecstasy within? The pleasure between ego and self?
At that time of ecstasy there is no thought of others; there is No Thought. Thither I go and none may lead.
Others believe in prayer . . . . have not all yet learnt, that to ask it to be denied? Let it be the root of your Gospel. Oh, ye who are living other peoples lives! Unless desire is subconscious, it is not fulfilled, no, not in this life. Then verily sleep is better than prayer. Quiescence is hidden desire, a form of "not asking"; by it the female obtains much from man. Utilize prayer (if you must pray) as a means of exhaustion, and by that you will obtain your desire.
1: All means of locomotion, machinery, governments, institutions, and everything essentially modern, is vital symbolism of the workings of our mind, etc.
2: The symbol of justice known to the Romans is not symbolic of Divine, or our justice, at least not necessarily or usually. The vitality is not exactly like water-nor are we trees; more like ourselves, which might incidentally include trees somewhere unlearnt-much more obvious in our workings at present.
Of name it has no name, to designate. I call it Kia I dare not claim it as myself. The Kia which can be expressed by conceivable ideas, is not the eternal Kia, which burns up all belief but is the archetype of "self," the slavery of mortality. Endeavouring to describe "it," I write what may be but not usually-called the "book of lies". 3 The unorthodox of the originable-a volant "sight," that conveys somehow by the incidental, that truth is somewhere. The Kia which can be vaguely expressed in words is the "Neither-Neither," the unmodified "I" in the sensation of omnipresence, the illumination symbolically transcribed in the sacred alphabet, and of which I am about to write.
3: About this "Self"; all conception is the dual principle, the law which is its conception.
4: The unmodified sex principle refracted through the dual principle emanates the infinite variety of emotions or sexualities, which may be called its ramifications.
The most aged one who grows no wiser, it may be regarded as the mother of all things. Therefore believe all experience to be illusion, and the law of duality. As space pervades an object both in and out, similarly within and beyond this ever-changing cosmos, there is this second less principle.
5: By scores of incarnations, our eventual "self" is derived from the attributes with which we endow our God, the abstract Ego or conceptive principle. All conception is a denial of the Kia, hence we are its opposition, our own evil. The offspring of ourselves, we are the conflict of what we deny and assert of the Kia. It would seem as though we cannot be too careful in our choice, for it determines the body we inhabit.
You are conscious of the gay Butterfly you observe and are conscious of being "You": the Butterfly is conscious of being "itself," and as such, it is a consciousness as good as and the same as yours, i.e., of you being "you." Therefore this consciousness of "you" that you both feel is the same "you"? Ergo, you are one and the same-the mystery of mysteries and the most simple thing in the world to understand! How could you be conscious of what you are not? But you might believe differently? So, if you hurt the Butterfly you hurt yourself, but your belief that you don't hurt yourself protects you from hurt-for a time! Belief gets tired and you are miserably hurt! Do what you will-belief is ever its own inconsistency. Desire contains everything, hence you must believe in everything-if you believe at all! Belief seems to exclude commonsense.
There is no doubt about it-this consciousness of "Thee" and "Me" is the unwelcome but ever ready torturer-yet it "need not be so" in any sense! Is it not a matter of Fear? You are fearsome of entering a den of Tigers? (And I assure you it is a matter of righteousness-(inborn or cultured)-whether you enter voluntarily or are chucked in, and whether you come out alive or not!) Yet daily you fearlessly enter dens inhabited by more terrible creatures than Tigers and you come out unharmed-why?
In that day there can be deliberation. Without subjection, what you wish to believe can be true. "He"10 is pleased by this imitation, the truth revealed to me by all systems of government but is himself ungoverned; Kia, the supreme bliss. This the glorious Science of pleasing one's self by a new agreement, the art of Self-love by recognition, the Psychology of ecstasy by non-resistance.
6: Sex-less.
7: They being dual have analogy to certain early sex principles in nature. They are carried further in the sacred alphabet, being too abstruse to explain by orthodox words and grammar.
8: The Ego.
9: The belief ever striving for denial- fullness by multiplication, is kept free by retention in this.
10: "He", the Ego, now becomes the "Absolute."
11: The elemental morality or fear of displeasing.
12: And does kill when feared. Chaos Magick is a relatively new form of ritual and empty-handed magic, utilizing paradigm shifting and inhibitory or excitatory states of consciousness, called "gnosis," not limited to but including meditation, chanting, spinning, dancing, drug use, pain or orgasm. Practitioners hold that they can shape reality using this form of magic.
So whatever it takes to tune in, turn on, or alter your state of consciousness to inforce or project your will is the where I define Chaos Magick and is welcome here. All forms whether your a whirling dervish, belly dancer, musick maker or drug addict you are welcome here to express your thoughts and Ideas or realistic ephiphenies.
Process Church: As It Is...The Process
So Be It! ~Scarlet Imitates....
The Process Church of
Final Judgement~
Like Thelema Process teaches us the God has givin us the power to choose our life, and that our decision is what is best for us.
It is all a way of thinking, to change your thought process to make things happen for you
"Various types of belief can be implanted in many people after brain function has been deliberately disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of "herd instinct" , and appear most spectacularly in war time, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common, which increase anxiety and so individual or mass suggestibility."--- Dr William Sargant, a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Institute, in his 1957 book, Battle For The Mind.
Unfulfilled Love is devastating and destructive and I feel to this day, that I have been robbed of something I should have been part of, through the 'coup' within THE PROCESS which not only destroyed something very special that was psychologically as well as spiritually infectious to me and countless others, but replaced it with an unimaginative, bland and boring 'Jehovah' cult, the Jewish 'star of David' and 'Shalom' instead of 'As It Is, So Be It.'
