Miss my Boey more each day:( profile picture

Miss my Boey more each day:(

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Duke Pediatric Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program

Victim or Survivor?Being a Victim is a state of body. Being a Survivor is a state of mind.A Victim fears their hair falling out from chemotherapy. A Survivor knows bald is beautiful.A Victim knows about feeling down. A Survivor knows feeling down is okay.A Victim is amazed at all the tears. A Survivor never leaves home without Kleenex.A Victim goes to 'see' a doctor. A Survivor 'consults' with his or her physician.A Victim gets caught in despair. A Survivor prays a lot.A Victim feels helpless. A Survivor says 'thanks' with dignity and grace.A Victim enjoys a good laugh. A Survivor LOVES one.From the moment we are diagnosed with cancer, we are victims. We must CHOOSE to be SURVIVORS.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Hi, I'm Jenessa Nicole Byers.. all my close friends and family know me as Boey. I was 6 when the doctors told me I had a really scary disease called cancer. They did lots of tests told us my cancer was called embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma(even sounds evil huh?). They said my cancer was stage 3(there are four stages with 4 being the worst) because it went to one of my lymph nodes in my neck.My middle name Nicole means Victorious Heart, and my mommy always says she knew in her heart that was the perfect middle name for me when I was born, and now she understands why:) On Dec 4th 2006, the doctors said because I was so strong and brave during my chemo and radiation the evil cancer went away and my tumor is all shriveled up and fried. Now it's just scar tissue. I knew God had his angels watching over me and I WON!! I kicked that stupid cancer to the curb (mommy calls this my Boey Tude haha). This tumor really did mess with the wrong Boey!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting stronger everyday. I have BIG plans for my future. The chemo and radiation were like torture to me, I was always sick and missed out on doing all the things that I loved. But now that I'm better I plan on fighting back and helping other kids win their battle. I want to talk to President Bush about all my ideas to help other kids so cancer is found earlier. I want to tell the people in the white house all my ideas on finding cancer earlier cause it's so sneaky and by the time it's found, it's usually very late and the chances of surviving are really low. If mommy wouldn't have yelled at my doctor to test the gross stuff I coughed up, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now. They said in three more weeks my eye would've popped out of my head, and the cancer would've went everywhere in my body. The doctor kept saying to my mommy,"she looks great, don't worry, I'm sure it's just a nasal polyp or something". Mommy was VERY mad at him and kept telling him he was wrong and to take it to the lab for testing. If more doctors knew what to look for and to do further tests if something like that happens to other kids, then more of my warrior friends would be saved. That is my mission in life. I also want to do a commercial with Lance Armstrong, he is also one of my hero's. I want to raise awareness, education, and funding for pediatric cancer in anyway I can. I want everyone to donate stem cells, bone marrow and blood cause it saves lives. I go up to people that smoke and point to my bald head. I am trying to help them cause I don't want them to get cancer. Everyone tells me that God has HUGE plans for me. I am excited to change the world one day at a time with my Boey Tude, love for others, determination, faith in God, and my sassiness haha. Please help me in my journey to find a cure for pediatric cancer. I hope you'll visit here often to see what you can do to help save children's lives. Please pray for me that my cancer NEVER comes back to hurt me again, and pray hard for all my friends that are fighting their battles with cancer. They need your prayers!!WHAT CANCER CANNOT DO CANCER IS SO LIMITED, IT CANNOT CRIPLE LOVE, IT CANNOT SHATTER HOPE, IT CANNOT CORRODE FAITH, IT CANNOT DESTROY PEACE, IT CANNOT KILL FRIENDSHIP, IT CANNOT SUPPRESS MEMORIES, IT CANNOT SILENCE COURAGE, IT CANNOT INVADE THE SOUL, IT CANNOT STEAL ETERNAL LIFE, IT CANNOT CONQUER THE SPIRITPLEASE DO THIS ON BEHALF OF ALL THE LITTLE WARRIORS OUT THERE BATTLING THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE, TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! HELP KICK PEDIATRIC CANCER TO THE CURB!! EMAILING OPRAH IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!
Hosted by Sparkle Tags

My Interests

src="http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s145/bannersofhope/r ibbons/ribbonboey.gif"

PLEASE VISIT THIS AWESOME WEBSITE TO UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT PEDIATRIC CANCER BEING THE # 1 KILLER OF CHILDREN IN THE US. MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY VISITING www.hopestreetkids.org. and http://www.bearnecessities.org/ AND DONATING TO CANCER RESEARCH SO THE SCIENTISTS CAN HURRY AND FIND A CURE SO ME AND MY FRIENDS DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER FROM CANCER ANYMORE!! THANK YOU!!! I am determined to help other kids win their fight. I am working on ideas and putting together a plan so I can go the White House someday and change the world. I LOVE acting, gymnastics, fashion( I have a mannequin that I dress up all the time), doing makeovers(I do them on my best friend Laurie and she looks so beautiful), playing with my myscene and Bratz dolls, my kitty, teasing my brothers especially when they have friends over haha, I LOVE to make pictures, draw and make jewelry and crafts for my mommy and daddy. I LOVE TO SHOP TILL I DROP!! HAHA!! I LOVE clothes and omgosh , I love SHOES like crazy. I have so many but I always want more!!! Mommy and me have SO much fun shopping together(daddy doesn't how much we shop though SHHHHHHH haha)!!MY TWO CRAZY BROTHERS CHRIS AND JOE, I LOVE THEM LIKE CRAZY

I'd like to meet:

