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Noahide Princess

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.. Which Flower are You?
You are an Iris:You are logical, analytical, dignified, and wise. You are studious by nature and may prefer books to people. You tend to be a serious person but are capable of making others laugh with your dry sense of humor. Friends always benefit from your advice.Symbolism: Over the centuries the iris has come to symbolize faith, wisdom, hope, and promise in love.
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My Blog

back from the Gold Coast

I'm back from sunny Gold Coast and was I impressed with the place, firstly it was extremely clean and neat compared to messy dirty Christchurch and secondly it was an extremely safe place to walk arou...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 13:07:00 GMT

To Boycot Israel or Not

I recieved this in my email inbox and thought I would share it.   Subject: Fw: SUBJECT: IF YOU'RE GOING TO BOYCOTT ISRAEL - DO IT PROPERLY FOLLOWING A DECISION BY THE NATIONAL UNION OF JOURNALI...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 20:53:00 GMT

Lost In Our Own Land

Tamaki Heritage VillagepresentsLost In Our Own LandA brilliant night of entertainment, education and food (Hangi). A Journey back to early 1800s where ancient Maori values clashed with Pioneering Sett...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 22:35:00 GMT

Separated for good

Well it's been about 5 months and I have been officially away from the ex husband now, I have set up a great little house with my girls and things are going great. I officially divorce April 2008.
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 18:31:00 GMT


  Well the husband and I have decided to separate. We have been going to marriage counselling and nothing changed. We are separating on good terms and I'll be moving out once I get my f...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:05:00 GMT