Was not The Process a celebration of opposites, metaphysically and physically, Thesis and Antithesis culminating in Synthesis? From Hegel to Marx and Jung to Hitler, the human archetype embraced in concepts and analysis, exploring endless possibilities and countless 'Dark Nights of the Soul.' The Process not only encouraged our dreams but also our nightmares. "Face your deepest fears and welcome them as friends!" What are such concepts as 'Good' and 'Evil'? One should not reject Evil and embrace Good only, for how could you know one without the other? The yin and yang, positive and negative, masculine and feminine, darkness and light,...duality and yet UNITY! It is a Process indeed, a mental Process, a Knowing or Gnosis, which opens the door to Enlightenment, attained by one's ability to 'Unify the Opposites,' within and without.
Process precepts were revolutionary slogans because they expressed in a few words the wisdom of Truth more clearly than any 'establishment' philosophies or religions. Good and Evil....'The Unification of Opposites'...'As It Is, So Be It'....'The Four Gods' ...'The Four Personalities' ...The Process was 'a process' indeed. A process of unlimited exploration for those honest enough to face not only 'good,' but also 'evil' and embrace BOTH as beloved friends, BOTH as gods residing within us as well as 'in the world.' "Humanity is the Devil," DeGrimston said and does 'humanity' not include our singular Self? Are we willing and able to come face to face with the 'Devil' within? He taught that we must give BOTH, the Devil and the Christ within us their due, the respect necessary to bring about the 'Unification of Opposites' within our psyche and consciousness which, in turn, will 'open the Kingdom of Heaven' to us as master of Self and of our world.This is sound metaphysics and can not ever be part of any New Age 'feel good,' philosophies which like sugar coated pills for instant attainment taste sweet and pleasant, but turns bitter in the stomach, because they are artificial, hypocritical and false. No, The Process taught that without the 'Unification of Opposites,' nothing could be gained nor achieved, neither metaphysically nor physically. Neither 'within,' nor 'without.' Face your Self with honesty and total integrity, neither condemning your Self nor aggrandizing your Self and accept BOTH, good and evil within you as your point of departure upon The Process......A Process, which will eventually, when you are ready, lead you to be able to look into a mirror and really SEE who and what you ARE... Okay, I think this is awesome. To break away from an order that you don't quite agree with, and starting your own movement. This is something that I would love to emulate with my Beast. We like so many different things with various cults,religions, mythos, and why not make our own? Truth is the True Religion. Seeking Ones own Truth should be an individual process. So I will share the story of how The Process was founded...blah blah blah
The Process Church of the Final Judgement or The Process
Founder: Robert de Grimston ("The Teacher") and his wife, Mary Anne Maclean ("The Oracle"). His true name was Robert Moore but he and Mary Anne changed their last name to de Grimston after they married and began to establish the group. The two met and fell in love in the early 1960's while they were both members of the Church of Scientology. Both Robert and Mary Anne chose to enroll in a course which trains one to be a Scientology practitioner. This involved them in intense therapy sessions with each other. It is during these sessions that Robert and Mary Anne realized their shared interests in the work of psychoanalyst Alfred Adler and their negative opinions of Scientology. They fell in love.In Satan's Power Robert describes Adler's theory "in terms of compulsive goals meaning he assumed each person was in pursuit of something, and he wasn't speaking of the conscious aims and ambitions that we all have, but the unconscious driving forces that really motivate our actions. This both [Mary Anne] and I were in agreement with. And we also agreed with Adler that bringing these unconscious goals to consciousness could relieve the tensions, the pressures, the conflicts, the problems, and the sense of failure to which every human being is subject"The couple became disillusioned with Scientology's leader (L. Ron Hubbard) and his teachings and rules. They did think that the techniques they had learned from the course were easy and effective in discovering Adler's unconscious goals. In 1963 Robert and Mary Anne left Scientology and developed Compulsions Analysis in London, a therapy group which can also be called a client cult. Robert described the group in 1965; "Our aim is to make people become aware of themselves, and so more responsible to themselves and to other people. We are not so concerned with healing the mentally sick as are the more orthodox psychoanalysts. We want to help people fulfill themselves"Compulsions Analysis quickly began to attract clients through friendship networks and it was those people who entered therapy in the first two and a half years that formed the core of The Process, which they changed the name of the group to, later on. These clients took part in individual therapy sessions with Robert and Mary Anne and group sessions so bonds were quickly formed between all of them. Thus the participant's bonds to people outside the cult weakened causing distrust among the community. The result of this is what is referred to as a social implosion.The group became separated from the rest of the society and thus they were no longer confined to behavior that was acceptable with regard to the social norms of that society. This meant that "...they [were] especially free to deviate in developing beliefs and practices"hus the group was free to begin to move towards a religious outlook and it did. All of these elements played a factor in The Process' decision to leave London for the Bahamas on June 23, 1966.The group did not remain in Nassau, but ultimately settled in a grouping of ruined buildings at Xtul (sh-tool) on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. The Processeans set about repairing the buildings and growing their own vegetables. They also began to participate in various conventional religious activities, such as prayer, fasting, and meditation. It was at Xtul that the group also began the practice of taking new names, here they were just chosen but in later years they were assigned by Mary Anne or other leaders. The most important thing that happened while the Processeans were at Xtul was their survival of Hurricane Inez which blew for two days. The group members believed that their survival had not been just chance but that they had met both the good and bad sides of the God of Nature, an idea which leads to their later beliefs about gods. One group member is quoted in Satan's Power as having said, "Xtul was the place where we met God face to face. It was the experience that led to the establishment of the Church. In terms of commitment, it was the point of no return where each one of us, plucked by fate out of a workaday world, found that we had a God-vocation
A disturbance involving the parents of three group members forced the Processeans to return to England.Thus The Process returned to Balfour Place in London a religion rather than a therapy group. The members began taking on traditional church roles of recruiting and donating (soliciting money). The next few years were a time of growth for The Process. The group set up chapters in San Francisco, New Orleans, New York, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Munich.In 1968 due to financial problems Robert de Grimston ordered his followers to go out into the world, particularly into Germany, in pairs without any money or belongings to spread the Word and solicit money. Robert supported this plan with scripture from Matthew Ten,
"1.1 In Matthew Chapter 10, Christ instructs his disciples, before sending them out in pairs to go from city to city preaching the Word. 1.2 The Instructions he gave apply now , possibly even more precisely than they did then. 6.3 Take no money. For the individual [Processean] has no need of it for himself. For our physical needs will be met by those to whom we give spiritually..."
