coma-toes profile picture



About Me

Coma-toes is a small group of lovely people, that like to promote the enjoyment of nice things. We float around gathering pretty things and listening to interesting bands.
We write reviews, take some arty photos and then, every now and then, we are going to hold events so that all the lovely people can come and meet each other and look at pretty pictures and listen to scrummy sounds. This is an attempt to promote small (but not necessarily local) bands and artists and writers.
Our main priority (some may call it a challenge) is not to restrict ourselves to any particular genre, but to keep things nice and generic.

if you have any questions about artists, events or getting involved with reviews and/or photography feel free and happy to message of us will get back to you.

toes x

My Interests

pictures, stories, daffodils, cigarettes and smiles.

I'd like to meet:

ooh everybody who enjoys music, art, juggling and general well-mannered frivolity. apart from the people who work at the council. we're not a fan of them. only the people on the phones mind, haven't met the others.


indie, acoustic, punk, electronica, rock, folk, the music from the honda advert for deisel engienes


don't watch television, save the loft.


those charming people at innocent smoothies. what lovely little buttons.

My Blog

COMA-TOES presents - ECLECTRIC @ Norwich Arts Centre, 29th of SEPTEMBER

Ey!  We at Coma-toes cordially invite you all to the launch of  ECLECLTRIC, a night of well-mannered frivolity, bands, acoustic music, jugglers, poets and performers at the Norwich...
Posted by coma-toes on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:41:00 PST

TILTING SKY - LEE GORDON TRIO @ Norwich Arts Centre, 28th July

 'Lee Gordon Trio commence their final set with Lee's now signature vocal solo, sung with compelling strength which gives last night's thunderstorm a run for it's money, and hushes a restless cro...
Posted by coma-toes on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 08:57:00 PST

THE LOST LEVELS launch party @ Norwich Arts Centre, 4th July

'A gaggle of friends and well wishers converged (swooped in, hung around, freaked out) on The Norwich Arts Centre with only one Agenda - to raise their skinny arms up to salute the release of The Los...
Posted by coma-toes on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:26:00 PST

SARGASSO TRIO + Andrew Taylor + Ray Brower @ Norwich Arts Centre, 1st July

    It's hotter in Norwich than it is in Rio, everyone is outside and England have just lost to penalties. Again. Ray Brower were going to have a hard time; anyone would. However, they deliv...
Posted by coma-toes on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:43:00 PST