What is The Oberon Project? Dreamt up and created by Paul Lovegrove and Jamie Merrett long, long ago... well, the early nineties! It houses the spin off ideas from thier band "Oberon". It was, and still is, a collection of projects covering many aspects of creative arts, such as film and music. Early in 2006 Paul noticed certain oppotunities arise, and so The Oberon Project added another string to its instrument and Oberon Promotions entered the world. Instead of being money hungry scavengers on the edge of a scene, charging crazy prices at the door of a venue, Oberon Promotions was born from one musician trying to create a big family scene of creative artists. With access to venues, it enabled Oberon Promotions to let others play, act or exhibit their work. During 2007 Oberon Promotions gained even more momentum and diversity as word spread.
Currently based in Portsmouth, with an ever-expanding group of contacts, together Paul and Dan seek to involve as many and varied acts as exist. Indeed, all are welcome without prejudice.
Our aim is simple, to spread the wealth of underground talent to as many people and places as possible, without making money the driving force, so moving away from the cash culture of overpriced and over exploited concerts and festivals. Drawing attention to the social and global issues which we at The Oberon Project deem more important than daytime T.V, 2 for the price of 1, big shinny cars, what clothes we should wear or generally consuming the planet!
Join us while having a good time!
My Interests
Member Since: 7/31/2006
Band Website: theoberonproject.com
Type of Label: None