and so it is referred to as the Matthew Ten phase. Ultimately the group settled in the United States in 1970 and established fixed chapters in Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, and New York and an unsuccessful one in Toronto, Canada. After the experience at Xtul, Robert and Mary Anne separated themselves from the rest of the group and gave themselves the name The Omega. Throughout the group's most successful years the pair traveled and lived very well off money obtained through donating done by the messengers.In the early 1970's The Omega began to have internal problems and these problems lead to a splintering of the group. Robert De Grimston tried to implement what he called the New Game which was a kind of sexual liberation within the group. It has also been suggested that a there was "dissatisfaction with the growing emphasis on Satan" among the members of the group (Melton, 229). His behavior and actions with regards to the group caused tension between not only him and Mary Anne but also he and the Council of Masters, the ruling body.Money and theological problems lead to an increase in this tension and it all resulted in the Council of Masters removing Robert De Grimston from the office of Teacher of The Power on March 23, 1974. He then left the United States and was never able to reestablish his position or following. Mary Anne and the Council of Masters changed some of The Power's doctrines and practices and so formed the Foundation Faith of the New Millenium or the present day Foundation Faith of God There was a successful attempt to reestablish The Process under new leadership in 1979 and in 1987 a vigorous expansion began. These chapters were founded upon the practice of helping the homeless. This group came to be known as the Society of the Processeans and was generally a secular organization. The faith and teachings of The Process were declared obsolete, the archives destroyed, and the Church disbanded in 1993. Members of the Society of the Processeans continue today as a secular community action organization (Church of the Final Judgement).Sacred or Revered Texts:The Process' primary sacred text was the Bible, in particular the Book of Matthew in the New Testament. The group also utilized several of Robert de Grimston's essays and the works of other church leaders as scriptures, these include "Xtul Dialogues", "Exit", "As It Is", "For Christ Has Come", and "The Tide of The End" which is a sequel to the Book of Revelation. Some examples of The Process' scriptures that can be found on the Internet are "A Candle in Hell", "Satan On War", and "Humanity is the Devil".
Cult or Sect?Negative sentiments are typically implied when the concepts "cult" and "sect" are employed in popular discourse. Since the Religious Movements Homepage seeks to promote religious tolerance and appreciation of the positive benefits of pluralism and religious diversity in human cultures, we encourage the use of alternative concepts that do not carry implicit negative stereotypes. For a more detailed discussion of both scholarly and popular usage of the concepts "cult" and "sect," please visit our Conceptualizing "Cult" and "Sect" page, where you will find additional links to related issues.
Size of Group: A pamphlet that was distributed by the group in 1972, "Fax 'n Figgers," claimed membership to be in excess of 100,000: "As of December 1971, at a conservative estimate, the number of [Processeans] stood around the 100,000 mark, and is growing rapidly"


The Temple ov Psychick Youth: ~The Beast Speaks
Ov T.O.P.Y. ~Scarlet Suckseeds
and Spillseeds for....
Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth~
Since its pretty much already been covered in other things that I have writen, I will just take this from the T.O.P.Y. library as an introduction to let you know what they are all about!
We are thee inheritors ov a world on thee verge ov suicide. As such we are faced with thee task ov reconstructing life on this decaying but lovable planet- its ethics, cultures, behaviour etc; or else remain fuel for thee death machine ov human existence.
We in TOPY and our allies refuse to succumb to a state ov 'dreamless sleep', to be part ov a humanity driven towards inevitable desolation purely by its own irresponsibility and greed. We refuse to accept thee standards handed down to us by antiquity. And we refuse to accept thee notions that we, as individuals, are incapable ov moulding our destinies and realising change; or that we, as a group, are destined to failure because ov some supposed 'human nature' ov competitiveness and egoism.
Yet we recognise that, across time and space, in cultures dominated by destruction, there have always been spaces ov resistance, people fighting thee regimes ov control and thee grips ov apathy. We benefit and draw from their work, learning from their experience and applying their strategies and successes to our own. Like them, we refuse to be engulfed by thee nihilistic void and be cast into an abyss ov meaninglessness. We thus take it upon ourselves to develop newer cultures and newer languages, mutating from thee ones we have inherited into cultures and languages ov joy, injected from every angle with personal meaning and responsibility.
As first steps towards change, we attempt to cultivate an awareness ov thee consequences ov our thoughts and actions, and to direct our energies in constructive directions. All this is done on thee understanding that our thoughts and behaviour form thee interface between our lives and thee lives ov others, and their repercussions are therefore endlessly returning.
