FOOD, I love food!
My favorites are Whiska's Tender Bites, Fancy Feast or anything Sherry is eating. I also love creamed corn and creamed peas, but she sez I iz gettin' fat so I don't get much of her foodz
I love cream and meat!
Laser lightz
and mice rock!
People fingerz when they wiggle - Meat!
Playing with other catz
ezpezially the hot tomcatz in da hood
Shredding toilet paper
Tearing up window screenz
Pounzzing Heavily on humanz as they sleep
Cleanin' up
Aspiring to beza Familiar
and I Will!
People that feed me, pet me and will play with me
Other cool catz
who like to
My cosmic cousins and their frrrdresserz
Anyone who is Not a veterinarian or who TRIES to trim my clawz
All of Sherry'z friendz. She's my human, so her people are mine too
Whatever Sherry listens to iz good by me
are fun!
Cat People
Nastassia Kinski and Malcolm McDowell
Various Cat Womanz
Bettie Page
Jane Randolph
Simone Simon
Meercat Manor
I may shredz them and eat them or sleep on them laterz
Sherry, Granny, Mirza, anyone with food, or whoever will pet me and play with me
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