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If you can read this chances are that you actually know me or have met me in real life...
My name is Squiggle.
I'm neutrois.
Basically neutrois means I don't identify as male or female. I would like all gender markers, secondary sexual characteristics systematically removed from the body I inhabit as and when/if they appear.
This is a very real/intense form of gender dysphoria -as intense as what any trans man or trans woman might feel.
My desired pronoun is 'it'. My desired title is Mx.
What else... -I'm starstuff but then so's everybody; -comprised of matter that's all as old as existence itself. We're all as old as the universe in that respect! I believe that freedom is superior to 'rights'. Sometimes I am mute. But with equal frequency I can talk myself out of it. (That was a joke)
Sharing the same birthday as Oscar Wilde, -16th October -I was born up in Durham, I grew up there before moving to Lancaster where I got a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy. then Manchester for a spell, then in Tennessee, then Canterburythen London I completed an MA in Film and Television production.
In the distant future I would quite like to leave London. I'd quite like to live somewhere more rural. -Maybe a railway station...
I might seem a bit wierd given what I've written here but actually I'm quite down to earth -or at least when I'm not thinking about/writing sci-fi/fantasy.
I like cinema, art projects, visiting art galleries, theatre (sometimes), watching DVDs, reading, surfing the internet, travelling, occasionally going on the odd long walk, swimming (every now and again), camping, a bit of karaoke, and the odd beer in the pub.
I look quite androgynous as a result of trying to eradicate aspects of myself that would otherwise gender me. But I'm not technically an androgyne because I'm neither andro or gyne.
I have no gender identity and I have no sexual identity either.
Very soon I will be genitally neutrois.
I have no reproductive system. :)
I have breasts but I want rid of them.
On to the serious stuff -Shopping... As far as shopping is concerned I'm a browser, not a hunter-gatherer. Be warned...
...And I love cats. I seem to have a way with them,... even the shy ones...
I get the impression that, as a human being people consider me to be quite easy going, and easy to get on with. I've only met one or two people who've run a mile, so I must be doing something right!
Socialising -I like to DJ for friends. -I love to dance and sing karaoke. I prefer nights out that revolve around music, cinema, the arts and spending time connecting with people. I don't like loud themed bars and binge drinking pubs. Blehh.
Instead I like places like the Bar Wotever scene. I know a lot of people on that scene. I'm kind of neuroqueer for being non-lusty. I am genderqueer. My identity of being neither male nor female is not a political statement nor a fashion statement. It's just who I am. The way I express myself isn't 'gender performativity' either because I have no gender to 'perform' other than no gender.
I like going to see bands live. It's fun. A lot of the bands I'm into aren't very well known. So it's still feasible to see them at smaller more intimate venues. Yay!
I'm too idealistic to be a nihilist.
Foodwise I'm vegetarian.
I'm aesthetically and emotionally attracted to people. And I can fall in love like anybody else. Tho I'm not what you would call lusty. -If you can get your head around that and want to be my friend cool.
I tend to like alternative minded human beings.
and I'm always up for meeting friendly people...