Awareness is consequently a requirement for our personal and collective survival and evolution. Still, we recognise that awareness itself is dependent on information, communication, and personal commitment. Our work is subsequently practical, exchanging models and methods we have found useful to ourselves. Thus we do not dictate, but rather focus on expanding thee available possibilities through thee cross-fertilisation ov suggestions, successes, and failures. And for us this is a full-time commitment, a continual process ov being, an endless myriad ov becomings.
Striving towards what Nietzsche called thee 'revaluation ov all values' we have turned to a wide variety ov sources for inspiration- thee beat generation, post-structuralist philosophy, textual & cultural theory, feminism, magickal lore & mythology, Surrealism, thee Situationist movement, neurology etc. But we do not stop there, as if restricted by our research. We take all our sources as starting points only, examples ov what is possible, yet which are inevitably capable ov being taken much further. Thus we are critical ov these sources, and attempt not to be blinded by their pitfalls and flaws. Instead, we are happier with deviations than derivations. Consequently there is no dogma we push in TOPY, no line we incessantly pull, no recourse we eventually take. As a group we try to create as much flexibility as possible, to provide an arena for honesty, sincerity, trust, personal expression and responsibility, and community solidarity, embracing thee multiple perspectives flowing from overlapping differences ov gender, race, sexual preference etc. Yet, as individuals we choose what we feel to be best for us, uninhibited by pressures ov homogeneity, but instead encouraged by our difference. Our success is, and can only be, our guide. And it is proof to thee world that alternatives do in fact exist.
TOPY is a positive step by those involved ov belief in people- our intelligence, creativity and capacity. We are therefore open to all who share this respect and responsibility for our collective but individual destinies.
Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth is a non-profit, anti-authoritarian organization ov collaboration on all levels in any media. Many ov our activities are open to public input, defined as TOPY only through organization, whilst others require a certain level ov individual (self-)commitment and responsibility. Our strength is our diversity. One of my favorite Essays on the Temple site gives a nice explanation!
Thee Spelling ov Magic(k) By Aloas Kino
"In language is Life and Death. -- Ancient Hawaiian proverb
"It's vital to learn to replace the expression 'it has happened' for 'it has happened because it was my will'". -- Nietzsche
"Playing back recordings of an accident can produce another accident. -- William Burroughs
"We should not impose the values or vocabulary of the past species upon the new Cybernetic Culture." -- Timothy Leary/Eric Gullichsen~Twenty-Two Alternatives to Involuntary Death
"'Reality' is the temporary resultant of continuous struggles between rival gangs of programmers." -- Robert Anton Wilson
"For those who would take the short and dangerous path to Chaoist Anti-Ontology, nothing has being. Adjust your mind; you have a serious fault in the linguistic programs which structure your thought, which can halve your effective intelligence. -- Peter Carroll, Psybermagick, p. 94.
COMULANGUAGE-"Known to historians as 'quaint spelling'. In earlier times, persons of great temporal power did not feel constrained to 'common' (being of noble birth) usage, and commanded the language to their semantic whims. As a matter of fact, there really was no such thing as 'correct spelling' prior to the Puritan era, who quite rightly, we're sure, felt the language of God's people ought to be made as uniform and bland as his chosen people. Nearly all the original dictionaries were compiled by Puritan or Calvinist zealots.
"For centuries, language has contained subtle value judgements and biases against free-thinking Individuals, especially those with polytheistic or pagan beliefs. In TOPY, the attempt is being made to re-appropriate the language by deliberately mis-spelling and changing the meaning and connotation of words into a language more in tune with our values. In so doing, we symbolically declare war on societal conditioning."- taken from D.O.P.Y., a Dictionary ov Psychick Youth
This is an account/mindmap/brainstorm on how language is the programming tool for reality.Or some notes on how the world works.To break the spell is to break the Seal and reemerge as Old Ones, the chaotic Lords of Things whose magick was once tried to be rendered uneffective with a spell of ignorance, lies, monotheism and atheism.The first task of a Magician is to break free from the consensual reality (the "cleaning of the alchemical lab"). Take a look at your fellow travelers in the subway and pity them, for they are condemned by society to spend their lives under uniforms and masks they weren't given any opportunity to chose.This was done through verbal conditioning. It were the commanding cries heard during infancy; more than the meaning of the words, it were the emotionally charged tones in which they were given.In order to create an alternate, freer reality, we need first to shake the grip of these mantras over our psyche, and then redefine language in a more usable way.This is a call to learn and make the Call, the post-logical sound that would resonate throughout the speechsphere.This is a call a spell a roar a growl a rune to open Vissuddha.
