Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 profile picture

Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Join Kayla's Believe Team
In each State Co-Team Leads will be appointed by Team Kayla. The Team Leads will help organize activities within their state’s chapter.
Each State will create an Official “Team Kayla” MySpace Page where all Team Members for that State will be “Friends” and all activities will be communicated via blogs posted by the Team Leads.
5 Goals for Each State in 2008
1. Coordinate corporate sponsorship in your state.
2. Raise awareness of Childhood Cancer and the need for more funding. Flyers are being developed that you can distribute.
3. Drum up support for the “Make Change in 2008 Campaign” (We will create a hand out for you to distribute at schools, churches, girl/boy scouts etc)
4. One Team Lead will write their State’s Governor requesting a proclamation that September 2008 be recognized as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”. All other team members will write their city/town Mayors requesting the same.
5. In September Team Leads will coordinate a local Believe Foundation Fundraiser. "Believe BBQ" "Believe Breakfast" "Believe Beef & Beer" etc.
Please send a message to Team Kayla if you are interested in being a Team Lead for your State.
DVDs of Kayla's Celebration Services
are available for a minimum donation of $15
Please send a check to:
The Kayla Weber Believe Foundation
PO Box 26652
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6652
Please specify that you are requesting a DVD.
Kayla's Prayer Card will also be included.
)( Living the Dream )(
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Woodmen Valley Chapel Worship Center
290 E. Woodmen Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
John Henry Copen and Scottie Somers
Perform at Kayla's Funeral Celebration
Moving forward Team Kayla asks that Donations be made to
The Kayla Weber "Believe" Foundation 501(c)
PO Box 26652
Colorado Springs,CO 80936-6652.
This foundation will aid in childhood cancer awareness and research as well as assist other families affected by this devastating disease. To follow the development of this Foundation and experience more of Kayla’s divine presence on this Earth, please continue to visit her MySpace page
Team Kayla Forever
Kayla's Journey
A few days before Christmas 2006, Julie & Jason are given the devastating news that their baby has cancer, Neuroblastoma Stage 4S. Kayla is just shy of 4 months old.
On December 26th 2006, the day after her first Christmas, Kayla is admitted to Children's Hospital in Denver, where she will embark on a grueling journey of tests, surgeries and chemotherapy.
Kayla fights like the bravest little girl and there are times when things look bleak, yet amazingly this little warrior princess pulls through time and time again, humbling all of us that follow her story, that there must be a divine power watching over her. After 6 weeks in the Hospital Julie and Jason take their beautiful daughter home again!
Life is good. Julie quits her job to care for Kayla full time. Kayla has lots of catching up to do with her other baby friends. Rolling, sitting up, crawling, standing. She even gets to take that postponed Christmas trip to Maryland.
Julie begins preparing for a huge milestone, Kayla's FIRST birthday!! We are sure there are times when Julie and Jason never thought they would see this day.
Suddenly, Kayla begins to not feel well; she is cranky and refuses food. Julie worries, but we all assure her it was nothing to worry about, that all of our babies are teething. Even Kayla's own doctor at her check up feels it is not cancer related, more likely a stomach bug.
Sadly this is not to the case with Kayla. On Monday July 24th, acting on mother's instinct Julie takes Kayla back to Children's Hospital in Denver to be evaluated. It was then that she and Jason are yet again given the news that the cancer had returned, and this time the cancer meant business. It has not only returned in her abdomen but metastasized to both her lungs and her bone marrow. She is officially a Stage 4 cancer patient. Kayla is 11 months old.
