Quados Amundae profile picture

Quados Amundae

The will of Abwûn d'bwaschmâja.

About Me

Electric Man 2
...All phrasii, sentunce, parafrazz, punctuax are [koptic] written herein, accounted for as insinuated forth in the unpreceeding sequence, as the persunal proprrties of Quados Amundae. Entities other than internally transmogrified are given their due in time. Every whim transmitii and co-ordinate perpendiculed is in direct extrapolation of this account. Plagiarunts and counterfakers will be chopped into das tini bitz, and turned into fertilizer for chia pets...every fragment of a broken heart is a piece in the puzzle I call life. - [.67130092185.]
If you wish for my add, send a message. It's more civilized. Otherwise it'll take weeks for me to add you.
[Kay-Dose Amun-Dae, esp. Vision Across the Abyss]
[pl. Amun-Daze] CURRENT MOON lunar phase
I study many ancient books and philosophy, and you probably won't catch me dancing naked around a campfire, unless you're invited. I practice in the netherrealm and study aetheric temporal physics, and am writing about the multi-faceted dimensions of the universe. I see the moons cycle as impregnation of mind, and the earth is the great ovum, manifesting birth to new versions of your footsteps.
Omnidirectional light is refracted by opaque facets of phsyical reality, before retinas can absorb and optical nerves interpret the signal.
Three perspectives on an object, perhaps a saucer of milk, will observe different forms of the catalystic curiosity for the multidimensional and fatalistic feline attraction.
Thus, one will see many fragmented representations and points of view when observing a galaxy from a fixed point.
Combining an intricate web of points and observation centers in the universe can hypothetically locate an event horizon, although a large variation of curvatures occur in empty space around subjects with any force of gravity or magnetism.
Bending this void between locations in space with sheer will, ultimately warps the timeline.
There is no shiny light at the end of the tunnel, it goes on forever. Whoever conjured eternity was illogical. Where's the logic in a never-ending curcuit?
Perpetual motion and all, that's swell, but where's the result, what happens at the grand finale? And when do the curtains drop and the house lights come on in the great work, this marvelous life? Do we get an intermission? The great pause that refreshes, who gives us a break between now and then?
It's not easy questioning the next big climax, or how the rising action will turn out. Sometimes it's a long dreary plateau through the desert with no rest for the aching souls of this Aeon.
We all need a breath of fresh air, but it's stagnant and over-used. My dear, dying world, where do you release your sorrows? When does time itself crave solitude, wishing to crawl into a box and hide?
We're so silent, waiting for the next train to come in, but neglected to purchase a single ticket. How does it feel to stand on a stage when no one is watching? To sing when the world is empty? Does a reflection understand itself? Is there anything that stands out in oblivion?
If you find flatulence or any type of explusion and severance of undesireables from a human body as disgusting rather than relieving, you can give me a pedicure with your teeth.
And then there's what Quados does in heaven...

My Interests

daath, psiphenomenon, synchronity, clairvoyance, precognition, expansion of nodes, shamanism, good books, babalon, musick, guitar, 156, dreadlocks, metaphysicians, hookahs, psychedelics, intelligent and intuitive conversation, beers, ganja with good friends in the twilight, camping, writing, engineering for local bands, cameo appearances, recording tracks, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Qualities ov the Anti-Non, as you follow an underwater current.
-pointy in the mushy
-humidifier vs. dehumidifier
-carrots and electrical sockets
-kebobs on ski-lifts
-monkeys surfing on cheese dip
-contact cement on ice
-napalm sundaes
-gangreous hottub filters -satellite brail
-infantismal macro-exponencia
-black webs as garments
-tie-dye hippie camo
-the letter 23
-abbot and costello's baseball team
-honey, I shrunk the anti-particles
-screams for asparagii
-elbow nostrils
-cerebral nano-injections
-nephilim borne with self esteem
-hobnobbing robots observing cows
-rebels calling in a bomb threat just to go for a vodka slurpee
-cookbooks for stirring nations into action
-acid heads with laptops and an obsession with eye candy
-diverted flights and games called on account of nuclear commodities
-twisted murder victims with a mission
-crop circles and crash sites from sentient signals that broke a hybrid threshold
ad infinitum...Perhaps yourself, on the hacienda .This has been Quados Amundae.


