"I am a child living in the body of Juri Gagarin. He is empty like a corpse. His eyes move slowly like radars. First comes the idea then the technology. Children are angels, sometimes they fall into nothingness. I am Juri's ventriloquist."
Felix Kubin, messenger of exploding lungs, lives and works against gravitation. At the age of 12 he started composing electronic 4-track music which has been put out many years later on various labels such as Dat Politics' SKIPP, A-Musik and Was Soll Das? Schallplatten . His activities comprise futurist pop, electroacoustic and chamber orchestra music, radio plays, performance projects, lectures, workshops and his own record label Gagarin Records . Since 1999 he played on plenty of festivals for electronic music including Sonar, Mutek, Ars Electronica, ISEA and Wien Modern. His artistic output has been published on vinyl, CD and film, in books and magazines (a complete list of his solo releases can be found here ). Other groups he was/is involved with include the contemporary ensemble Integrales , the noise project Klangkrieg , the communist singing group Liedertafel Margot Honecker and the tetchy teenage bands Die Egozentrischen 2 and x2.
"If there'd be one man to send to the aliens as an example of the mankind, that'd be Felix Kubin.“ (Aavikko)
General booking by Planet Rock: christoph(a)planetrock-booking.com
Booking in the UK by The Julie Tippex Agency: marie(a)julietippex.com
Jan 2008
Music for theatre and radio play Felix Kubin und das Mineralorchester
CD+LP / Dekorder 022
......als quäle sich die Abspielnadel durch die verklebten Rillen einer
Schallplatte, in die unsere Erinnerungen eingraviert sind - WDR 5
A Morricone from another star - DE:BUG
Kubins Stärke ist seine ungenierte "billige Künstlichkeit", der rauhe Charme seines popeligen Mondschein-Pop-Hausbrands. Kaufhauselektronik und Alleinunterhalteridiosynkrasien, die sich nicht an volkstümliche Zombiewünsche verschwenden - BAD ALCHEMY
Bien que composées à des époques différentes on y reconnait à chaque instant la marque de son auteur, son gout pour les petites mélodies sautillantes et les interludes fantaisistes et son habileté à mettre en relief quelques sonorités joliment désuètes - FRANCE MUSIQUE
HOND - House Of National Dog Mariola Brillowska and Felix Kubin
CD (LP soon) / A-Musik A33
++++ order here
...herzerweichende und -versteinernde Charles Burns-Chansons und elektroakustische Maschinencollagen - TERZ
Philosophic, abstruse, colourful, confusing, enlightening, irritating, funny, sexy, dark, over the top, analytic... - WESTZEIT
Chaos, absurdism and humor... - KINDAMUZIK
Detached from all objects Pia Burnette and Felix Kubin
CD+LP / Gagarin Records GR 2019
++++ order here
Electronic chanson or Strompoesie? (...) Felix Kubin knows exactly how to feature Pia Burnette's Social Beat and NY Poetry texts. - OX
As a matter of course, Kubin's multifaceted preferences amalgamate into his characteristic, menacing and playful para-pop universe, while Pia Burnette's singing takes a tough stance towards the weight of a collapsing world - DE:BUG
The Pataphysical Tape Club Split-LP of Felix Kubin and IFCO
Art magazine + LP / BIG MAG No. 2
++++ order here
Axolotl Lullabies Felix Kubin - remixes and comp. tracks 1999-2006
CD (LP in January) / Oral 20 ++++ order here
Handclaps, western guitars, Gameboys, rock songs, Russian robots, worker's marching songs, disco, melancholy and the evocation of a "funereal gondola paradise" - a dreamy piece that Kubin composed together with Asmus Tietchens. - SPEX
Spring 2008
Fernsehpropheten feat. films by Felix Kubin, M Brillowska, Martha Colburn, Grawboeckler a.o.
DVD / Raum fuer Projektion
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