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Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse

We Post Lots Of Animal Rights Bulletins & Comments-Do Not Declaw/Feline Joint Amputation

About Me

We post lotza bulletins for animal and human rights, rescues, abuse, advocay, petitions & more-we also post picture comments for our friends. Please do not request to be our friend if you don't like bulletins or comments-and we love all of our friends who do! We have over 260 blogs on issues dear to our heart-check them out BEFORE you request to be our friend, many thanks! =^..^=
By: Warning:We Post Lotza Bulletins & Daily Picture Comments!
I am =^..^=Marbalet Kitty Supreme=^..^= Feral rescue. My human mommy is legally blind and my daddy has bad cataracts and can't drive for pet transport, anymore. :O( When I was 4 weeks old, my 1st human mommy wasn't paying pet deposit and she took me and my brothers and sisters and tossed us into a heavily wooded area-some of us died, I survived. I became feral. I would kill cotton mouth, water moccasins, tree snakes, to get water from the creek behind the apartments where I had been abandoned at. The apartment manager had told everyone not to put out water on their back porchs because of a drought and snakes would go up to the back porches to get water from the outside water dishes humans put out for their furbabies. I lived 100% feral for the first 5 years of my life. I was 2 1/2 pounds and not in good shape, but, didn't like humans, AT ALL! After all, when I was a kitten people chased me, animals chased me, and no humans ever were nice to me. Then, in 2000, my future poodle brother, Francois Beauvois, RIP, was a Poodle Rescue from a breeder who was under court order to get rid of all of her dogs or cats or they would be seized, was our first rescue $350.00; I was 100% feral and 1 year after my mommy and daddy first saw me-I finally got caught in a trap and was TRN'd-and my mommy and daddy had their telephone number tattoed on me. After I was TRN'd I would hide for months at a time, even though my future mommy and daddy would call for me, I wasn't having any of it.
A hateful lady was poisoning cats and dogs in the area because apartment management was complaining about her dog barking all of the time-and she blamed it on the cats running outside. My mommy and daddy had to trap me a couple more times because cats were dying from poisoned food she was putting outside and she escaped before the ASPCA could get her :O( 4 years after I was TRN'd, my mommy and daddy kept trying to get me indoors, because mI became indoor feral, and 5 years after that became part poodle brother, Francois Beauvois kept hyperventilating ever since the first time he saw me. My mommy and daddy spent lots of $$$ taking him to the vet and the vet couldn't figure out what was wrong-what was going on was he wanted ME inside, as his sister! My mommy and daddy had to trap me because I got hurt by a male feral who ate my babies! I got into a really bad right with him and his gashed my head pretty bad. GRRRRR I was too weak and they had to get me medication and had to get hot packs on my tummy because it was hard from being engorged. The vet fixed me up, and told my mommy and daddy I was too old to be made indoors and that I would NEVER be trainable and that I would never be trusting of anyone. Well, I proved the vet wrong. My mommy and daddy took care of me, I hid under chairs, couchs, etc., and I WAS indoors-I didn't even shred things, except when someone tried to get near me, I growled, put my hair in the air and hissed and would scratch them up if they got too close. Francois Beavious was my brother and I chased him and bopped him and he chased me and we had a grand time! 5 years after that, we moved out of Atlanta, GA to McDonough, GA-I stopped running away, and stayed indoors ever since. I only let my mommy and daddy ever get near me, and they can only touch me, when I want them to, still! I am going to be 18 years old on October 31, 2007. I am happy at my house, now, even though I only have 4 teeth left-GRRR-but, I still have my finger nails and toe nails and if you get too close I will "nail" you with them-so watch out!
Check out my story and my brother's story on Dogster & Catster =^..^= Make Your Dog Or Cat A Stat At Dogster Or Catster! =^..^= We did-it is free, fast to set up and fun! You should tell of your friends how much you can share photos there and enjoying showing off your precious puddy cat or precious pup! :O) Check it out here: Catster (for cats) Dogster (for dogs) Click Here To Join-or click on our pics below for our individual page at Catster & Dogster! Hey, we wouldn't steer you wrong, we did and here we are, over at both Catster & Dogster-hope to see you there soon!
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Christian Glitter by
Free Cursors Myspace Layouts Myspace Comments
The Mission Needs YOUR Help!!Please add Mission: MySpace and send in the URLs of profiles that violate the Terms of Service. Together, we can keep MySpace a clean and safe place for all!!
165 Destroyed (2 facing criminal charges!!)
People with porno profiles
170 Destroyed
Porno Bots
474 Destroyed
Sexual harassment/solicitation of pornography
308 Destroyed
People who have or post porn pics
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Porno Groups
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Advertising/Scam/Phishing Bots and Profiles
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Sites with Links to Porn/Fronts for Porn Sites
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Troll Groups
26 Destroyed
Please add Mission: MySpace and repost this for your friends!! Thank you!!

My Interests

We are on our daily MySpace blockdown from posting bulletins as a punishment for having over 800 friends, we have been told, so, we only can post between 1-23 bulletins, per day, right now-mostly urgents, animal rescue, etc.