My dream is to be an actress someday. I was taking acting classes, gymnastics and fashion shows(those pics are on my other website at www.jenessabyers.com)and was SO happy doing what I love, then this stupid tumor tried to hurt me. Make A Wish is a really awesome program that gives kids that are sick their biggest wish in life. They knew how much I loved acting, so they have been trying to get me into a movie with some lines, but I changed my mind when I found out I could go visit my little warrior Nick in Florida if I chose Disney World in Orlando!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! I'M SOOOOOOO EXCITED TO GIVE MY LITTLE WARRIOR NICK TONS OF SQUISHY HUGS AND PLAY AT DISNEY WORLD!!! My little warrior friend Nick had the same exact cancer as me. HE WON TOO!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! He is so special to me. Nick and his sisters made me beautiful cards that I put in my hospital room whenever I had my overnight chemo, they made me feel so loved and happy, it was like they were right there with me in the room. Nick has a buddy named Ace, he is Nick's hero. If it wasn't for Ace and Chris, we wouldn't have found eachother. Ace and Chris are our angels:)http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i309/BoeyPink/auro ra3.jpg
- Get Your Own

- Get Your Own

- Get Your Own

/I love my Chrissy and got to spend lots of time with him at the American Idol Concert. I miss him so much and can't wait to see him again with his band Daughtry. I love all the Daughtry members, they are so funny and cool. I love the funny faces Joey makes! Joey made me feel really special when he called me a legend, that was soooo cool. J.P looks like a chicken on stage haha and I when my hair grows out I'm going to put it in a mohawk like him!! I love J.P cause he's really funny and sooo cool. Josh and Jeremy are so nice, I can't wait to meet them all!! I can't wait to squeeze and hug my bald hero Chrissy when I see him. I can't wait to show him my peach fuzz and do our Victory Daughtry Dance together!!


FIRST OF COURSE IS MY BALD HERO CHRISSY AND THE COOL GUYS FROM THE BAND DAUGHTRY. Lenea Patterson www.lenea.net..she's such an awesome singer and SOOOOO NICE!! She helped me so much with her angelic voice while I was fighting cancer. She did a benefit music concert for me, and I had so much fun singing with her!! I love Day of Fire, Josh is SOOOOO funny and cool, Chantelle Paige, she is soooooo pretty and nice, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, the whole cast from Hannah Montana called me, that was such an exciting day, they are all sooooo funny and nice, Jessica Simpson, Mariah Carey, Rachel Lampa, all Christian music.



High School Musical, Cheetah Girls, all Hilary Duff, Amanda Bynes, and Raven Simone movies!! http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i309/BoeyPink/aurora3.jpg


Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zach& Cody, That's So Raven, Josh and Drake, High School Musical, and all shows that help bring awareness to pediatric cancer so we can find a cure!!


I use to eat food that was processed and had lots of sugar in it. Now our family only eats organic unprocessed foods and I feel SO much better. I thought I was going to miss my candy bars, but there are sooooooo many yummy things you can eat that are better for you and actually taste even better!! I read books on how good nutrition helps keep the cancer away and how it makes my body really healthy. I also love to read at school and learn everything I can. I love being smart, it's fun!!


First is God for saving my life by sending his angels to watch over me. God gave me the wisdom to know that I needed to show my mom and dad the nasty piece of tumor I coughed up in the bathroom. I was so scared, but I knew they needed to see it. If I wouldn't have done that, the doctors say timing was critical and I wouldn't be here right now to tell my story. I know God has special plans for me, and I can't wait to help others. God saved me so I could help others win. My mommy for telling the doctor what to do, God for healing and protecting me through it all, my two bald hero's daddy and Chrissy. I love my warrior friend Riss sooooo much,she was there for me when I was really sick from the chemo, she is very special to me.I love my daddy cause he's so strong with his big muscles and protects me, and Chrissy's voice got me through 28 days of radiation without sedation(have you seen the mask they made me wear? It was SO scary)!!I named Chrissy's wife Deanna angel cause without her I wouldn't have my bald hero, and she really does look like an angel. Chrissy helped me take my medicine and when I talked to him I was SO happy and felt like I could fight even more. I love my special Wampsy(my own name I made up for my grandpa in Grants Pass), he is the most funniest wampsy in the world. I just met my Wampsy for the first time in March of this year, and it was like I knew him forever. He has helped our family SO much cause he loves us, he's the best (he has the coolest motorcycle too haha)I love him more than anything. Nick, Mackenzie,Zoe,Christi Thomas, Maria, ALL my amazing warrior friends, you are all my hero's!!!

My Blog


VIDEO OF BOEY KICKING CANCER BUTT FROM THE SENATE FLOOR ON CSPAN2!!! The timing of the senators discussing the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act and Boey's selfless and determined effort to get this bill p...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:32:00 PST


I've never blogged about a Daughtry concert but this time I felt like it wouldn't be right not to considering everything Boey's been through, where she's at with her treatment and how much you all lov...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:45:00 PST

CRUCIAL...ALL PARENTS PLEASE READ(thankyou goes to a special person for originally posting)

PLEASE READ AND REPOST ..reach as many people as you can with this information, it could save lives. I know all to well how critical the timing of a correct diagnosis is AND TO ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT I...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:00:00 PST


..> ..> How you can help I think the question that I am asked most often is: " How can I help in this fight?"Well, the answer is quite simple and the way to help is just as easy. The best way to hel...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:38:00 PST

A Mother's Love

Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:39:00 PST

Understanding What a Cancer Patient Goes through

(Try To Understand A Little Bit Of What A "Cancer Parent" Goes Through) You Know You're the Parent of a Kid with Cancer when ...1. You carry a tube of Emla in your purse instead a tube of lipstick2. ...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 09:03:00 PST

Did You Know?

Did you know?(thankyou to cancer sucks for letting me repost)* One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before the age of twenty.* On the average, 46 children and adolescents are diagnosed with canc...
Posted by Miss my Boey more each day:( on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:59:00 PST