Bronto Skylift profile picture

Bronto Skylift

"The last mass trials were a success"

About Me

in a nutshell....'Bronto Skylift pack catchy choruses and punk rock energy into 3 minute bursts of power pop'Live review from 26th Nov 2007 as printed in Qmunicate magazine:"Forging a style that harks back to 90's grunge, Bronto Skylift injected a completely different energy into an already busy Qudos.A two piece setup with a style rarely seen outwith The White Stripes and Sluts of Trust, just one guitar and drumkit definitely worked to their advantage. Their lack of bass (player) was made up for by their drummer who seemed to be a reincarnation of Animal from The Muppets, with a little less hair!" Ally Hunter & Lewis MacKenzieCLICK ON THE T-SHIRT TO ORDER BRONTO TEES AND CD'S!!!we have green and red medium + small and will soon have girls fitted greyt-shirts are £7 and e.p is £4

My Interests


Member Since: 2/21/2006
Band Website: This! but e-mail : [email protected]
Band Members:

Niall - vox and geetar

Iain - drums

Influences: Nutella, prescription drugs, Led Zepp, girls, boys, PJ Harvey, Nirvana,DEP...
Sounds Like: drums and guitar and voice
Click Here to get this from!below is a review by the guys at from our gig at barfly october 1st. thankyou mr bluesbunny :)Bronto Skylift were on next, and said they were going to play "3 songs really fast". The singer's statement seemed misleading until the duo launched into a rapid-fire torrent of thrash-punk. Whilst priding themselves on making a racket, it was nonetheless controlled. "Vitamin Girl" was a badgering, yet explosive song, possibly about plastic surgery. "Am Not Me" again allowed singer/guitarist Niall to further harass the Barfly PA with his heavily-distorted guitar drawl. While this band's success will never go far beyond cult, their live show can be regarded as a treat in itself.Masthead Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!
Record Label: watch this space closely
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

our sound

ha ha ha ha h a ha h a ha . ha.
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:43:00 PST


fuck off thankyou.
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:32:00 PST

just a thought

oh, it would be sooooooooo fucking nice if bands wrote and performed music that was flowing out of them naturally instead of writing utter wank to satisfy the pricks that think they make or break band...
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST


oh what a lovely design darwin would never agree it's not about how far you climb or how far were cast to the sea
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:46:00 PST

someone wrote this on our fridge...

Iggy Pop may have made Bowie suck cock but still made u guys fuckin rock!!!   which deserves a :) and a blog mention.done.
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

and another thing...

has it really been 14 years ago today that he did that? what a prick....   and another’s GLASGOW we live in not fucking GLASVEGAS.oh look, ive stuck two words together,im so clev...
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 08:16:00 PST

what is up with the universe?

it’s a question we should all be thinking about instead of watching fucking football or rugby or some other shit that is just a waste of life. i reckon our universe was crapped out of a black ho...
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:09:00 PST

if you go down to the woods....

today you may find these songs when Bronto (us) play a gig.all songs are subject to availibilty and we reserve the right to play them how we like 21st Century LowIsolation ChambernoodleincidentkidPart...
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:53:00 PST

tina turner’s face

all of our songs on our player were recorded in a flat in glasgow in scotland  by the Beard and Green Stitch animals were hurt during the recording but squirrels were brought in to be pok...
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:31:00 PST

Sasquatch Love

the calm before the storm for sure
Posted by Bronto Skylift on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:16:00 PST