Want to Join the 21st?
If you have an interest in one of the most exciting times in American history and would like to relive battles and camp life, this is your chance. The 21st Georgia portrays one of the South's most famous units during our civil war as it takes part in reenactments and living history programs. We are also recruiting persons to reenact civilians such as medical persons, cooks, laundresses, clergy, and musicians.
How to Get Into Reenacting
Becoming involved in reenacting is as simple as starting a conversation with a reenactor! No previous experience or prior knowledge of the Civil War is necessary. After completing the .. application, you will be contacted by a member of the 21st to gather more information about your interests and to answer any questions you may have. At your first event, you will be instructed on the basics of reenacting. Soldiers will be demonstrated and take part in weapons and movement drill, civilians will be given opportunities to be involved in camp life, and musicians will learn the music and instruments as they are available. Unit dues are $25/person/year, which includes insurance. The dues also guarantee a subscription to the unit's monthly newsletter, the Goober Grabber. Payment of unit dues will be arranged after acceptance into the 21st Georgia. For The .. application, visit our web site.
.. Application
Medical Form
Questions about the process or requests more information can be directed to:
Recruitment Officer - Bevin Coggeshall
[email protected]
Captain - Jason Rose
[email protected]
21st Georgia Web Site
Contact Us!
On the 21st Georgia Web Site!
Our heroes are the common soldiers who fought and died for their homes, families, and beliefs. While the generals bask in the glory of a tactical victory, it is the common soldier who pays the ultimate cost. We hope to honor the common soldier, whether Confederate or Union, through our historicaly accurate interpretation of their lives and struggles.