Or what?
I'm a VoKaL-LoRd.


Independent concepts.


That boob? Nah. Someone once said god resides in it. That's as bad as your next expression of original thought.
You have those, right?


Talk to the Library of Congress. Shnuff said.


Improbable unaltAr~bility, the dog who will find you out. Bacterial eyes. Amun-Ra. Ser Lev Arris. Lukewarm Stew. Eris. Robert Anton Wilson. Albert Einstein. Stephen Hawking. JTHM. Homer Simpson. Dan Winter. The Spruce Moose. Corban Dallas. Malcom Renolds. The Noosphere. Alicebot and Hal. Aladdins Carpet. Lexia Doig. The Echelon. Spacemonkey broth. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. Tank Girl. Rennik. AtomicJack. Mary Magdalene. Hitlers Jewish Cousin. Norad. Pontius Pilate. Captain Jack Sparrow. Smaug. Locutus. Neo's left boot. The land of Og. Home and End keys. Blue screen of Doom. Predator. Alien blood. Robert Paulson. Punnet squares and Moses' Ark. Strongbad. A_Labian Nights. Klitz and Danielle. Elisha's left earlobe. Spare Oom and Ward's Robe. The squigly key on the upper left hand corner of the keyboard, hence, the anykey. Mexican water. OZ. Jesus' stool pigeon. The Googolplex. A little more to the left. Sah...

My Blog

Second and Third degree burns, again...

I was reading and playing my Sega Genesis with candlelight on sunday night. When I was done, I extinguished the candles to go to sleep, and hung my favorite and only hoodie up on the wall in its...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:02:00 PST

Seek thee? A realm with no locks...

Turns keys inside out, no? My imagination pondered reversing polarity of the elements the other day...Reverse the mountain peaks and oceanic trenches.Transpose air into stone.Sitting and watching a fi...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:52:00 PST


Posted by Quados Amundae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

broken arm...

I had surgery on June 16th, 2007 at approximately 11am thru to 1pm...I'm one hand typing. Still have to ask how many screws and plates I had added. The morphine and t3s are keeping me sane right now.S...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 08:30:00 PST

Steven Hawking makes 8 plunges in Zero Gravity!

Bloody myspaceblog sucks. The link, voila! http://quados.deadjournal.com/231320.html -Q'A-
Posted by Quados Amundae on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:16:00 PST

.A few involuntary organ donors can't say goodbye.

Keer Thaleck  Namothe   Exclah    Nameh     Phorlae Sehkmah Thacth  Math   Alumae Taph  Phaelohae  Namaste &nb...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 01:19:00 PST


Did you really think you'd find something worth looking for? Tell me how to sin in a parallel universe where there is no material items, not a single molecule, no mass, volume or matter, and nothing t...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:20:00 PST

.A must read.

Start again. Early this time, enough to see the sunrise. So cold, so very cold. I see them all in their various states, obsessed, possessed, all by and with material objects. No one willing to loosen ...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:12:00 PST

observation/contraception ov thought.

Each piece is rancid, tasteless, all meandering through the Aether. Thoughtless worms, petrified in motion, unwilling to cease an opportune moment. A single essence has very few reasons to exist when ...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:37:00 PST

Dear Jebus...spacemonkeys resurrecting!!

I just about shit a bat.Lord Aether came through the wormhole bringing gifts of thumbtacks tipped with LSD.Please explain why the ceiling fan starting singing twinkle twinkle...*%@..&*I need a new...
Posted by Quados Amundae on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:39:00 PST