Hey You Get Off My Pavement!
Tickets available from Ticket Scotland and Monorail
Sunday, June 29, 2008
12.30pm – 10.30 pm
Camera ObscuraSchool of Language (featuring Field Music’s David Brewis)
Felix Kubin
Stevie Jackson (Belle & Sebastian) with band
Jacob Yates & the Pearly Gate Lock-Pickers
Gummy Stumps
the European Union
Sparkling Shadazz
The Week That Was (Featuring Peter Brewis of Field Music!)
the Pictish Trail (with band featuring James Yorkston & King Creosote)
John B McKenna
Kings Court, King St, Merchant City Glasgow
t. 0141 553 2400
all press enquiries to sally[at]everymatic.com t. 0141 204 3567
www.heyyougetoffmypavement.comAn all day, outdoors festival in the courtyard in front of venue/bar/record shop Mono in King Street, Glasgow Hey You...! aims to celebrate the culture and creativity of Glasgow and beyond, as well as providing a super-cheap great day out for music-lovers of all ages.*