I'm just an individual with a passion for Elephants (all animals) wanting to make others aware of the cruel treatment of these animals in the circus and other entertainment industries. They are remarkable creatures.
Just a "Heads Up", I post allot of animal bullitins.
The elephant is the largest animal on earth as well as one of the most intelligent and sensitive. Elephants are very emotional -- they cry, laugh, and remember other elephants they haven't seen in decades. They grieve over dead family members and bury them with tree branches. If a baby elephant cries out, the entire family rushes over to care for it. Like us, they are happy, sad, moody, and capable of jealousy and fits of rage. Also like us, they can be immensely gentle and compassionate with each other.
Animals are caught, broken, trained, beaten, chained & deprived, all for your entertainment.
Is that alright with you?
Animals who are abused and exploited by Ringling Bros. and other circuses are not willing participants. They are torn from their families, deprived of all that is natural and important to them, and forced to perform stupid tricks and stunts like riding bicycles, jumping through flaming hoops, and standing on their heads—things that you would never see them doing in the wild. They are kept in filthy, crowded trailers, boxcars, and cages and are dragged around the country for up to 50 weeks a year. Elephants in circuses are beaten, gouged with sharp metal “bullhooks,†and kept in chains, sometimes as much as 20 hours a day. Steve-O saw this abuse firsthand, and that’s why he hates Ringling Bros. and any other circus that profits from the abuse of animals.
By Steve-O
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