my wife and son, improvised comedy, penguins, sketch comedy, snap photography, silly stuff, nature herself
...well, me in the past and me and my family in the future?
eclectic mixture of most things from mid 1954 - not jazz, sorry, or dance music or that bloody music that comes out of mobile phones on public transport (it's utter shite)
The Blues Brothers and Zulu still stand up for me. I've seen Memento, er, twice. Ground Hog Day loads. Ground Hog Day loads. - i find it very difficult to say bad things about most films - the best way to see a film is to know nothing about it beforehand. Lessen the hype
(it's over there in the corner) i got to be on it much more - to pay for my family's leisure
i'm a slow slow reader and feel very under-read - i still love Enid Blyton's Far Away Tree