M. D. Friedman is a poet, teacher, musician, photographer, digital artist and web master from Lafayette, Colorado where he resides with his wife, Mariamne Engle Friedman, and his son, Max. In the spring of 2006 he retired from teaching in the public education factories to pursue the creative arts. His fourth book of poetry, Where We Reach , was recently released and combines his poetry with his original photographs and his first atempt at digital art. M. D. didn't stop there. He likes to push the limit of what digital creation can do and combine it all into something new.
Well, what does it look to to combine poetry, music, digital art & photograhy with what the internet animation makes possible. Check out M. D.'s new "digital poem," The Word and join us in a new community of digital dissenters at www.digitaldada.org .
If like this kind of thing, you may want to go toM. D.'s Lulu Store Front to download it for your i-Pod or Windows-based video player .
Or you may just want to enjoy some of his somewhat experimantal recorded poetic performances below:
Against My Will
Time for Gertein Strude for Gertrude Stein
Slow Blues in A What?
Highway 93 as KFML Goes Off the Air 1975
The Super Bowl of the Muse
His art represents an evolution from capturing (through photography) the beautiful and peculiar in our world to expressing (through the digital manipulation) the beautiful and peculiar within oneself. The resulting works are sometimes startling, sometimes subtly intriguing, but all map the personal journey of the artist from photographer to poetographer, from collector to creator and from seeing to being. It is the artist's hope that the joy and self-discovery intrinsic to this work will be contagious to the viewer.
M. D. Friedman is the founder of the Internet Poets' Cooperative website ( www.poetscoop.org ) which features over 20 free volumes of e-books from poets around the world and over 300 free audio recordings of dozens of Colorado poets reading their own work at www.mp3poetry.com .
His newest web site, http://www.digitaldada.org , represents an effort to explore the transformational impact of digital creation on common culture.
His personal web site, http://www.mdfriedman.com offers access to all of M. D. Friedman's creative ventures.
Yes, M. D. Friedman is also the Colorado harmonica legend known as the Mad Dog ( www.maddogharp.com ). Mad Dog has been playing solo and in bands for over 35 years. Renown for his raucous leads, funky rhythms, and raw and soulful blues, Mad Dog continues to expand his stylistic repertoire with his new CD, Harmonica: So Low ( www.maddogharp.com ) and with his band Harmonica Loowinski ( www.wedontsuck.com ). Check out this band and all Mad Dog's friends at my My Space at http://www.myspace.com/harmonicaloowinski .
Also tons of tunes & a variety of videos are availble for your free downloading pleasure at Mad Dog's Media Page . (Including also the performance video of my latest release, Shining Through, a country blues love song featuring Jeff "Felonius" Smith on acoustic guitar).