¤»Sherry«¤ profile picture


Spinning Out of Control

About Me

I'm a creature of the night, yet surrounded by light. The dark is my friend, especially Guinness and vino rosso. I am a thoroughbred racing fan - love the horses, my family, dancing, partying, and my cat:
Luna Roux, LoonaRooo - the Tuxedo terrorist!

Playing foosball

Life is too short to drink yellow beer! BRILLIANT!!!

- Something that I try to remember*

- Something that I always remember**

ANARCHY! It's not the law. It's just a good idea!!!
an·ar·chy (an'-ar-ke) pronunciation
n., pl. -chies.
1. Absence of any form of political authority.
2. Political disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government).
3. Freedom without obligation.
[New Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, without a ruler : an-, without; see a–1 + arkhos, ruler; see –arch.]

CURRENT MOON about the moon

My Interests

Some of my favorite things

Slammin' Guinness and Headbanging

Churchill Downs

Thoroughbred racing

Curlin, All Time Leading $$$ Earning T-bred in North America

Cigar - Was All Time Leading $$$ Earning T-bred in North America for many years before Curlin took the title. What a horse!

AZERI, the All Time Leading $$$ Earning Mare in North America. Animal and Human Rights
Tarot cards

Deviant, dervish behavior and dance

Making jewelry
Making wine

I'd like to meet:

Others who communicate - late nighters - people who interact, write, go out, have fun - intelligent and sentient beings.

Make your own Banner here!


The Ramones

Motorhead, The Cramps, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Carnivore, Type O Negative, Fields of the Nephilim, Nine Inch Nails, The Cult, Red Hot Chili Peppers

Monster Magnet, Butthole Surfers, GWAR

Dead Can Dance, B-52's, and other fun dance music
Blues, Motown, ska, metal, death metal, hardcore, grindcore, punk, louder harder faster!


John Waters movies - A Dirty Shame, Desperate Living, Pink Flamingos, Hairspray, Polyester, Crybaby. Saw Rocky Horror Picture Show too many times. Horseracing themed movies: Let It Ride, Dead Heat, Seabiscuit. Horror movies, vampire movies: Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Nosferatu. The Matrix, The Crow, Cat People, Fight Club, Kill Bill, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Piano. Comedies: Raising Arizona & Throw Momma from the Train. Good mob movies, Martin Scorsese movies.
Johnny Depp, Dennis Hopper & Billy Bob Thornton movies -- Sling Blade -- aww-Ite then?




People who live through adversity and still have a positive attitude

My Blog

Molly, a Katrina Survivors Story

Molly is a gray speckled Appaloosa pony who was abandoned by her owners in the wake of Katrina and found wandering in St. Charles Parish.  She had spent weeks on her own before finally being re...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Tue, 13 May 2008 02:02:00 PST

Hachikos Loyalty

A heartbreaking but amazing story:Every year on April 8th at a solemn ceremony in Tokyo's Shibuya railroad station, hundreds of dog lovers do homage to the loyalty and devotion of an Akita dog, Hachik...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Eight Belles Rant

EIGHT BELLES ... a beautifully bred, talented filly.  Gorgeous she was and huge with intelligent eyes, striking more than a pose for the crowds.   I looked into her eyes as she stoo...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Mon, 05 May 2008 01:38:00 PST

Whoa !!! to the Salvia

I’ve heard about Salvia Divinorum for some time now, but had never given it much of a thought, much less tried it. Recently a friend bought some at the local head shop for around $50 a gram. O...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:53:00 PST

Germs, Meat, Lemons and Alcohol

I suppose being sick will make one think about just where that germ or bacteria came from that made me sick. It's farfetched to think that I'll be able to ascertain a true answer about that. Also, in ...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:39:00 PST

Tam tagged me!

I've been tagged! Once you've been tagged you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself.  Then you choose ten people to be tagged, list their na...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:50:00 PST

Track Talk

The sounds and smells at the race track are invariably rich and plenty, to the point of distraction.  On any given day, you'll hear a myriad of assorted sounds to tickle your senses that thankful...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:31:00 PST

Loss of Loved Ones

Memories of beloved family, friends and felines make me happy, and yet cry with loss at the same time.  I don't how much longer my cat, Bella, will be with me.  Her tumor is very, very large...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:56:00 PST

A Native View of Immigration

From: Keith (enemy combatant for peace)Date: Jun 16, 2007 7:02 PMGreat perspective, thanks BOBBY (American Indian Movement) A Native view of immigrationPublished Nov 22, 2006 12:34 AMMahtowin MunroThe...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:17:00 PST

Thrown Out of the Bar

Not me this time!!!     This poor guy was just trying to have some pints and relieve himself, but I must say ... L@@K what happens when a smoking ban is put into effect at the pub! ...
Posted by ¤»Sherry«¤ on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:19:00 PST