The ROLLING TUNES profile picture


Sheepcamp REC recording artist "The Rolling Tunes"

About Me

(Fairytale) Band BIO:ONCE UPON TYME, there was a super-group known as 'ALL AMeRiCaN BaNd' a.k.a. or was it 'The Navajo Taco Band', on their way to their reunion tour. Mmmm (thinking).In a bizarre twist-of-fate, the Lead singer committed suicide; the bands duel lead guitar players one over-dozed on drugs the other died in motorcycle accident. Their thunderin Drummer died of acute alcoholism, electrifying Bass Guitar player was killed in a Drive-by shooting, and glamorous back-up singers all died in a plane crash only survivors were founding members, KinselJ and DayeaA landed in Gallup Indian Med. Center(GIMC) ICU. On the night of their return to the stage, they stole away from GIMC in wheelchairs (now their only means of mobility).Once outside GIMC the two survivors flagged down a TAXI cab driver who with screeching tires came to a halt and swiftly sped away! Back on stage the two surviving members plugged in just in time to look back but WHO could be sitting behind the drums but the cap-driver Barbone! The band now only a trio sounded rough and still bandaged up after THEIR ORDEAL. Yet the crowd rose to their feet from the first guitar string to the last crashing cymbal.Later on the night, they did manage to creep back in the hospital thanks to a gorgeous longhaired native Nurse who works there still to this day- yes to this day! And they played happily ever-after;-) The forecast seems as if they would be stealing away from NURSING HOMES just to make their next show!! They imagine themselves one day to be opening for the ROLLING STONES and a dream of an audience filled with people with/without disabilities (wheelchairz) celebrating/Rockin’ to their music. THE END!BIO (the truth): A trio band with two wheelchair users who all met on the campus of UNM-Gallup branch campus. Playin original music written by Dayea message music often put to music about heros of 9/11, Prison time, Don’t’ drink and drive or dealing with suicidal tissues. Dayea spent time doing Prison Ministry with PRISON FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL. Speaking engagement to the youth of today, encouraging youth/people with disabilities NEVER GIVE_UP, having to deal with suicide himself he now writes short stories or lyrics to music. Having second chance-to-live again enjoying wheelchair sporting events while at it! ENJOY the experience! Do RIGHT, WRITE-RIDE! Band members are based around Gallup New Mex with practice pad in Coyote Canyon New Mex. First CD project home-based (hint) SHEEPCAMP RECS: "CROSS ON THE ROADSIDE" Next CD hopefullyin the future “CHARIOT STREET BLUES” long over due!DAYEA I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 S.O.T.Y. SAVE OUR TRIBAL YOUTH
Date: Jan 15, 2008 11:58 AM

My Interests


Member Since: 7/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: BadMobile Dayea -vocals, slide and lead guitarz; Kinsel J. -Bass guitar and vocals; M. Barbone, Percussions, Drums;3 Stooges- backup vocals (Me, Myself and I ) From HeaVen Above

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Add to My Profile | More Videos*Friendship Request? This is a band web page and believe I will have little kids in wheelchairs racing thru this space so anything not appropiate for little kids you mite as well 4 get it!!!! Don’t ask! dayeaGO NATIVE USA
.. Many young men and women enlisted after they saw 9/11 happening. THANK YOU so much!!!!!!! In our area Gallup NM it was said more Native Americans enlisted then any other ethnic group! BUT TO ALL WHO SERVE THNK YOU!
Influences: Dayea- SRV, DOORS, XIT-TomBEE, Bob MARley, BB KING, J.Beck, J.Page, Clapton, J.Cash, W.Jennings, Y.Malmsteen, V.Halen, R. Rhoads, BARREN CROSS, REZ BAND, Darrel Mansfield, Glen Kaiser, Muddy Waters, Junior Parker. P.Benatar(the Best femaleROCKER) too much2list!
Sounds Like: Dont know yet---- NO ONE has comments on it yet. But once someone said i sing(sound) like Jim Morrison of the DOORS, i know i took to his looks several tymes, maybe thats why it was ezy to say that;-) Yes the DOORS they played blues man!!!!!!!!! Other than that i think my guitar sounds a bit like Robyn Trower. I also been very impress with other N8tve musicans esp. my friend SKYLAR WOLF, I like to just shut up my guitar, close my eyes and listen. Plesae check out my friends some are classical, some heavy, some got the blues, some inspirational some just off the WALL! Aheehe-thnk U! Chek out the video and pics! Barren Cross - Cryin' Over You

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Record Label: SHeePCamP Records/REZ Rocket Studio
Type of Label: None

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Check out this video: Brothers In Arms

Check out this video: Brothers In Arms Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by The ROLLING TUNES on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:23:00 PST

Suicide Native youth

Where are ALL our musicians and their promoters? MANY NDN BANDS flirt with death as if its just a fantasy its in their lyrics (words) and in their signs in their clothing (skulls) and they thinks its ...
Posted by The ROLLING TUNES on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:23:00 PST

REZ Band Fair Warning!

...quote {width:350px; padding: 6px; border: solid 1px #456B8F; font: 10px helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff}.quote a {font: 13px arial, serif; color: #003399; ...
Posted by The ROLLING TUNES on Mon, 14 May 2007 10:06:00 PST