1. Grammarye: Thee Magickal Undercurrent
Ghettos and occultists share the use of slangs with elites and technicians. The magickal occulture has pursued the Great Work by enchanting, writing and conferring in Enochian, Ouranic Barbaric, E-prime, Coumlanguage and dozens more hidden tongues.As magicians know, by calling things in a unique way one acquires power over them; that's the reason for diminutives, nicks, and the important nouns over which control is desirable like those related to sex, money, and hate (which fits what's listed as the 3 reasons for which someone would first approach magick: to get laid, to get rich, to get even).Slang may well develop from diminutives, monosyllables and glossolalia, - directly inspired gnostic speech usually under the influence of entheogens - the kind of Hive Language practised by segregated communities in need of maintaining a lively, private communication and celebrate their common identity.The need for secrecy - after all, secret societies have been behind most political changes throughout history - is now expressed in the use of passwords and passphrases, as in PGP. On the other claw, R.A. Wilson casts in his Illuminati Papers this spell against secrecy: "Intelligence depends on rapid exchange of signals, unfortunately for conspirators, so the hoarding of signals ('Top Secret', 'For Your Eyes Only', etc.) and the broadcasting of false signals (the politics of lying) reduce the IQ of those who are doing it even more catastrophically than the general intelligence of the whole society."It's not secrecy, but precision, however, the reason behind scientific slang, and magick is becoming undistinguishable from science and technology. Contemporary magick, aka chaoism, as a path devoid of beliefs and ultimate truths, is attempting to work with the word-virus itself, and to produce its cure: random belief and transmogrification.The suppression of "essences" and "truths", so dear to former occultists, sometimes expressed in the use of e-prime ("English without the 'is' of identity"), closely reflects the ontological doubt that today shakes the "traditional" institutions and breaks the physical frontiers in the body mutated with the use of piercings or tattoos.Here's a mind dis-ease expressed through the pierced tongue, the fractured speech and the loaded needle, as atoms are converted into bits (yeah the atomic war has been waged, and lost!) by the digital media and rock-solid institutions are replaced by networked relationships in a state of flux.
2. The Public and the Private in Modern Media
It was some years ago when we first jumped in surprise at someone who would start talking next to us, apparently to none while we went walking down the street. It seemed just an explosive increase in the percentage of crazy folks.But it was only the arrival of cell phones.Such arrival had certainly been preceded by the public phone booths, and all those anxious cries about accidents and being lost and having no more coins left to continue the call. It's only that now it's all too common to hear people answering their portable devices and describing where they are and where they're going. Here is where the social customs drive the private into the public, when the called party feels obliged to express hir innermost feelings of lust or rage, or to waste the expensive connection inquiring "and ... what were you going to tell me?", or to reply to every incoming call with "Good morning, this is Gates Immobiliaries" as if they were sitting at their office.A related and interesting phenomenon occurs in the e-mailing lists, where many flame wars mean the placement of private facts into the public knowledge, for the amusement of the community gathered around that list.Does the opposite phenomenon happen? Oh yes it does. The "whisper" technique from chat rooms extends to mailing lists when one subscriber privately mails another, thus commencing a private relationship.Just when the System had pushed sane humans into the padded cells called homes as the ultimate isolation measure, termed "security" and the last alarm had been installed in the last corner of the house, behold! that we meet again in the public place, anonymous, free and fast, rapidly evolving from the unknown to the just-known.
3. Public Walls, Private Walls: Graffiti Tattooing on the Sensitive Urban Skin
Exactly where the brick and mortar wall encloses this alarmed space where virtual life is possible, quick notes of hate and love appear, now as always since the invention of writing: scribbled insults, names within hearts, inscribed everywhere from the school bench to the historic ruins.More elaborated urban sigils become the encoding for the various tribal memes: flame-like letters for metalheads, convoluted tags for the hip-hop culture (and football, the new male religion on its own right).At the mass-mediatic level, the city is overflowed with spells to further the milking of the human cattle: ads in the subway, added by muzak, attack the isolated passenger in the middle of hir business life and continue to do so in the stairs that take hir into street: warnings of death, sickness, old age, and pain, advertising their cheap, quick fixes to be paid in installments for the rest of their lives, cast their sickening shadows over the eyes and minds that avoid looking at the living flesh - you don't stare at people because you stare at the ads.Deeper into business (probably to pay the installments), our fellow passenger is not relieved from muzak, as the sonic curse will follow hir into the workplace and also into hir "home" via radios, TV sets and similar mind-numbing, thought-disturbing devices, even when hir visual field is devoted to other functions.Genesis P-Orridge writes about Muzak: "The initial observation was that production is inclined to slump in mid- morning and afternoon. Wyatt and Langon established 4 work-curves from utter fatigue to a subtler decline that occurs when the work is distasteful and the operative is severely bored. Dan O'Neill decided this monotony and its effects would be relieved by functional music, i.e., boring work is made less boring by boring music" (quote taken from Esoterrorist).Thus the Machine regurgitates magickal techniques and aided by unidirectional technology uses them for controlling the slaves, the beta-wave populace that "lives" in a zombified state to "vote", breed, and consume.
4. The Virtual is Not the Virtuous
But in the uncontrolled space of pure technological creation, the Net appeared.And we're meta-medial now: we're the Web, humankind's nervous system, learning to think together in turbo medieval anonymity and copyright-free collaboration.We're sharing files and techniques, we're using the search engines as Oracles for words received through channeling, invo and evocation, meditation, dreams; we're navigating hyperlinks as an initiatory trip ... camouflaging "forbidden" info into graciously lent kilo and megabytes of server space that are moved overnight when the contents have been already spread. And microcosmic hyperlinks are drawn as mindmaps too while surfing the ten thousand sites of the world; ideas multiply following the intricate virosic patterns of Memetics / Webetics with the Web as host.What the anxious merchants with their mass-mailing spam campaigns in their gigantic efforts for turning the Web into what's not, unidirectional -- "wasn't the TV such a great hope when it was born, too? and look at it now!"-- won't dream is that the 'net is our tool to build neocultural networks, "us" being operationally defined as the illustrated contemporary humans who would rather try a chance to be alive than being told how to fake it.Once the official, mainstream "culture" of operas and museums proved dead, it was quickly replaced in the dying century by popular culture, which went from the masses' folklore to the media, and back to the masses through technology.Fed up of the junk food for thought that the mass media sold in their corporate mind-restaurants, the human spirit ejaculated the oonosphere/Internet all over the globe, supported by the personal computer. Technology, then, revealed itself as the real new culture, strong enough to demonstrate that the only way to freedom is bi-directional.Anyone that might have followed Grant Morrison's comic The Invisibles would be able to recognize the mass-media as the corrupted Universe B macrocosm, with the peer-to-peer interaction as the antidote, a subversive emerging Universe A, in the process of separating itself from B. The point of course being mind control, whether over one's own mind, or having one's mind controlled by others. No predictions can be made for a future in which every human thinks for hirself! The critical mass theory stated that such point would be reached when a 11% of the population had evolved; such point is said to have been reached some years ago.
