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About Me

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The Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS) was established in 1957. Founder Irene Heaton was appalled by the suffering of animals within the entertainment industry, and campaigned tirelessly on their behalf throughout the rest of her life.
It is through her efforts and the influence and hard work of her successors, that CAPS can be recognised today as one of this country's leading campaigning organisations on behalf of animals in circuses, zoos, and the entertainments industry.
Over the past 40 years, CAPS has helped individuals and organisations with their own projects, both in the UK and abroad, by supplying them with information, photographs, video footage and other forms of support, including financial assistance. We hope that animals have benefited from our efforts and, in Britain at least, there is evidence that captive animals are being accorded a greater degree of respect and understanding than was the case in the past.
You Can Help!
The CAPS campaign strategy is working and we need your help to continue to be effective. Only by exposing suffering can we help the animals.
Your help is vital in helping to end the suffering of animals in captivity, without it more animals will continue to suffer.
There are still EIGHT circuses travelling the UK alone that use animals. Many more zoos and other places where animals shouldn't be. Help CAPS help these animals.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People from around the world who are interested in helping CAPS save animals from the humiliating and awful existence of the entertainment industry.

Also existing groups that support our work with a passion for stamping out animal suffering.

My Blog

URGENT - Protest against the O2 Arena's Use of Animals

....Protest against The O2 Arena's Use of AnimalsJanuary 2009The O2 Arena in London is planning to feature a stage production of Ben Hur in September, using 100 animals including horses, camels, donke...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:13:00 GMT

Prime Minister Asked to Reconsider Support for Giant Pandas at Edinburgh Zoo

Prime Minister Asked to Reconsider Support for Giant Pandas at Edinburgh ZooDecember 2008CAPS has called on Gordon Brown to reconsider his support for Edinburgh Zoos plans to display giant pandas.The...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 08:59:00 GMT


Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 07:38:00 GMT

The Winter 2008 issue of Release is now available.

New CAPS magazine out now!October 2008 The Winter 2008 issue of Release is now available. This issue includes: ..TR vAlign=top> Giant Pandas - Political Pawns Two page exclusive interview with Jam...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 06:31:00 GMT

Elite Marathon runner and CAPS patron, Fiona Oakes, runs for CAPS. SPONSER FIONA HERE

Elite Marathon runner and CAPS patron, Fiona Oakes, runs for CAPSOctober 2008 Fiona is certainly someone who 'walks the walk' - or in her case, 'runs the run'! And we are so pleased that she is runn...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 05:31:00 GMT

Thomson holiday company promotes dolphin captivity

Thomson holiday company promotes dolphin captivityAugust 2008 Despite being one of the partners in the Year of the Dolphin initiative (which highlights the threats to dolphins in the wild), holiday ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:46:00 GMT

CAPS is now a registered charity!

  At CAPS, we're constantly looking for ways to develop our fundraising activities, so that we can become even more effective in campaigning on behalf of captive animals. We're also very keen to ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:07:00 GMT

Zoo Awareness Day 2008 Bank Hoilday Monday - 24th March

Zoo Awareness Day 2008Bank Hoilday Monday - 24th March Are you concerned about Animal Rights? Do you want to do something about the suffering of animals in zoos? Then get involved with Zoo Awareness D...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 02:30:00 GMT

Circus ringmaster violently attacks BBC reporter

Circus ringmaster violently attacks BBC reporterFebruary 2008 Martin Lacey, (right) the owner and ringmaster of the Great British Circus, assaulted a BBC Radio Nottingham reporter, during an intervie...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:04:00 GMT

Plight of polar bear cubs in a German zoo

Plight of polar bear cubs in a German zoo has caused worldwide debate about the cruelty of zoos.   Polar bears at Nuremberg Zoo January 2008 Once again, the futility of keeping animals in zoos ...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:47:00 GMT