Cry Parrot Promotions profile picture

Cry Parrot Promotions


About Me

"Cry Parrot" promotes independent music in Glasgow.
As non-profit gig promoters we exist solely to promote the music we love and want people to hear. We might only promote music we really like but we are always interested in hearing new music, so don't feel shy to introduce yourself!
If you are a local or touring act and are interested in us promoting you, please leave us a message here or at [email protected]. For further information on our promotional system, click HERE!
If you are an aspiring photographer and are interested in taking pictures at our gigs, please get in touch! Likewise, if you are interested in reviewing one of our gigs, please get in touch!
Cry Parrot now has it's own radio show, woop! Tune in every Tuesday 1-2pm on SUBCITY RADIO for special guests, good tunes and shite chat courtesy of it's embarrasing host - Fielding.
Who we'd like to meet:
Music enthusiasts, writers, touring agents, fellow diy promoters, record companies, non-evil media types, local artists, touring artists, nice people, sexy people, interesting people, YOUR BAND!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/23/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Cry Parrot 'crew':


We are also helped a lot by many of our friends. We love you all!
Sounds Like: So far...

Action Beat , Amongst the Arrows , Arca Felix , Boyfriend/Girlfriend , Bronto Skylift , Chin Up Chin Up , Cinemechanica , Copy Haho , Destructo Swarmbots , Ex Wives , Groaner , Household , Hyena , Iamchemist , Kid Apathy Speaketh Not But Hate , No Kilter , Lovvers , Rollor , Remember Remember , The Ex-Men , The Hungry I , Tiny Little Hearts , Vars of Litchi , Vehicle .
Record Label: Maybe... soon!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What "Cry Parrot" actually means...

For those who might have been wondering, we can't actually remember what "Cry Parrot" means...Leave your ideas and suggestions to what it might mean on this blog.Winner of the best suggestion wins a M...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 03:58:00 PST

House, Lovvers + TLH @ Captain's Rest

Our verdict: AWESOME!Mega thanks to the superb energetic performances by all the bands, Go-Ra-Ga for putting Lovvers up, Kid Apathy for their amazing DJ set, Duncan for doing sound and The Captain's R...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 07:51:00 PST


Thanks to everyone that turned out last night at The Admiral Bar. Hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks too to the bands for their great sets and being fantastic to work with.See you all on June the 29th, i...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

Band demos

Come this Friday, the Cry Parrot website will be getting a huge revamping. This will mean pages with features, news, reviews, more information on bands and upcoming live shows, and much more! Right, n...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:28:00 PST

Launch Night - Huge success!

What a night!Thankyou to everyone that turned up and checked it out. We were completely blown away by the amount that came (In the region of 100 people!). All on a monday night as well! We love you al...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:11:00 PST

Cry Parrot Promotional System

Heres some of the things you should know if you are a local or touring band playing one of our shows.1. We are NOT pay to play.2. We don't use contracts or anything like that. We believe in artistic f...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:06:00 PST

Calling all writey types!

Hello! As you maybe know, were going to be setting up a website/zine for Cry Parrot. One part of it is going to be a review page, so were looking for writers who might want to submit reviews of albums...
Posted by Cry Parrot Promotions on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 01:59:00 PST