Witnessing the awakening of every human soul to the higher reality that the Tree of Life is available to anyone who wishes to transform his/herself into a vessel to walk peacefully and pleasantly towards eternity and help other slumbering souls feel empowered to do so as well.
Any human soul who wishes to activate within themselves and others the soul delight of meditating upon Divinity/Jahfulness rooted within recognition all human souls have a means of obtaining a wireless connection to the Essence and Being of Our Merciful and Loving Creator Who Seeks all Human Hearts and by the way= The Creator Dwells within all Human Hearts.
Any type that will inspire, strengthen, and assist another human soul connect to their inner self/Extem HaNeshamah as just as important not promote idolatry of any sort-and just as just as important promote and disseminate the Knowledge of the Oneness [though not a numerical oneness-rather the level of Oneness which is the source of all life within the Worlds of Intellect, Thought, Speech and Actions and last but not least-Infinity] of the Creator of all this Blessed Creation!!! May all musicians inspire the mighty souls of creation who are capable of prophesizing to do so-and assist the rest of us how to get to the Universal Redemption in a peaceful and pleasant manner.
The ones that need to be made to promote the learning of Pneemeuse HaTorah/Inner Dimensions of Torah, the Shevas Mitzvoes Bnay Noach/Seven Noahide Commandments, giving charity and doing acts of kindness as much as possible, movies about loving the Creator and His Creations, Thinking Positive and flicks which will promote the idea that violent thinking, speaking and actions will not improve the condition of human beings just the opposite-by why dwell on the negative-you know what I mean.
We should merit to see the ultimate revolution-the Universal Redemption broadcast simultaneously on every television broadcast around the world without concern what the Nielsen Ratings will be.
Mamaarim and Sichot of the 7 Lubovitcher Rebbes Teachings by Rabbi Chaim Vital Teachings by the Rambam Last but not least all Teachings of TorahStories by H.G. Wells/ 1984/The Glory of Their Times/ The Agony and the Exctasy/ Ball Four
Anyone capable of doing a favor for another soul not needing to get their act of favor or kindness published in the New York Times or Washington Post.