5. US (not THEM): From Melting Pot to Acid Test Lab
The vagina through which cyberspace was ejected into existence was none other than Spaceship Gaia's Lab: the United States of America. There, the English language had already demonstrated that it can take into itself any accent in the planet and still be understood, thus becoming the new lingua franca after the golden ages of French and, earlier still, Latin.From there - where every invention and novelty in the last decades of the now past century has been massively tested, from techno house to laser surgery to TV shows and past life regressions - language has changed local dialects all around the world through soap operas, movie subtitles, tech manuals, and business and tourism booklets, thus filing away the local differences in the grinding stone of standardization.Is in the darkened lab of cinemas where the power of medial spells can be immediately observed in action; either dubbed or subtitled, movies influence behavior as is apparent from the creation of Fight Clubs, the arty spectators of The Idiots exploring a retarded behavior after seen the Danish film, paranoia after The Matrix, expansive cosmic feelings after Star Wars, etc. A movie could well be rated in a sociological scale by how much our subjective world seems altered when exiting the cinema...
Anyway, the strongest argument in favor of language homogeinization continues to be technology -- devoid from concerns other than necessity -- not entertainment. Machines and their manuals are exported, received and used faster than any translator would even open their huge dictionaries; it's the technicians in charge of running the machine who would leaf through a brief glossary, understand what's there to be understood, and then opt for the easier, more literal translation and use directly in English most of the terms involved.Another and maybe closer example can be noticed in translation software (such as the popular automated translation offered by the search engines). Having only one meaning to offer for each input word, the new language created by such applications is poorer in shades and richer in neologisms. Same as with movies, computer literacy trickles its ticks and themes into mainstream behavior. A new trend, noticeable in informal writing all over the chat rooms, IRC channels and mailing lists, and maybe established by computer programmers, is that of writing only in small case (of course, it also may simply be a result of using a keyboard instead of handwriting, since pressing the Shift key is an extra effort).Anyway, two literacies globally define today who is allowed to earn higher wages, travel, and stay up-to-date with hir time: English and computing. They are no longer the domain of illustrated elites (as English was in non-English speaking countries until the '80s), but are increasingly being required for applying even to data-entry level jobs.
6. Coumlanguage and thee Occult Proofreader or Reality Programming and Other Useful Tricks
When I first contacted digital 3D as a game player some 9 years ago, I began to see "real reality" the way the games depict it. I was thinking of my movements in terms of coordinates and instructions: turn right, open door, walk left, ascend stairs. Now that I'm approaching 3D modeling, when I left the screen I admire the "realism" in the solids around me...
It simply liberates my eyes from the political charge on everything they perceive (car: status symbol; urban tree: mocking Nature; clothes: gender slavery and sexual repression, etc.), giving back to the objects in the world the sensuality of its pure material condition.This is, then, how the path from reality to language is tread back and forth: programming is language, and language is programming. All of the Internet, all of the computers world, relies on language, on things written, on meaningfully ordered letters, numbers and other symbols. Not only that: every human action is programmed within the realm of language. Every agreement, whether oral or written, programs humans for a willed future.
Every-thing we can think of has a name. Each action we perform relates (us) to this named world. All programming variables have a correlate in the macrocosmic human environment, such as waiting times, dress codes, speech codes and so on.In stressful situations, we tend to repeat the exact tones, if not the words, we were taught, encoded, to obey. Control mechanisms also work at a very primal level when using a person's name: if you want to scold them in a "civilized" manner, you'll begin your verbal punishment by pronouncing hir first Name.And then you have translation. The code is converted to 0s and 1s and makes a program run, the words leave a chemical imprint in the brain and are converted into actions and behavior patterns. Thus, both self-scripting and world-scripting get done through language. But the power of words to build worlds is most evident in Magick, which has always been related to the mouth: vocal sound, slang, Ouranic Barbaric; spell. Pete Carrroll writes that Grimoire derives from Grammar and that the old word for magick, Grammarye, denoted conjurations with written and/or verbal spells. But the magician's trick for decoding the world's salivary sap and make hir programs run is precisely Gnosis, the shamanic device for stopping mind's internal dialogue. For ages, mages have experimented with all kinds of word manipulations, applying sympathetic techniques such as if everybody else writes from left to right in "linear time" or Consensual Reality, then writing from right to left could undo time and swim upwards the river of the mundane. The occult has also directly enjoyed this proximity to the technological side, examples are seen in astrological software or gematria been done through calculators. The foundations are laid, I hope, to start developing tech magick, combining trance states and appliances, sorcery and physics ... let us see some genetically engineered bacteria with an embedded java/python code created under astrological and gematric parameters.
