Duke Pediatric Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program
Victim or Survivor?Being a Victim is a state of body. Being a Survivor is a state of mind.A Victim fears their hair falling out from chemotherapy. A Survivor knows bald is beautiful.A Victim knows about feeling down. A Survivor knows feeling down is okay.A Victim is amazed at all the tears. A Survivor never leaves home without Kleenex.A Victim goes to 'see' a doctor. A Survivor 'consults' with his or her physician.A Victim gets caught in despair. A Survivor prays a lot.A Victim feels helpless. A Survivor says 'thanks' with dignity and grace.A Victim enjoys a good laugh. A Survivor LOVES one.From the moment we are diagnosed with cancer, we are victims. We must CHOOSE to be SURVIVORS.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Hi, I'm Jenessa Nicole Byers.. all my close friends and family know me as Boey. I was 6 when the doctors told me I had a really scary disease called cancer. They did lots of tests told us my cancer was called embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma(even sounds evil huh?). They said my cancer was stage 3(there are four stages with 4 being the worst) because it went to one of my lymph nodes in my neck.My middle name Nicole means Victorious Heart, and my mommy always says she knew in her heart that was the perfect middle name for me when I was born, and now she understands why:) On Dec 4th 2006, the doctors said because I was so strong and brave during my chemo and radiation the evil cancer went away and my tumor is all shriveled up and fried. Now it's just scar tissue. I knew God had his angels watching over me and I WON!! I kicked that stupid cancer to the curb (mommy calls this my Boey Tude haha). This tumor really did mess with the wrong Boey!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting stronger everyday. I have BIG plans for my future. The chemo and radiation were like torture to me, I was always sick and missed out on doing all the things that I loved. But now that I'm better I plan on fighting back and helping other kids win their battle. I want to talk to President Bush about all my ideas to help other kids so cancer is found earlier. I want to tell the people in the white house all my ideas on finding cancer earlier cause it's so sneaky and by the time it's found, it's usually very late and the chances of surviving are really low. If mommy wouldn't have yelled at my doctor to test the gross stuff I coughed up, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now. They said in three more weeks my eye would've popped out of my head, and the cancer would've went everywhere in my body. The doctor kept saying to my mommy,"she looks great, don't worry, I'm sure it's just a nasal polyp or something". Mommy was VERY mad at him and kept telling him he was wrong and to take it to the lab for testing. If more doctors knew what to look for and to do further tests if something like that happens to other kids, then more of my warrior friends would be saved. That is my mission in life. I also want to do a commercial with Lance Armstrong, he is also one of my hero's. I want to raise awareness, education, and funding for pediatric cancer in anyway I can. I want everyone to donate stem cells, bone marrow and blood cause it saves lives. I go up to people that smoke and point to my bald head. I am trying to help them cause I don't want them to get cancer. Everyone tells me that God has HUGE plans for me. I am excited to change the world one day at a time with my Boey Tude, love for others, determination, faith in God, and my sassiness haha. Please help me in my journey to find a cure for pediatric cancer. I hope you'll visit here often to see what you can do to help save children's lives. Please pray for me that my cancer NEVER comes back to hurt me again, and pray hard for all my friends that are fighting their battles with cancer. They need your prayers!!WHAT CANCER CANNOT DO CANCER IS SO LIMITED, IT CANNOT CRIPLE LOVE, IT CANNOT SHATTER HOPE, IT CANNOT CORRODE FAITH, IT CANNOT DESTROY PEACE, IT CANNOT KILL FRIENDSHIP, IT CANNOT SUPPRESS MEMORIES, IT CANNOT SILENCE COURAGE, IT CANNOT INVADE THE SOUL, IT CANNOT STEAL ETERNAL LIFE, IT CANNOT CONQUER THE SPIRITPLEASE DO THIS ON BEHALF OF ALL THE LITTLE WARRIORS OUT THERE BATTLING THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE, TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! HELP KICK PEDIATRIC CANCER TO THE CURB!! EMAILING OPRAH IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!
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