I created this page to help educate people about "Pit Bulls". There are many Pit Bull Owners out there who share my thoughts, and we all have the same answer: "It's all in how you raise them". Unfortunately, the Pit Bull continues to get a bad rap. I would say 99% of all negative incidents that are Pit Bull related..or any dog for that matter, can be traced back to the owner and how the dog was raised.
Since APBT were bred to be submissive to man, the truth is that they are not naturally man-aggressive, unless mishandled or carelessly trained
There are many abused and abandoned Pit Bulls out there that just need a chance with an owner that understands their needs. Look in My VIDEOS section under Favorites and watch some of the heart-breaking, educational videos that people have put together about what this breed goes through. I will provide as many Rescue links as I can find. I will try to provide all the information I can about: PitBull adoption, Positive stories, Breed Laws & Bans, Training, Events and Information through links, pictures, videos, blogs, etc. to try and help. Go to My BLOGS for past "Positive" Pit Bull Stories (they are worth reading) as well as current press, adoptions and contests. I'm just trying to do my part in helping them, and as many owners as there are on myspace, together I think we can really make a difference. Please send me a message if you need any help, info or just to tell me a story about your dog. ALL THE PICTURES ON THIS PAGE ARE LINKS TO MORE INFORMATIVE SITES, SO CHECK THEM OUT.
I strongly suggest and recommend that all Pit Bull Owners become members of the American Dog Owners Association and Endangered Breeds Association.
See if someone you support is in our IDIOT’s LIST
This is what it is all about! Educational Video (It's not a Tear Jerker) .. .. ..Did You Know: While some Pit Bulls do tend to be aggressive towards other DOGS (as are most terriers), the normal, well raised Pit Bull has NO human-aggressive tendencies! In fact, human-aggression was actually bred out of the breed. The majority of Pit Bulls are affectionate, intelligent, trainable dogs. In fact, the highest obedience trial record of all time is held by an American Pit Bull Terrier. According to the American Canine Temperament Testing Association, 95% of the American Pit Bull Terriers that took its temperament test passed, compared to a 77% passing rate for all breeds on average. Furthermore, APBTs had a passing rate that was the fourth highest of all 122 breeds tested.PIT BULLS LOVE KIDS! It's an actual fact that is not well known outside the Pit Bull Community, because they are stereotyped by the media to be mean & dangerous dogs. Well-managed, responsibly owned pit bulls are some of the best family dogs you can have. The American Canine Temperament Test Society lists this breed as having one of the most stable temperaments of any of the purebreds, right up there with golden retrievers. Many APBTs go out of their way to lick little faces and will wag their tails when they see a child. Many will let kids pull their ears, climb on their backs and the rough and tumble fans that they are, will love every minute of rugged kid-style attention. See for yourself, just click on the banner below:
Watch Requiem For A Pit Bull
Remember to watch The Dog Whisperer!!Thank You Cesar!
Breeders must be aware of how genetics work and must consciously breed to produce dogs that are physically and emotionally sound. Ignorant breeding practices can produce unsafe, dangerous dogs.
They need to be socialized with other dogs more then any other breed because of their past. Start this as soon as possible, and never stop. It is important to socialize them with all walks of life at a young age. The more they experience, the more it will help them cope with the world around them.
If you train your dog to be aggressive and do not know what you are doing (not a professional) bad things can happen and you can have a dangerous dog.
Very harsh, forceful training techniques can cause a dog to resent his training and trainer. Unfair or overly hard corrections or punishments can cause a dog to fight back.
Pit Bulls that live their life chained in the backyard are prone to develop problem behaviors. A chained dog is vulnerable and feels tormented, by everything passing by him. (Every child who wishes to tease or torment the dog, stray animals that pass by freely, etc.) These dogs often are bored, frustrated, depressed, angry and lack needed exercise. The majority of Pit Bull Attacks that are in the news are from dogs who live life secluded (chained up, caged, etc.) and never got a chance to be a dog and explore the outside world.
Do you know that a chained dog feels rejected and doesn't understand why? I magine being chained up year after year. You watch the door hoping someone will come out to play, and no one does. You see people walk by and look at you as they think...."That must be a mean dog to be on that big chain". You long to run, but all you can do is pace. You keep building up unreleased energy and it starts effecting your mind, making you bark constantly at everything. You shiver in the Winter and pant in the Summer. Eventually you will stop barking and give up hope. It is a terrible way for a dog to live. If you can't give a dog a good life, maybe you shouldn't have one!
$5,000 reward to turn in dogfight ringleaders
The APBT breed was not bred for Protection or Guard Work!
PET-ABUSE.COM - Latest News..... I don't have anything against PETA..... Except what they have against PIT BULLS!