Because I am legally blind and MDH John has had a recent 2nd stroke, we are unable to transport and only allowed 2 pets which we have until we can afford to
move :O(

However, we are trying to help however we are able and MDH John spotted these 2 great offers and he is telling me what to type, since I have been typing by touch for over 32 years. :O)

This is a small way to help those who are rescues, fostering, adopting, going through financial problems and to reward others for adopting pets. =^..^=

Could you please share this with all animal lovers, there are 2 offers. One, is for a free bag of dog or cat food from Nutro Products Super Premium Dog and Cat Food And the other is from Pedigree, they give you a free month's worth of dog food if you prove you have adopted a dog! :O)

When you adopt a dog in 2007, we'll thank you with a free month's supply of PEDIGREE® Food For Dogs*

. To order your free food, simply fill out this form, attach proof of adoption (copies of adoption documentation and receipt for fee/donation — please don't send originals), and send to:

Mail to: The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive
PO Box 410498
El Paso, TX
United States

Free Natural Choice Super Premium Dog & Cat Food

Proteja la petición de los animales
Por favor tecleo

Do NOT Declaw-It Is Feline Joint Amputation

Pit Bull Information And Education



.. ..TR
Christian Glitter by

I'd like to meet: 5;facts The Pet Talk Radio! team invites you to add your voice to our campaign… Say 'NO' To Backyard Breeders.FACT: Independent research group BIS Shrapnel states that less than 2% of all puppy purchases are made in Pet Shops in Australia. BIS Shrapnel Pty Ltd – May 2003 - next report due March 2006__________________________________________If so few pets are bought through Pet Shops – why are these outlets being blamed for the heart-breaking numbers of unwanted pets that end up in shelters?The truth is those animals come from accidental or unlicensed backyard breeders *(see note below) who sell puppies through newspapers, markets and the internet.There are no safeguards or checks on the health of either parent animals or their offspring which is why we believe Australia needs a campaign to stop backyard breeders.And while we'd agree more needs to be done to improve how animals are displayed, sourced and sold in pet shops, the sad facts are that far too many pet owners make excuses for surrendering pets such as 'getting married, having a baby, new job, new house/flat or even bad behaviour on the part of the animal.'It is THIS sector of the community that needs to be educated.NOTE: Update May 25 2006 In discussing this issue with various professional animal handlers, veterinarians etc it has come to our attention that there individuals who are in fact 'responsible' and 'experienced' who from time to time breed animals privately.These people have told us they have no intention of registering with the ANKC or similar bodies but agree that the accidental amateur breeder or those that breed for greed should be stopped.We will re-focus this campaign to target 'careless - inexperienced - greedy' breeders however the intent "to stop indiscriminate backyard breeding for profit or fun" will remain.We would appreciate you still signing this petition (more than 1,500 already have!) as well as providing us your thoughts on this developmentBABS IN NY

Christian Glitter by

Christian Glitter by
.. "

Feed 44 Dogs For Under $10

Support The Anderson Humane Society Click Here


*To put a banner on your page, copy the text from below the one you want and paste it into your page. Thank you for your support!


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The BIBLE, of course! :O


Christian Glitter by
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Christian Glitter by

Christian Glitter by
From: [Stop Abuse] Date: May 29, 2007 11:05 PM From: MySpace Watch Team Date: May 29, 2007 10:29 PMWhat can you do to help work with usYou can join the team by keeping your eyes open.If you find anything that you beleive is inapropriate but you don't have the links nor time to get in touch with the right people, send that information to us via a message and we will do it for you.To show your support, add the Myspace watch banner to your site. Thank You For Your Time MySpace Watch Team

Real Men Fight Abuse

My Blog

Wythe County Virginia Urgents:Many Dogs Need 4ever Homes

The Wythe County Humane Society in ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Wythe County, VA works with the high kill gassing shelter to pull and place their animals. Unfortunately they...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:19:00 PST

Chain Off 2007-Unchain The 50-Sponsor Opportunity

..> ..> ..> Chain Off 2007 " Unchain the 50!Freedom for Chained Dogs All Across America(and Canada too!) This Year's 4th of July Event marks our 5th Annual Chain Off, and we're going More Gr...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 03:59:00 PST


----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Hernando's American Pit Bull Terrier Rescue Date: Jun 16, 2007 11:33 PM Hello All, We need help badly! We need a foster for: Sunday She is a ...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 08:37:00 PST

BTM Review

Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 10:16 PM Subject: DVD - Behind the mask New AR DVD - Behind the Mask. Trailer at bottom of this page. to see trailer or buy a copy for film re...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 08:24:00 PST

CA: Teddy Kitten Needs a Home - Updated Info! PLEASE REPOST!

CA: Teddy Kitten Needs a Home - Updated Info! PLEASE REPOST! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Cool Cat Luke Date: Jun 16, 2007 10:19 PM ? Teddylicious ?'s current owner is mo...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 07:24:00 PST

Check out this video: Baby Kaleb &videoid=2035957312Baby Kaleb Add to My Profile | More Videos----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: DAISYM...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 06:26:00 PST

California:Siamese-Mix "Jade" Free To Good Home

free kitty to good home in califorina ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: tia Date: Jun 16, 2007 8:48 PM From: Stoner Dawg " Date: Jun 16, 2007 7:46 PM here is jade =][siamese ...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:54:00 PST

Arizona:49 Adorable Little Furry Rat Friends Ready 4 Adoption

Any Rat Rescue Date: Jun 16, 2007 5:04 PM We have a whopping 49 rats in need of homes! Please check out our June Adoptables! Girls: ..> .. ..>Boys: ..> .. ..>Visit our ...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST

Los Angeles, Calif:Adorable ? Teddylicious ? Sweetie Kitty Needs 4ever Home

From: Cool Cat Luke Date: Jun 16, 2007 12:40 PM ? Teddylicious ? needs a home. She's about 8-9 months old and is extremely sweet and adorable. I'm waiting to hear back from Teddy's current owner with ...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:37:00 PST

Southern California:Manx Cat Bulletin-Lots To Pick From Lucy Manx, Tortoiseshell Mix Size: Medium Age: Adult Sex: Female ID: 215610 Notes: DOB: 2002 My name is Lucy. I was put into the shelter when...
Posted by Please Help Save Pets In Shelters & From Abuse Thx on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:07:00 PST