7. Genderstruction: A Sidetrack and Utterly Biased Excursion
While magick can be considered the ultimate countercultural fightback of all times, it also contained/contains its own inner doer/thinker dichotomies or status differences amongst practitioners: Nicholas Hall writes in his "Chaos and Sorcery": A witch's bottle was usually constructed by a female, men were for the most part too busy establishing a more intellectual approach to magick and writing their grimoires...Personally, I'm allergic to sexism. Now I have plenty of room for contemplation; I live alone so I don't have to constantly fight the social usage of gender adjectives and pronouns on me, but I enjoy war every time I'm on the street.When you get your name genderized (either because you have a gender-specific name like Mary or Tom, or because your name is preceded by a genderizing title), most of your counterparts in dialogue will immediately be forced by their conditioning to thinkfeel: "oh, it's just a woman!". I feel that it takes a long time and very hard work to get rid of prejudices, so I feel diminished when I have to use a gender title like Ms., Soror or whatever.I was previously feeling so safe and free when surfing the Net and relating to people in the mailing lists gender-free, with a name like Aloas, that lets nobody know what type of body do I have. I'm sure that the person who invented this frater/soror/coyote/kali thing was a man (or two). Men are simply blind as to how sexual segregation manifests, simply because they're not women (I know this first hand: you have to educate men to see how the world segregates us women, because they just can't see it until it's undeniably shown to them).Something I find particularly unpleasant in English is the fact that its main words for our gender are the male noun with an aggregate: unlike in Spanish, where you have hombre/mujer, each with its unique root, in English you have man/wo-man; not macho/hembra, but male/fe-male. Just like the attached topknot that shows gender in cartoons' heads; or the attached long hair and skirt in the graphic indicating where are the women's restrooms.I'd like to hear and see languages emerge full of ambiguities, using * or / where before were references to the feminine and masculine.Another solution: to use a language where gender terms are employed only when no self-conflict arises; i.e., if I think that what I'm saying could segregate me as a woman, I'd use an ambiguous form. If I think that what I'm saying relates more to the male aspect of my personality, I'd use a male form, etc.
There's much work left to do: to evolve from the Politically Correct hishi/hir to shihi to genderstruction. I want a world where gender is no longer of public knowledge, unless you face the person or better still, until you stare at that person's genitals. No differentiated names, no differentiated clothing, no differentiated pronouns!
8. Results Language: Towards Magick-Linguistic Programming or Break the Spell, Break the Control Word, Break the Hypnosis!
So the call for you practical, results-oriented Chaotes is: create your own worlds through your words in the media (Don Webb says that the chaostar is a symbol for the medial level). If you feel oppressed by reality, change it from its root: consensus, communication, language.
If you read a comic by Neil Gaiman (included in his Sandman series), The story of a thousand cats, I'm talking of massive visualization here. And that shared visualization is Internet, the morphogenetic field, the Shaper, the Beast, N'Aton, oonosphere, the Genius weaving our dreams: called Internet at the time, it's the alchemic egg.
So what tools do we have, other than what Israel Regardie calls "psychoanalysis", being it the conscious, objective, verbal revision of the personal history? Well, logoludics!
In his Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path, Don Webb offers a method for taking a peek into your greater mind, allowing the magickal grammarye to flow freely, without thinking first. Setnakt's Letterism uses the principle of rapid association to a letter from the child's game "Bachillerato": first a grill is drawn on paper or blackboard and then someone says a letter, and all participants have to compete for completing first a row with different words (an animal, a country, a name, etc. - it's a bit similar to Outburst, I think) beginning with that letter.
If the above is a fusion method for combating the word-virus, the fission method would be that proposed by Gysin and Burroughs. Cutup is called their cure, and it gave us scissors to cut in pieces everything we read and hear and see: the magician's sword is now a pair of scissors, to fight against the demons of society's cruel global concentration camp.
A recommended visualization: imagine the horizon line stretching out into a tree. Make of that tree, grown in a purely human space, our shared orientation, our next place to go, our common purpose. Then Gaia the egg may crack and the winged serpent/tree will emerge: a new dimension.
The conscious alteration and subversion of the written word and its spitting back into the mass media through the artifacts of "culture": magazines, "art", books and the Net, the wide world of web publishing and public communication is increasingly becoming our primary tool for effecting change both a local and a global level, and for forcing wide open the chaos gates for all demons to enter this dimension and immanentize the Eschaton once and for all, damn it.
click on Pics Chaos Magick Sigil Generator
OK, so you haven't read Liber Null, Practical Sigil Magick, the Grey Book, Visual Magick, or anything else on Sigil Magick, and don't have any money and/or hate books anyway. May this brief bit of fluff aid you in some way.
Sigilization, or Sigil Magick is generally attributed to Austin Osman Spare. I feel he got the idea from drawing up monograms as a child, or perhaps from looking at watermarks on paper.
The general idea is that Magick functions on a subconcious/deep mind level, and that the logical/discursive mind only hinders the manifestation of results. It does this by 1) 'Lust of Result', and 2) constantly denying the possibility of manifestation. I.E., 'I can't get laid 'cos I'm a bastard!', or 'I'm stupid and clumsy and have no social graces, therefore I can'e be a waiter, even though I really really want to be one". There are other reasons, but I'm not going to go into them here.
Therefore Sigil Magick seeks to implant and embed directions and/or desires into the deep mind in a way that goes unoticed/unopposed by the rational/discursive mind.
Take a statement of Desire, containing no negative words, and write it out.
I WANT TO FUCK BOOTSY COLLINS (used as an example only)
But no, that's not quite right...too vague...
Yes, thats better. Forcefull is good.
Eliminate repeat letters.
Now make the letters into a monogram of sorts.
(pretty much how ever you want them to look)
Anyway, you use all the letters left over and make a little picture.
This is your 'seed', if you will.