Julie describes it simply as “we seriously feel like we are in a living nightmare”
We are a group of women who came together for the most joyous moment of our lives, the birth of our babies. Yet today we stand together to support Julie, Jason and Kayla in any way we can. This website is to get the word out there and raise awareness of Pediatric Cancers and the need for more research and a cure. Kayla could be any of our children, we are so blessed.
We can only imagine the emotional toll on the Webers this is and we pray we never know their pain first hand. But there is also a financial toll. Julie and Jason are young, Kayla is their first and only child, and they want to spend every moment by her side. Jason is a student and works in construction. They are living on only Jason's salary and while they do have medical insurance the day to day expenses of gas, meals, coffee let alone their household expenses is overwhelming.
Please join us in the fight to cure Kayla.
Kayla's Obituary
Kayla Evelyn Weber left this world to join Jesus in Heaven on December 2, 2007 at 2:53 AM MST.
Kayla was born August 30, 2006 in Colorado Springs. She is survived by her parents Jason and Julie Weber and Uncle David of Colorado Springs, her Grandparents Bill and Chris Weber of Pueblo West, Colorado, her Aunt Shannon of Pikeville, North Carolina, her Grandparents Ronald and Linda Jones and Aunts Karen, Kelly and Jenny of Baltimore, Maryland. She is also survived by thousands of other friends and family members – some who knew her personally and some who didn't even need to meet her, but felt her presence and the strength and love she possessed all the same.
Just before Kayla reached four months old, she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that presented as tumors throughout her abdomen and continued to grow over time. Kayla battled this dreadful disease for one year. She did so with such courage, such strength and the utmost of grace. She had a smile on her face at all times and her passion was to make others smile as well. She enjoyed playing peek-a-boo and messing around with her dogs, Tyson and Roxy. She loved walking down the hospital halls with her little red wagon, waving and blowing kisses to the other patients and nurses. She especially loved playing in her little kitchen and baking cookies for Mommy. She loved to head-butt with Daddy and give him wet kisses and high fives. Her hugs were the best and she always knew just when you needed one the most. We need one now Baby Kayla because you have left us all with a void in our hearts that will never again be whole. Kayla passed peacefully at the Children's Hospital in Denver, continuing to fight with her last breaths. Kayla is a true blessing to all who knew her.
Kayla did not beat cancer in her lifetime, but her family is determined to continue the fight. In lieu of flowers, they ask that donations be sent to The Kayla Weber Believe Foundation, PO Box 26652, Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6652. This foundation will aid in childhood cancer awareness and research as well as assist other families affected by this devastating disease. To follow the development of this Foundation and experience more of Kayla's divine presence on this Earth, please visit www.myspace.com/babykaylaweber2.
Services are scheduled for Thursday, December 6, 2007 with a public viewing from 1:00 – 3:00 pm and a Celebration of Her Life immediately following. Services will be held at Woodmen Valley Chapel Worship Center, 290 E. Woodmen Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80919. We will have childcare provided in the reception room. All who loved her are welcome and encouraged to attend.
"While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about".

