~**Tam**~ profile picture



About Me

I am just a normal well not so normal chic..MOTHER OF AN AWESOME SON TRENT Who has turned me into SUPER HOCKEY MOM...I am Married for almost 11 years now to my robot programming Polar Oppisite Hubby Randy Who was raised in Houston Texas..I have lived in Greenville My whole life a little town of about 12,000 people in the middle of nowhere..YAYAYA ME.. I am kinda girly but a little Tom boy at heart so I am more like a guy..lol I AM A HUGE MAPLE LEAF FAN.. I Love Hockey..well the whole family does as you can see.. I obviously am a huge HIM/Ville Valo fan..i am a lover of all kinds of music..I love Lyrics..I like music that I can Feel.. I am an artist..a painter I love to paint full wall murals..I have a moody dark style personally..I can do almost anything artistically...but Painting is my passion..Now if I could just finish the damn things..MY PERSONAL LIKES I love cartoons..south Park adult swim.. I Like jackass and Viva La Bam.. really anything that makes me laugh.. * I love to read..books of all kind..classical and modern I am just as comfortable reading Poe as Harry Potter.. * I am a Kemetic Witch Forget your "Hollywood" stereotypes, It is an earth based religion that is a very spritiual and Intuned with nature Nothing how the movies and TV portray it.. ..I follow an Egyptian Patheon (worship of the Egyptian Based Goddess and Gods).. so I am fascinated by Egyptian history.. I am a moon worshipper I love being out on a clear night headphones on to either Him or godsmacks otherside and just meditate for hours. * I am a history lover..I find learning about the past to be fascinating... * I love anything Art..I would love to travel the world admiring all the works i have studied..I know seeing them in person is so much better then in a book...So of my Favorite Artist are O'Keefe, Dali, I like Dark and Moody Art

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Family...


All kinds..i have my favorites but i listen to a little bit of everything.. I fucking LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!


CURRENT MOON lunar phases


MY HUBBY RANDY!!! we are as different as night and day..but in some insane way WE make it work... OH it isnt easy but somehow it seems to be worth it... I am a LITTLE Obsessed with Ville Valo;)JUST A LITTLE, But not just because I find him extremely SEXY (those EYES)..but the Man is a talented Song writer and singer..His words are brilliant emotional and can melt the soul...HIM's music is dark methotical and hauntingly beautiful...One of my Favorite band right Now..But yes I do find him Hot as Well...kinda a dark prince from a exotic land..His voice alone...I know I told you I was a little obssesed.. BUT realy I admire His work as well......

My Blog

halloween true meaning...3 points of view

Halloween/Samhain from 3 different views..please read all of this to see how the views on a simple honor the dead holiday..****this is from a neutral non bais point of view about all the festivals****...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 07:30:00 PST

answers to the quiz and reasons why..lol

Question 1 ..> what is my favorite color? black Incorrect red violet green ***FAVORITE COLOR IS VIOLET, THE DARK ALMOST BLACK VIOLET, I USE IT ALOT ON MY PROFILE PAGE, FUNNY THING IS I LOOK ...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:39:00 PST

learn something new everyday..

when i was pregant with Trent i learned i have Type O negative blood...i had to endure lots of blood test and shots becuase of being rh-..but really didnt think much about it, but i ran across an arti...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:32:00 PST

wise words from all faiths....

i didnt mean to come across in my last blog to bash all people of the christian faith...i have some friends and family who through there own convictions are very christian and strong in there faith......
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:02:00 PST

poundering a few new tat's

i am thinking of this on to be an arm band on my left arm..this one on my backthis one on my back of my neck..what do you all think..lol...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:54:00 PST

Trents Hockey Camp..

Trent is home from Miami Unversity (Oxford Ohio) here are a few pictures and his Knee he hurt a few weeks ago goaltending...He had a blast been talking NON STOP about camp since he got home..but OMFG ...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:28:00 PST


The kiss of vanity blessed me with a spiritual murderAnd fed the gods of war insatiableYour home is where the dark isI should have told hisEmbrace the fire indestructibleTo die is to know that you're ...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:35:00 PST

hey damn it i am a proud hockey mom...

right now in summer league Trent switched to center..His face off percent of Wins is 89% he is like a little Yanic..lolHe played Goalie for the first time last week OMG I was hoping He would Hate it.....
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:07:00 PST


see article below... OUR FUCKING KIDS....this is the biggest Shit i have ever heard of...I am quite capable of deciding what my kid can play with and watch...the US Goverments and these advocatcy grou...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:17:00 PST


So on Feburary 26, 1994 I went to see smashing pumpkins with randy...funny thing was we had been dating about a month and he dumped my ass a week before the show...well we were supose to go there with...
Posted by ~**Tam**~ on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:02:00 PST