Now, forget all about Bootsy for awhile, and take you little picture and PLANT IT!
There are a variety of ways to do this, and we'll look at some.
1. Gaze at the Sigil, whilst jerking off or fucking, it will embed when you come. 2. Gaze at the Sigil, and hurt yourself. 3. Gaze at the Sigil, and hold your breath 'till you pass out. It embeds when your head strikes the altar. 4. Strongly visualize killing someone you hate. Then visualize your Sigil 5. Strongly visualize making someone you love very happy, and visualize your Sigil 6. Combine any or all of the above. The more contradictory, the better. 7. Meditate to vacuity, and when vacuous, visualize Sigil
Obviously there are many ways to do this particular Magick Trick, just as there are as many rabbits as there are hats to pull them from. The most important bits to keep in mind are: make you Sigil nonrepresentative of your desire, try to forget what the sigil is for, and I reccomend deystroying your Sigil as soon as you plant it.
I will also be heretical here, and say one should not record their experiments with Sigil magick, and if they do, keep the records extremely vague. One good way to do this is to seal the paper used to work up your Sigil (perhaps the finished and charged sigil as well) in an envelope marked only with the date performed. Don't open the envelopes for at least six months. Still, I think that fast create/embed/destroy cycles work best.
Let me know of any questions, as well as fun or especially painful tales that arise from these practices. These will be collected in a future article, called 'Sigils as Harbingers of Personal Apocalypse' to be assembled when enough tales of mindrending horror amass.
This has been the Fireclown, for Curious Yellow (Z)
Sigil Making by Chaos Magicians
A sigil may have an abstract, pictorial or semi-abstract form. It may appear in any medium, physical or virtual, or only in the mind. Visual symbols are the most popular form, but the use of audial and tactile symbols in magick is not unknown.
Sigilia are commonly found in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic magic (being an especial focus of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh and other medieval Jewish mystical sources) upon which much of Western magic is based.
Austin Osman Spare, in his Zos Kia Cultus, refined the use of sigila by themselves, i.e. outside of ritual. His technique, now known as sigilization, became a core element of chaos magic and from there, has developed into a popular element of Western magic.
The theory that sigila are consciously used as magical tools by businesses (such as Coca-Cola and McDonald's, with their highly-recognized corporate logos) and invest them with a comparable degree of prestige and power, is popular among occultists and a common element in conspiracy theories.
If your feeling uninspired you can have this automatic one do it for you. Simply write out your wish. Now get rid of all your vowels. Then get rid of all the repeated letters. Take what you have left and insert the text into the box and hit create. Then you can hit refresh on your browser until you get it to look like a sigil. (capital letters work best). It will keep throwing out different designs each time you push refresh. The sigilizer
This is a sigil.
It is a means of exerting my will to achieve a specific end (in this case, the return of stolen property). The method was invented by artist & magus Austin Osman Spare around the turn of the century, and was largely forgotten until the rise of "chaos magick" in the late 80s, early 90s. The idea is to turn conscious desires into unconscious events, allowing that secret daemon inside our skulls to affect reality on a subtle level and, presumably, satisfy your encoded desire.
To create a sigil, write a declarative sentence, such as "It is my will to find five hundred dollars." Then, remove vowels (t s m wll t fnd fv hndrd dllrs). Remove all repeated letters (tsmwlfndvhr).
Then, fuse those letters into an abstract shape. The meaning of the letters takes a back seat to how they look on the page. Revise, twist, alter the image until it is no longer recognizable. This is the means by which the intention gets past conscious censors and into the paydirt of the powerful subconscious.
Like so:
As Grant Morrison, chaos magician and comic book writer, puts it: "You know you're done when it looks magic enough."
Now that you've encoded your desire, it's up to you to "charge the sigil." This means sending the symbol past your conscious mind into the fertile subconscious - gazing at the sigil when your conscious mind is turned off. (This mental state is occasionally referred to as "gnosis".)
Some people meditate. Others simply behold the sigil at the point of orgasm. Others go bungee jumping, burn their hands or dance themselves delirious. Whatever floats your boat. It's also possible to make sigil mantras that are chanted or sung, not drawn - just follow the same steps as above.
Finally, it's important to forget all about it. The more you dwell on your conscious desire, the more interference your subconscious will have in getting the job done. This is why sigils work best for little stuff - finding money, getting laid, scrounging cigarettes or discovering interesting used books. Something that's a major worry or total obsession doesn't work so well.
Experiment with pleasure. And feel free to charge the one up top. It could use the extra boost.
References: CHAOS vs THELEMA
The Liber Liber Project
The Book of the Law
Liber CCC
Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magic
Theosophical Library
Theosophical Library
Sacred Magick: The Esoteric Library
The Temple Of Kabbalah Course Site
Dreamspell Magick: Thelemic/Masonic Dreamspell Rainbow Bridge
Mountain Temple Center
Maybe Logic Academy
The Order of ChAOS
The 93 Current
TOPY: Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth
Temple ov Psychick Youth[ ChaosMatrix]
T.O.P.Y is...[Internet Book of Shadows]
U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis
The Hermetic Library
Genesis P-Orridge: Encyclopedia
~ Austin Osman Spare ~
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Fulgur Limited : A.O.S.
Austin Osman Spare quotes
Simon Iff presents this repository of an Occult movement both hidden and dymanic.
Fireclown's Sigilization Basics for the Confused
The Flying Fists of Master Grant
yes another A.O.S. page
Mission of Mailtreya
Processean Photo Page
User talk:Processean
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The Process Is....(containg the library)
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What did you expect?  Bells and doves......
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