While in the military I was injured, so I became a self-taught stock market trader. As an independent stock trader I only trade my money; as a free-lance writer I contribute to The History Channel Classroom (A&E Television Networks), historical societies, and various publications. I am also an editor for AOL and Netscape's Open Directory Project: North Carolina and the American Civil War.
I have had the honor of interviewing General Chuck Yeager, survivors of Pearl Harbor, a Doolittle Raider (one of the last survivors), a Texas Ranger (last survivor) involved in the Bonnie and Clyde showdown, and the descendants of Cherokee Chief William Holland Thomas. Contributions to The History Channel Classroom include: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, The Trail of Tears: A Forced March, The Cherokees of the American Civil War, The American Civil War: Guerrilla Warfare, American Civil War in Southern Appalachia, and Cherokee Chief William Holland Thomas and his Confederate Legion of Cherokee Indians and Highlanders.
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On a lighter side: Yes, I am a serious person, however, I also believe in having lots of fun. I am very spontaneous and don't like status quo; at the drop of a hat may be on a cruise, a jet or road trip, but am also very content relaxing at home. I love my family, traveling, cats, my fly ride, and sometimes slow chicks (all work and no play, well, you know the saying).
You scored as General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Perhaps the finest cavalry general of the war, you've been called a genius by historian Shelby Foote. A down and dirty fighter, you rarely lose and truthfully, well, you're more than a bit scary...
General Nathan Bedford Forrest
Robert E. Lee
General James Longstreet
General Phillip Sheridan
General Jeb Stuart
General George McClellan
William T. Sherman
Stonewall Jackson
U.S. Grant
General Ambrose Burnside
Which American Civil War General are you?
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