My Interests

Donations are being accepted for The Kayla Weber Believe Foundation.
Please help if you can. Our new website should be up and running soon!
Thank you! Julie

These beautiful Swarvoski peridot, pearl and sterling "Believe" bracelets are custom designed and made to order.
The price is $35.00 and includes shipping and handling.
All proceeds go to
The Kayla Weber Believe Foundation.

I'd like to meet:


December 2006 - January 2007

February 2007 -
July 2007

.. Create Your Own

July & August

.. Create Your Own


See Kayla on NBC 9 Denver
Featuring the Dads
from Loneliest Road



Kayla's Friends & Donors
Agnes Kazmierczyk Aimee Schmidt Amanda Wells Amber Ramos Amy Baldeh Amy Erickson Amy Gray Amy Laque Amy McCabe Angela Geiser Angela Lee Angeline Hoyt Ann Haehn Anthony Falin Audrey Majors BARRY ROBBINS Beth Gibbons Blake Jacob Brandy Reeves Brian Marquardt Brianne Simmonds Bright Little Beginnings Carolina Pinzon CAROLYN DALKIEWICZ Cassandra Davis Christine Skiby Christopher Bennett Constance Davis Corina Kollmar Corinne Cowden Danielle Pace Darla McArthur David Varela Devon Clement Diane Schaben Donald Lee Elliesha Britten Enfig Genevieve O Johnson Giancarlo Perez Go Solo Inc. Gregory Parsons Heather Hartmann Heather Masters Irma Hernandez ivette vinas Jack Wade James Atkinson Jamie Spero Janel Heinrich Jennifer Batic Jennifer Clarke Jennifer Pfeifer Jennifer Robbins Jennifer Sawron Jennifer Sawyer jenny scheib Jessica Schatra Jimmy Coulbourne Joann Levey Joanna McNealy Joe and Sheila Colonese Joni-Sue Reigle Joyce Dalesandro Kathy Hunt Keith Berkebile Kelly Arnold Kelly Knize Kelly Sparks Ken Stiegler Kimberly Carl kristen mccoy Linda Bussey Linda Wilbur Liza Gallegos Lois Herman Lorraine Gitlin Lynda Williams mara tillett Marcia Vilas Margaret Folz Maria Giersch Maria Hernandez Berlin Mark Jenkins Mauda Moran Meaghan Reilly Michelle Croney Michelle Foley Michelle Tessier mickey calhoun Moments Captured (Nicci Derry) Narius Irani Natalie Bush Nicole Hallmark Nicole Smith Noreen Colonese Patricia Melton Penny Benson Rachel Johnson Raymond Marshall Rhonda M Staudenmaier Rich Eisele Richard Stein Ronald Decker Ruth DiBlasi Sarah Gutierrez Sarah Pecha Shane Gault Shannon Keith Sherry Franco Stanley Parke stephanie daniel Stephanie Schmuecker Steve Newcomb Suzanne Miller Teddy Cochran tere scott Terry Mitchell Thomas Zauder Timothy Schrecongost Trilby Cox Vivonne Lee

My Blog

Follow up and baby news :)

..TR> Hi everyone! As promised I have another quick update for you. If you didn't get a chance to read yesterday's, please go back and read for some big (yet little) favors I ask of you : ) First,...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:29:00 PST

Some great things happening : )

Good afternoon everyone! It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. I've been thinking all day about how I wish I could just go get Kayla up from her nap and take her for a walk in her big red wagon tha...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:30:00 PST

Happy Birthday Jason!

..TR> Hi everyone! First I just want to say thank you so much for all your amazing messages of support! I am really happy that you guys are excited J I have felt a little nauseous this week so I ha...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:58:00 PST


Well & we're having a baby!! Yes, that's right & it's happening  at least I pray all goes smoothly. I could seriously turn this journal entry into a novel based on all of the feelings I have experie...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:57:00 PST

Jason’s doing ok : )

Hello! I don't really have anything to say, but I wanted to check in! Jason is doing well. He actually went back to work Wednesday. He is taking it really easy and still has a week left on his antibi...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:50:00 PST

Sunday update ~ Jason is home.

Hello! Sorry I didn’t update yesterday as promised. We actually ended up getting out of the hospital around lunch time, which was earlier than expected. It was a relief though because we were bo...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 01:34:00 PST

Latest Update on Jason

I wanted to give a little progress report although not much has changed. Jason was put on a couple very strong, broad sprectrum antibiotics last night and has been receiving them via IV round the cloc...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:46:00 PST

Update on Jason - Back to the hospital

Before I say anything, I just want to honor Kayla tonight. It has been 4 months today since Jason and I have seen her beautiful blue eyes and each day might as well be an eternity :’( I so wish ...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Jason is sick

Good morning everyone. I wanted to take a quick second to update. I’ll start with the good news and that is we finally got our Wii! As I think I said in my last update, Walmart was having a big ...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:00:00 PST

A great morning!

..tr> Hello! I don’t usually like to blog so close together. I know some of you only come to check in every once in a while so I like to keep entries up for a few days. So for those that read...
Posted by Kayla the Wonder Angel is Making Change in '08 on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST